
Chapter 13

Meiyue, the fox woman, stood on the auction stage, acutely aware of the audience's hungry gazes fixated upon her.

She had faced challenging situations in her long life, but the humiliation in the eyes of these mortals was a new kind of torment.

In the crowd, she could see a sea of eyes, each reflecting a different aspect of desire. There were those with greedy, calculating eyes, devoid of any empathy. They saw her as an object to possess, a trophy to display.

Then there were the lecherous eyes, filled with lust and perverse intentions. These individuals looked at her with a predatory hunger, seeking to exploit her beauty for their own gratification.

It felt undeniably humiliating, but at least one person seemed to show no interest in her. Meiyue's keen eyes spotted a man with a gaze that held nothing, as if he didn't find her captivating at all.

It was the same man who had outbid everyone for the Glaciel Soulreaver. His indifference stood out, catching her attention, for it could mean he might not bid for her as well.

She etched each mortal's face in her memory. The day the seal was lifted from her body, these mortals would face the consequences of their actions. The anger within her simmered as she clenched her teeth, a vow of retribution silently made.

Her jaw clenched, a mix of frustration and resignation welling up within her. It wasn't merely the pain of her own situation that gnawed at her, but the bitter reality of a world that saw her as a commodity to be traded and sold to appease the base desires of insignificant mortals.

Once, She was a proud member of the Fox Clan, hailing from the Upper Realm. However, during a skirmish with a Wolf Clan adversary, her attempt to escape had hurled her into this unfamiliar realm.

The price of her desperate flight had been high; she had lost all her tails in the process, sealing her powers as a result. To preserve her dignity, she had conjured an illusion, giving the impression of her once majestic Nine Tails.


'What's her story?'

Inquired a man with a sharp countenance, his hair as dark as a moonless night, and eyes resembling polished obsidian. Beside him, a cat with a peculiar golden glint , licking its paws, looking harmless contrast to reality.

[Human, after she gives birth to a child, the seal resulting from using a forbidden escaping technique will transfer to her child. She will seek vengeance and cause a massive massacre before ascending to the upper realm with her child, who will later return here to find her father, only to meet the 'son of heaven',] the cat recounted.

"And fall in love. Same cliche plot," the man remarked, closing his eyes and folding his hands on his chest in contemplation.

His black eyes seemed to darken further, and a small smile graced his face.


The auctioneer stood at the center of the grand hall, his eyes gleaming with excitement as he prepared to introduce the next item.

"Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests," he announced, "we have arrived at a momentous lot. Feast your eyes upon the breathtaking beauty standing before you, a creature of wonder and grace."

The crowd leaned forward, their anticipation palpable. They craned their necks to catch a glimpse of what was to come.

"Allow me to present Meiyue, a fox woman of unparalleled beauty. She hails from the mysterious Upper Realm and is a living embodiment of ethereal elegance."

At the mention of Meiyue, the crowd erupted into whispers and gasps. Their eyes turned expectantly toward the auction stage, where the fox woman stood with a poise that belied her circumstances.

"Bidding will start at 10,000 Golden Crowns," the auctioneer declared, raising the starting price.

Immediately, eager participants raised their paddles, their eyes ablaze with a desire that wasn't for owning a mere artifact but possessing something much more forbidden.

"20,000 GC!" a voice called out.

"30,000 GC!" another participant declared, eyes filled with a disturbing hunger.

"50,000 GC!" a third bidder shouted, and the bids continued to climb, fueled by an unsettling fervor.

Meiyue, standing on the stage, felt a mixture of revulsion and helplessness as the numbers soared. The lecherous gazes and the sheer audacity of the bidders made her skin crawl. She longed to escape this torment, to be free from their objectifying stares.

The auctioneer, though accustomed to such proceedings, couldn't help but feel a pang of discomfort. He soldiered on, relaying the escalating bids with practiced professionalism, all the while hoping for a more respectful bid to surface.

"200,000 GC!" a man called out, his eyes filled with greed and desire.

"300,000 GC!" another bidder proclaimed, avarice and lust evident in his voice.

As the bidding war intensified, Meiyue's heart sank. She was reduced to a mere commodity, her value measured in Golden Crowns, her dignity and essence discarded in this grotesque display of wealth.

