
Chapter 11

In the heart of the bustling city, framed by towering skyscrapers and bathed in the glow of streetlights, stood the grand edifice of Kairo's Auction House.

Its architectural splendor was a blend of neoclassical elegance and modern minimalism, a testimony to both tradition and contemporary taste.

Ivory-colored columns adorned the entrance, reaching skyward like sentinels guarding a treasure trove.

Outside the Kairo's Auction House, a cavalcade of opulence adorned the surroundings. Parked in precision were a fleet of luxurious cars, gleaming under the city lights like constellations of affluence.

Among them were sleek, jet-black limousines boasting tinted windows that concealed the secrets of their high-profile passengers, while vibrant sports cars from Lamborghini to Ferrari, with their sharp lines and roaring engines, added an element of thrill to the display.

The air was fragrant with the scent of expensive perfumes and the distant aroma of Cuisines from outside the venue , providing a stark contrast to the elegance and refinement inside the auction house.

High society elites, adorned in designer garments and sparkling jewelry, made their grand entrance, exuding an aura of prestige and power.

Amidst the buzz of the crowd outside Kairo's Auction House, where high society mingled with formidable cultivators and sect members.

A woman with ethereal blue hair and eyes reminiscent of a cloudless sky stood out. Her aura held a certain grace, a calm majesty that seemed to embrace the air around her, she possessed an undeniable beauty that left an indelible mark on those who beheld her.

Her features were delicate, like porcelain crafted by the hands of a master artisan. Her eyes, the same mesmerizing shade of blue as her hair, held a depth that hinted at vast wisdom and experiences acquired over countless years of cultivation.

Her skin was fair, adorned with a soft luminescence that seemed to capture and reflect the moonlight, adding to her otherworldly allure. A gentle smile graced her lips, offering a glimpse of kindness and compassion beneath her formidable exterior as she felt amused by a little girl's playfulness.

Beside her, Li Xiu Ying, at the tender age of eight, displayed an innocence that contrasted with the worldliness of her master. Her eyes mirrored her master's hue, a reflection of the guidance and influence she had received. Clad in a similar sect attire, she seemed a miniature version of the woman she addressed as Master

"Master, this place is really filled with numerous people," Li Xiu Ying remarked, her voice tinged with youthful curiosity. Despite her awareness of the facade these people presented, her wonder at the bustling crowd revealed the innocence of childhood that still danced within her heart.

Before the crowd can bustle into the Auction House, a sudden hush fell over the place, making even the faintest sounds echo conspicuously amid the usual car engines' clamor.

"Master, what's going on? Why has everyone gone so quiet?"

The girl was bewildered, observing the abrupt silence that had befallen the crowd. She turned to her master, seeking an explanation.

"Yinge'r, there's someone important who has arrived; that's why everyone is behaving this way,"

The woman elucidated, sharing her own curiosity about the individual who had garnered such attention. Having spent most of her life within the seclusion of her Ancient sect, the woman was unaccustomed to the ways of the mortal world. Yet, due to a very important reason ,she found herself present at the Auction that day.


In the bustling Crowd a Rolls-Royce Phantom stopped as it looked like if it is epitome of elegance and opulence.

The sleek, onyx-black exterior shimmered under the city lights, adorned with a constellation of handcrafted stars on the roof, resembling a midnight sky brought down to earth.

The grille, resembling a regal crown, exuded an aura of authority, commanding attention with every glimpse.

As the door opened, revealing the sumptuous interior, the scent of fine leather and polished wood greeted the senses. But these sensations paled in comparison to the man who emerged from the car, with eyes as black as obsidian and hair that seemed to devour light itself. As he stepped out, the entire place fell into pin-drop silence.

"Anastasia, lead the way," he commanded. His voice broke the spell and brought everyone back to the present. High-profile individuals emerged from their limousines and made their way toward the man. He showed no inclination to greet anyone, excusing himself with an air of indifference common among elites, owing to their perpetual state of busyness.

A man with a slightly womanly manner emerged from the crowd. Just moments ago, he was greeting high-class individuals, for he was the owner of Kairo Auction House and had to maintain a certain image. However, upon spotting Avendial Croceus, the wealthiest man, his focus shifted entirely.

"Oh my, how honored I am to receive you, sir," he exclaimed, attempting to capture the attention of the prominent figure.

However, it seemed that Avendial was preoccupied, absorbed in some information he had received.

[Human, there are two karmic vessels nearby. The first one is not yet born, and its fate is linked with a woman present in this place. The other is on your left, in the blue dress, with that woman],

A voice from a cat, seemingly invisible to others, informed the man. The cat glanced towards the woman, its Golden Pupil slightly glowing. The woman also looked into the cat's eyes as if she could see it. They both displayed profound Cultivation prowess, proving their awareness of each other, except the cat, who seemed amused.

The man shifted his gaze towards the woman standing with a little girl, puzzled. 'Is the little girl a heroine? What are they doing here?' he wondered, delving into his memories to recall the significance of the blue dress and its connection to an ancient sect.

[Human, They are here to purchase the sword of that woman's Master. It seems it was lost somewhere before appearing again in this auction],

The cunning feline conveyed its message. Swiftly pouncing from the man's shoulder with the poise of a predator, its lean body stretched, showing off toned muscles. It casually licked its paw, revealing a hidden strength beneath its exterior.

The man heard the voice but remained silent, his gaze fixed on the woman, lost in contemplation. Many around them observed this, dismissing it, assuming the man was captivated by the woman's beauty.

Even the little girl noticed this, feeling a growing resentment towards the man who seemed to gaze at her master in such a manner. However, when the girl glanced at her master and found her undisturbed, she chose to remain silent, trying to understand the situation better.

The woman couldn't help but reflect, 'So, it seems he is not just an epitome in wealth alone.' Her observant eyes noticed the spirit beast perched on the man's shoulders.

At first sight, she identified it as a Divine Feline Beast, a creature known for its strength.

In her sect, they also had a powerful spirit beast, a serpent owned by their sect master.

Drawing parallels, she deduced that even high-level spirit beasts had their pride and wouldn't choose someone weaker as their master,let alone that Feline sitting in that man's shoulders.

This realization added a new dimension to her perception of the man who seemed to mortal on outside but there is more to that.
