
I became a Ghost

Edward Carter tragically dies in an accident but wakes as a bewildered ghost. He discovers a hidden ghost civilization guided by kind-hearted fellow ghosts. Here, Edward learns about his ghostly abilities and the structured hierarchy of their world. Navigating this unfamiliar realm, he evades Reapers while grappling with his sudden separation from his former life. Edward embarks on a journey of survival and discovery, uncovering secrets and facing dangers in this supernatural domain. As Edward explores the ghost civilization, he learns to harness his ghostly powers and strives to evade the Reapers who threaten him. Along the way, he finds there is a lot more to this world than what a normal human knows. He confronts his emotions and memories, longing to find peace and connection despite his ghostly existence. Can Edward be able to survive this ordeal? What about his loved ones? Can he be able to see them? Is there any secrets to unhide to this world?

Im_jealous · Urban
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12 Chs

Second Session

"Glad you guys came back safely."

William, who had been on edge the entire time, finally relaxed when he saw David and Edward.

From what he knew, encountering a reaper at a newborn's home, a hospital, or a funeral was highly likely.

"Hm, let's quickly start our daily training session."

David said as he headed into the mansion, dropping Edward off his back.

"My apologies for making you worry, Brother William."

Edward said, folding his hands in apology.

"No, it's alright. You guys came back safely, and that's what matters. Let's go; we usually start our training session around midnight. So you can start your second session today and this will be easier."

William replied modestly, and then began walking into the mansion.

"Oh, why is that? Is there something special about this time?"

Edward followed William, a bit excited. He had only one goal: to become as strong as possible.

"Huh?... Hm, there is a little benefit. The energy gathered at this time is smoother than at other times. The Yin energy that generates between 12 a.m. and 4 a.m. is of a higher grade. But if you ask me if there are any practical benefits, I don't think so."

William explained as they made their way to David's room, the largest chamber in the mansion.

"Oh, then why practice at this particular time? I mean the amount of energy that we can gather is same no matter what time it is."

Edward asked. He understood what William was saying but still wasn't convinced and thought there might be another reason.

"Indeed, there is one more reason, that is to stay away from trouble. Not only Yin energy, but all types of dark energies in the world are at their highest at this time. To avoid trouble outside, we use this time, which is also a good time to practice."

David responded this time, having been listening to William and Edward.

"Then... is there any other way to become stronger quickly apart from practicing the Apparition Path?"

Edward felt a bit defeated by David's answer, but he couldn't help asking. He truly believed there might be other ways to become stronger.

"Of course! I never said it's the only way to become stronger. But always remember this... the Apparition Pathway is the real path, and all others are just supplementary to this path."

David said as he lay down on his bed. He then closed his eyes and began practicing.

Edward waited for about a minute, hoping David would continue, but got no further response. He rolled his eyes and turned toward William, who was sitting beside a wall, ready to start his own practice.

"There is something that helps us grow quickly. We can get it by completing 'missions'... Just remember that obtaining this 'item' elsewhere is harder than escaping from reapers. And what exactly is this item?? You'll understand once our mission completes."

 William said with a mysterious smile at Edward before closing his eyes and starting his daily practice.

'So, it is the missions, huh?'

Edward muttered to himself, a gleam of determination flashing in his eyes.

He soon shook off those thoughts, knowing it was time to concentrate on his practice. As David said, he truly understood that the Apparition Path was the real path to becoming stronger.

Edward then sat near the wall opposite William's, forming a triangle with their seating positions. Of course, the odd one out was David, who was practicing his path while lying down compared to their meditating postures.

As soon as he closed his eyes, Edward perceived the Yin energy around him. This time, it was much faster than his initial try. Not bothering with it, he slowly interacted with the energy, which instantly rushed into his forehead.

Once the Yin energy entered his body, Edward felt a cooling sensation throughout his head, a pleasurable contrast to his first attempt.

'Indeed very smooth and gentle.'

Edward thought as the energy gathered in his head. Not long after, a grape-sized grey energy ball formed inside his forehead, and he soon felt that he was 'full.'

