
Chapter 16

In a mansion in section 13 of the city.

Within a room, two people were present, both of them were naked.

A heavy-set man wearing a golden chain was standing behind a woman with creamy hair color and sapphire eyes, who was on her fours on the bed, showing her firm ass as she gritted her teeth.

"Ohh, what a delicious ass you have here, Henna," the man spoke as he licked his lips, looking at the rather alluring sight of the woman lying naked on her fours, waiting for him to ravage her.

"So, acting all high and mighty after becoming a CEO of a small company, you thought you would survive here without funds?"

He spat on his hands before lubricating his dick's head with his saliva and then woman's pinkish petals with it , then he used his fingers to massage her Labia , that were puffed.

"Just do it, you bastard!"

The woman gritted her teeth, haunted by the memory of how a single offense against a businessman had spiraled into the destruction of her family's business, leaving them bankrupt and pushing her father into a cardiac arrest. she was left with no choice but to beg this man for money, prioritizing her father's life over preserving her chastity.



"Is this how you talk to the man who is going to give you pleasure?"

The man slapped her ass as he smirked before hearing a remark that made his anger rise, "Of course, dumbass, with that miniature dick of yours."

"You bitch, you did it," the man snarled as he spread the woman's ass, ready to break her hymen instantly before he heard *BANG BANG*.

"What the fuck is happening out there?"

"S-sir, someone barged into the mansion and is killing all the people."

"Fucker, where are the Cultivators?"

"S-sir, you sent them to bring a client's woman as the client is a Cultivator himself."


The man hit a table beside him as he stormed outside with a gun, wearing his bathing robe. He glanced towards the woman.

"You wait, bitch. I will make you beg after dealing with that bastard."


The scene exploded with fury as the Man charged towards the mansion, the sun setting and painting the sky a fiery hue. The imposing gates stood as barriers against his torrent of rage.


The engine roared like thunder, the Bugatti carrying his anger, hurtling towards the unsuspecting gates.


Metal shrieked and twisted as the Bugatti plowed into the gates, shattering the serenity of the day. The Man ejected himself at the last moment, soaring through the air in a graceful arc.


In mid-air, he swiftly unleashed two shots, his karambit knives finding their marks. Two guards fell, surprise on their faces, guns clattering to the ground.


The Man's boots hit the ground, his movement fluid and relentless. He whirled, the glint of his blades reflecting the sunlight as he engaged the emerging guards. The dance of combat had begun.


Knives clashed, the air filled with the clash of metal. The Man's speed and precision were a sight to behold, the blades an extension of his being.


A swift elbow strike and one guard crumpled, clutching his nose. The Man shifted, spinning to face a new foe. They circled, a deadly ballet of skill and resolve.


Gunfire erupted, the echoes reverberating. The Man moved like a shadow, dodging bullets with dancer's grace.


His knives flashed, a whirlwind of lethal strikes. Each move was calculated, designed to disarm and disable.


The Man's footwork was impeccable, his body a conduit of focused aggression. His enemies were mere obstacles, their tactics predictable.


A guard, immobilized, fell to the ground, gasping for breath. The mansion's entryway lay open, a threshold to the unknown.

He had barely started. The mansion's depths beckoned, and the fury within the Man roared, undiminished by the light of day.

"You, how dare you barge into the mansion?"

A guard shouted, receiving a punch from his own boss.

"You don't know him; he is Avendial Croceus,"

The hefty man spoke, his body jiggling as he approached the man whose black eyes brimming with a murderous intent.

"S-sir, did I offend you in any way?"

Jacob flinched, sensing the hostility.

"No, it's just been a rather bad day for you,"

Avendial calmly stated, wiping the blood stains from his face, a devilish yet handsome air about him.

Avendial, blood-streaked and ruthless, possessed a devilish allure. Black eyes, a menacing glint; disheveled charm danced on his lips. A canvas of violence painted his handsome visage. Unsettling beauty, a predator veiled in human guise, stood before them all.


