
I became a Ghost

Author: Im_jealous
Magical Realism
Ongoing · 2.4K Views
  • 12 Chs
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What is I became a Ghost

Read I became a Ghost novel written by the author Im_jealous on WebNovel, This serial novel genre is Magical Realism stories, covering action, adventure, weaktostrong, nonhuman, urban. ✓ Newest updated ✓ All rights reserved


Edward Carter tragically dies in an accident but wakes as a bewildered ghost. He discovers a hidden ghost civilization guided by kind-hearted fellow ghosts. Here, Edward learns about his ghostly abilities and the structured hierarchy of their world. Navigating this unfamiliar realm, he evades Reapers while grappling with his sudden separation from his former life. Edward embarks on a journey of survival and discovery, uncovering secrets and facing dangers in this supernatural domain. As Edward explores the ghost civilization, he learns to harness his ghostly powers and strives to evade the Reapers who threaten him. Along the way, he finds there is a lot more to this world than what a normal human knows. He confronts his emotions and memories, longing to find peace and connection despite his ghostly existence. Can Edward be able to survive this ordeal? What about his loved ones? Can he be able to see them? Is there any secrets to unhide to this world?

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