Making sure he couldn't take any more, Edward started rotating the energy throughout his 'ghost body.' The movement was still slow, like a snail, but this time, it was the fastest snail out there.

Around three or four hours into their practice session, the three of them slowly opened their eyes, having already refined and absorbed the Yin energy.

"Captain David, how long did it take you to reach Tier 2 Ghost Soldier?"

Edward asked. Since he and David had similar 'talent'. He figured he might take a similar amount of time to reach that level.

"It took Captain only four days to reach Tier 2, while I have slightly less 'talent,' so it took me five days."

William responded proudly before David could answer. He couldn't wait to see how long it would take Edward to reach Tier 2.

"Oh, really? That's faster than I thought. Also, William, I forgot to ask before... How long have you been dead? I know Captain has been dead for around five years, but I didn't know about you."

Edward asked, as he truly didn't know William's ghost age.

"Me? It's been around three months, I think."

William replied, thinking for a moment and murmuring to himself as though he was calculating before giving an answer.

"Hm? That means you were able to reach Tier 6 Ghost in just three months? It seems to be not that hard, then why is Captain still at Tier 12?"

Edward couldn't help but be stunned by this revelation. His initial estimation for William was that he had been a ghost for at least a year. But soon, he became perplexed, sensing something didn't add up.

According to the logic, William shouldn't be that fast, and David shouldn't be that slow, as they were simply six Tiers apart.

"Don't rack your non-existent brain. The amount of Yin energy required for each Tier almost doubles, but the amount of energy we gather stays the same. So, for each Tier, the time to reach it also doubles. It's indeed easier at the initial levels, but the higher one reaches, the harder it becomes to advance to the next Tier."

David explained, hearing Edward's doubts.

As Edward heard David's explanation, he did some approximate calculations and realized it was indeed as David explained. This made him frown with worry a bit, but he soon calmed himself, thinking about the missions and the possibility of other 'ways' to become stronger quickly.

"Don't think too much! Your special ability is already too overpowered. You should always remember that everything will not go as we wish, just like your untimely death. What I am trying to say is, just prepare yourself to face anything and at the same time have a clear mind to see things as they are."

David spoke a bit seriously, making William a bit stunned. According to him, David was not usually the 'serious' type unless he cared and thought highly of something.

Edward listened to David and made sure to keep his words in mind, understanding that David's advice was truly meant for him.

"Captain, what's the plan for today? Do we go in search of new ghosts as usual?"

William asked, trying to lighten the atmosphere that felt too serious for him.

"Hm... Even though we are the official team responsible, I think there are plenty of bounty-hunting ghost teams out there that can manage for a day."

David said casually. He was truly tired of doing the same mission for the past month.

"Then what do we do today?"

William asked, having experienced similar 'free days' previously.

"I would like to visit my family again... not up close, but from a distance."

Edward said, causing David and William to frown. Seeing their obvious dissatisfaction, he quickly changed his mind and altered his sentence.

"No... We will go and visit Manchester Village today. It's your first time visiting a ghost village; you'll enjoy it and get used to the civilization."

David denied Edward's request, unable to understand why Edward couldn't grasp the risk.


Edward tried to protest, but David cut him off.

"It's too dangerous, Edward. You'll understand why I'm restricting you later, but just listen to me this time. You can visit them again once you reach Tier 6, like William. It won't take more than two months for you."

With that, David stormed out of the room. He feared that if he stayed, Edward might be able to convince him to go, which was far too risky.

Risks are meant to be taken once in a while, not on a daily basis, or else they would soon become 'nothing' in this world.

Edward watched David storm out without much emotion in his eyes. As David said before, he knew it was indeed very dangerous, and listening to him would be much safer.

"Alright... isn't it just two months? I just have to think that I am out of the city for something."

Edward said to himself loudly, stunning William on the side.

'How can you just convince yourself so easily, brother? And your reasoning is even ridiculous—'out of town and you can bear it?' No... I must make sure not to think like this guy.'

William rolled his eyes and firmly decided not to entertain Edward's beliefs in the future.

"Let's go! It's been two months since I visited that place, hehe."

William said enthusiastically, grabbing Edward and dragging him along.