
Chapter 12

As the man made his way into the opulent Kairo's Auction House, the lingering whispers of awe followed him like a trail of stardust. He bore an air of authority that garnered respect from those around him, including the high-profile individuals who had chosen to wait outside.

Inside the grand atrium, the scene was nothing short of magnificent. The marble floors gleamed under the luminescence of the chandelier, casting a warm, golden glow upon the gathering. The walls, adorned with art and antiques, spoke of a rich history and promised tantalizing treasures to be revealed in the upcoming auction.

Escorted by the Auction House's owner, the man ascended to the highest balcony in the vast auction hall. This elevated position symbolized not only hierarchy but also the sheer strength and influence he held in the cultivation world. From here, he could overlook the entire auction hall, which was starting to buzz with people entering.

Seated on a finely designed sofa that exuded opulence, the man had his secretary, Anastasia, standing behind him, her professional demeanor unwavering.

'Where is the first heroine you mentioned?'

The man inquired, his gaze still fixed on the duo of Master and Disciple finding their seats in the front row, their influence still paling in comparison to his.

[Human, the Karmic Vessel is yet to be born; it doesn't exist at the moment,] the cat replied, nonchalantly licking its paws as if at play. However, keen observers might catch the sharp golden glint in its eyes before it responded to the man's next question, 'Does this mean she is in her mother's womb'. 

[No, Human. The mother of the Karmic Vessel is yet to bear her. After today's auction, she will be sold as a slave and purchased by that man over there,] 

The cat conveyed, pointing subtly towards a man sitting in the corner, beside a rather clingy woman, displaying the man's libidinous nature.

'Does this mean if she encounters another man, the heroine will not be born?' the man inquired, contemplating something known only to the Cat and him due to their shared origin.

[No, Human. The Karmic Vessel's fate is tied to that woman; it will be born regardless,] the Cat informed, a glint passing through its eyes, giving them an appearance akin to predators eyeing their prey.

The man remained silent, his gaze fixed on the auction stage, his face revealing no emotions, as was customary for him.


The auction commenced with a grand display of the highest quality and standards, presenting the very first item: the Heavenly Demon's Poison. 

Its rarity and potency were unparalleled, reflecting in its staggering starting bid of 1000 Golden Crowns, a testament to its extraordinary value within the Taraenian economy. 

{Author's Note: Refer to the auxiliary chapter for details on the Currency System}

The bidding for the Heavenly Demon's Poison escalated rapidly, with eager participants engaging in a fervent contest to claim the prized item.

"1500 Golden Crowns!"

"Participant number 46 bids 1500 GC!"

"2000 Golden Crowns!"

"Participant number 78 bids 2000 GC!"




"Participant number 36 bids 7000 GC!"

"7000 GC going once, going twice..."

Before the auctioneer could conclude, a commanding voice pierced through the hall, resonating with authority and wealth.

"10,000 Golden Crowns"

 It was unexpected for such a high-ranking individual to bid on an item of this scale, leaving the audience astounded. Their pride might have been formidable, but in the face of this wealthy and dominant figure, none dared to challenge.

"Participant number 4 bids 10,000 GC! "

" 10,000 GC going once, going twice..."

"... Sold!"

The decisive strike of the auctioneer's hammer echoed throughout the grand hall, marking the end of the bidding for the Heavenly Demon's Poison. 

The audience fell into a hushed silence, acknowledging the man before bid about the next item started.




"... Participant Number 4 bids 30,000 GC!"

"30,000 GC going once , going twice.... "

" Sold! "

With each successful purchase, Avendial corceus showcased his immense wealth and influence. The auction proceeded smoothly, the auctioneer deftly presenting a variety of rare and exotic items, each attracting its own set of bidders. The man seemed particularly interested in Elixirs, Poisonous Herbs and Pills .

However, as the auction progressed, the atmosphere shifted when it came time to present the last two items of the day. A buzz of anticipation hummed through the crowd, for these were no ordinary items. The auctioneer's voice resonated through the hall.

"Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, we have reached the pinnacle of our event. Behold, the penultimate lot - the Glaciel soulreaver!"

" This fine masterpiece is derived from runes of... "

The bidding war had begun, and the tension in the room escalated. The woman with the blue eyes clenched her fists, determination in her gaze. This was not just about a sword; it was about reclaiming a piece of her master's legacy.

The crowd hushed, surprised by the hefty opening bid. The auctioneer, slightly taken aback, quickly regained his composure and continued, "45000 Golden Crowns! An impressive start indeed. Do we have any higher bids for this remarkable piece?"

The hall remained silent for a moment until a voice from the above balcony seat spoke up, shattering the silence, "100,000 GC!"

The bidding war continued, reaching staggering amounts. The woman, torn between her principles and her master's legacy, struggled to maintain her composure. 

The man seemed relentless, his bids echoing his boundless wealth. The auctioneer watched in awe, realizing he was witnessing a bidding battle unlike any other.

"200,000 GC!" The woman, gathering her determination, made her bid.

"1 Million GC!" The man's voice thundered through the hall, causing a collective gasp. It was an astounding sum, even by the standards of this affluent gathering.

The woman clenched her hands as she knew she couldn't compete on that level. The man had won this round, and the sword she sought was slipping through her grasp. 

As the hammer came down, sealing the sale, she could only hope that fate would find another way for her to reclaim her master's legacy.

As the woman felt helpless and lost in her thoughts, the little girl beside her saw everything and understood too. Until now, Mortal's money was nothing but a trivial, materialistic thing in her eyes. 

But after witnessing her strong master lose against a puny Mortal, she decided, she would amass wealth as much as she could, and get back that sword from that man.


The hall fell into a hush as the auctioneer, a man of middle age, with greying hair and well-tailored clothing, took the center stage once more. He held a delicate, porcelain mask in his hands, adorned with elegant patterns, showcasing a theatrical expression of solemnity.

"Ladies and gentlemen," he began, his voice carrying the weight of the moment, "our final item of the auction tonight is a rare and extraordinary offering."

The anticipation in the hall thickened as the auctioneer gestured toward the entrance, where two guards escorted a figure, delicate and ethereal, her presence mesmerizing. 

She moved gracefully, a fox woman of stunning beauty, her nine tails swaying like a delicate dance in the wind.

Her fur was a luscious coat of red and white, vibrant and pristine, a testament to her purity and elegance. Yet, her eyes told a different story—a tale of captivity and humiliation, of being reduced to an object for sale.

Despite her beauty, those emerald green eyes held a hint of sadness and the remnants of lost hope. Delicate, pointed ears perked atop her head, framed by long, flowing hair the color of midnight, cascading like a waterfall down her back.


The man looked towards the woman, his gaze penetrating the depths of her sorrowful eyes, as if pondering something. Before he could contemplate further, he heard a voice from the golden-eyed cat.

[Human, are you also going to win her over with your tears?]

The man glanced at the cat, realizing that this feline seemed to aware of more than it should.Ignoring the cat he shifted his focus back to the woman, considering his options as he ventured deeper into his thought as he stood before said...