She felt the torment and humiliation pierce through her, the weight of her captivity bearing down on her like a cruel fate.

Her gaze turned steely, filled with the promise of retribution. She looked toward the crowd, her eyes locking with those of her captors. Every ounce of her being vowed ; a day would come when they would be met with slow and merciless death.

"If anyone of you utters a single word from that mouth of yours, be prepared to face the consequences that even your riches can't shield you from,"

A commanding voice resonated through the hall. A man, his demeanor emanating authority, man's tone was stern and unyielding, leaving no room for negotiation, As he stood at the balcony, addressing the crowd that had lost all humanity in the pursuit of possession.

"Um... s-sir, everyone has a r-right, as it is an auction..." stammered the owner of the auction house, attempting to maintain a semblance of politeness.


But before the owner could react, a powerful hand reached for him, seizing him by the neck with a crushing grip that choked the words out of him. The man's face contorted in pain and fear as he struggled to breathe, the realization sinking in that he was at the mercy of someone far stronger and more ruthless.

"I said don't utter a single word, didn't I?"

The man hissed, his face contorted with controlled 'anger', reminding the owner of his earlier warning.

He released his grip, letting the owner fall to the ground, gasping for breath.

"Haaah... haaah... I-i apologize," the owner managed to stammer, struggling to regain his composure.

"She will go with me. The bet is over. I hope none of you have any problem. Does it?" The man's voice echoed through the hall, heavy with a warning that made even the strongest among the high-class elite bow their heads in submission.

They understood the consequences of defiance, realizing that the consequences of harming this man were far more severe than any satisfaction they might gain from possessing the fox woman.

Amidst the buzz and tension of the auction, a young girl stood in the shadows, her vibrant blue hair cascading down like a waterfall of sapphires. Her eyes, a matching shade of blue, observed the proceedings with a mix of curiosity and determination.

She had initially harbored a strong disdain for the man who seemed to bidded against her master. But now, witnessing his intervention on her behalf as she also wanted to intervene in this uncomfortable bidding,if not for her master stopping her, a flicker of hope sparked within her. Memories of her master's desire for the Glaciel Soulreaver, the importance of the sword for her sect, and the immense price it held for her weighed heavily on her mind.

In that very moment, a cunning plan began to crystallize within the young girl's mind. She entertained the notion of approaching the enigmatic man and elucidating the profound significance of the Glaciel Soulreaver to her master. The prospect of securing the coveted sword without the need for the laborious accumulation of wealth ignited a spark of hope, akin to discovering a shortcut to their ambitions.

'Indeed, a clever plan, xinxin,' she mused, embracing the fond name her mother had often used to address her.


As the auction came to its resolute end with Avendial's ultimate bid, a pervasive silence engulfed the hall. The attendees hastily departed, seeking to align themselves with the enigmatic figure's favor, though his responses were scarce.

"Bring me to that Fox Woman," Avendial commanded, his voice carrying a tone of authority that left the auction house owner trembling in his presence. Even his secretary, Anastasia, felt a shift in the air—a return to the assertive influence he had wielded many years ago.

"S-sir, this way. Then I will excuse myself," the owner stammered, hurriedly showing Avendial to the room where only he, Anastasia, and Meiyue remained.

"Don't presume to act like a hero. I wo-"

"From now on, ensure she receives ample funds every month and relocate her to a reputable residence,"

Avendial interrupted, firm in his command as he looked towards his secretary.

He glanced at Meiyue, his eyes devoid of warmth or sentiment, before continuing, "Listen. Think whatever you want."

He left the room, his departure leaving Meiyue bewildered and confused. Anastasia assisted her, explaining that she would receive a monthly sum of 10,000 GC and a suite in a luxurious Seven Star hotel.

As she heard those words,she clenched her fists, determined to account for the torment she will going to endure at the hands of this man who had purchased her in the future, vowing to exact her revenge in the times to come.


As Avendial made his way towards his car, he was stopped by a little blue-haired girl who jumped in front of him and held out her palm, signaling him to halt. Intrigued, he waited for her to speak.

"Listen, you old uncle.....