A small yet utterly chilling sound escaped the man, his hefty frame frozen in fear at the sight of Avendial's blood-smeared knife.

Each breath became a struggle, a desperate attempt at survival, As he held his neck that had red line.



His colossal form crumpled to the ground, helpless and paralyzed, unable to lift a finger in defense.

[Hey there, aren't you a kind soul]

The cat turned its gaze toward the man, seemingly urging him to take notice of his surroundings.

In the harsh daylight, a grim scene unfolded outside the mansion. Lifeless bodies, once guards, now lay twisted in unsettling positions, painting a horrifying picture. The sun's rays cast a harsh light, illuminating the tragedy that had befallen them.

Their faces bore frozen expressions of fear and pain, a haunting reminder of their last moments.

Nearby, a karambit knife stained with crimson served as a grim artifact of the tragedy. Each detail revealed a struggle they couldn't escape.

One guard's hand clutched his throat, a futile attempt to halt the inevitable.

Another's fingers reached out, forever yearning for something just out of reach.

Their uniforms, once a symbol of authority, now carried the grim evidence of their fate.

In the stillness of the day, an eerie silence hung in the air, serving as a chilling reminder of the darkness that had descended upon this place. This was a sight capable of sending shivers down the spines of anyone stumbling upon this haunting aftermath.

"It's quite chilling, isn't it? At least my anger has subsided,"

The man calmly remarked, unaffected by the gruesome scene around him. He had witnessed enough bloodshed to be desensitized.

"Are you Avendial Croceus?"

Amidst the chaos, a feminine voice with a soothing tone asked. The woman, with creamy hair and sapphire eyes, identified the man despite the bloodstains on his face. Even a child could recognize him as the wealthiest individual present.

The man narrowed his eyes, observing the woman in a bathrobe. A single glance was all it took for him to grasp the situation. Maintaining his composure, he gestured for her to leave, saying, "You are safe, just go away."

"Like hell I will! I've finally found you. You have no idea how many appointments I requested, but your damn secretary rejected them, claiming my small company couldn't handle the projects. You need to take responsibility for all this mess!" The woman passionately expressed her frustration.

'What is this woman going on about?' the man thought before something came into his mind before he slightly smiled and looked towards woman

"Ofcourse, I will take responsibility. How about you meet me after three days, and for your loss here."

He handed her a black card loaded with 5 million GC, surprising the woman with his generosity.

She had tried her luck, throwing a knife in the dark, unsure of how he would react. Seeing the bloodied scene, she knew that the man might either eliminate her as a witness or ignore her. If he chose to kill her, her suffering would end, but if he ignored her, she would have to knock on another's door, seeking money in exchange for something she couldn't redeem.

She had approached many people for support when her businesses were targeted, and Avendial Croceus was one of them. she already expected his refusal as why someone of his caliber would give her even a single glance. Now that she had this chance, she didn't hesitate, as she had nothing to lose.

"Do you come here on foot?" he inquired, directing his gaze at the woman.

"Of course not, I came here in my car,"

The woman replied, slightly flinching as she indicated towards a vehicle.

The man followed her gesture and was taken aback, thinking, 'Is that a pink Fiat?' He pushed aside the unsettling sight, focusing on the task at hand.

"Go put on some clothes and give me a lift to my place,"

He instructed, choosing to overlook the odd choice of transportation.


Two individuals occupied the peculiar car. The woman wore a knee-length dress, while the man's white shirt bore stains of blood, his loosened tie hinting at his muscular physique.

"[Human, What's with this woman]

The man didn't rush to respond; he took a moment to gather his thoughts before explaining to the curious cat,'She didn't even flinch at the sight of blood everywhere, nor did she hide from the person who caused those scenes. Instead, she approached it as an opportunity, displaying her do-or-die situation. This reaffirms what I said earlier about loyalty: help someone in distress, and they'll be eager to be of use. The more they are, the better,' he contemplated, gazing out the window and paying no attention to the cat.

Cat looked towards the woman focused in driving with slight glint in it's eyes.

[Human, You are Indeed a Kind Soul]