
imperial knights

Rose: F*CK!!!

<yea..yea good point...> you probably wondering what made Rose explode like that eh? well i will give you a hint! it's because of certain's green d*ck shaped creature's...that's right! you guest it! it's creepers!! those motherf*cke-


just as Rose said that million's of thunder attack's exited her body striking the creeper's. that is one of Rose original spell's that she created when i told her some Indian myth's

most of the creeper's died but 4 of them survived and you know the saying right? "what doesn't kill you make's you stronger" and yes it made the creeper's stronger! now they were "charged creeper's" which meant that we are f*cked

(A/N: for all the non-minecrafter's a charged creeper is created when a normal creeper is hit by a lightning making his kamikaze attack stronger)

'why do i feel like this is not a good thing?'

<cause it's not! run Rose run!>

'f*cking kamikaze motherf*cker's'

Rose: *shouting* i will get my revenge you pieces of ****!!!!

jesus they really pissed her off didnt they? well but let's be serious...everyone hate's creeper's they are the worst thing in the world. but enough about creeper's you probably all wondering what is happening right? well simple Rose went mining and discovered a mine shaft and in one room we encountered a lot of ..."them"...


'did we escape?

<i don't see them so i gue- >

*creeper casually falling from a hole above *

Me/ Rose: ...fuc-


oh thank god she reacted on time and used her shield to protect herself but she is in a critical state as she has only 1 and a half hear's

<Rose quick eat something to heal your'self - Rose?>

Rose: *left eye twitching* *shaking arm's uncontrollably* hah..hahah! HAHAHAHAH!!!!

<ok you start to scare me>


<oh crap...>

the whole cave started to shake and crack's started to show on the wall's not shortly after the mine shaft started to collapse. this is yet another of Rose original spell's that she come up with when she listened to some Greek legend's i told her

<Rose we better get the hell out of here right now!>

Rose started to run in the direction she came from and before she claimed the later that she came from she screamed


when she reach the top she started to walk in the direction of her home and when she was right in front of the door she collapsed and started to rest on the grass

'im so tired' *takes out a cooked pork chop and start's to munch on it*

<yea i get it...i hate them too. you have no idea how many time's those guy's blow up my house>

'is there a method on how to scare them off or something like that?'

<well they are afraid of cat's>

'...i'm a cat..."

<maybe it need's to be real cat...actually why are they afraid of cat's that's stupid>

'i dont know maybe because they eat them'

<wait what?>

'when i smelled them i kinda wanted to eat them'

<wtf why would you do tha-> oh sh*t i just discovered the answer to this question! this world is the minecraft world but it is non-cubic which mean's that the mob's arent cubic too so you can see some detail's on them and creeper's are made of a plant of some kind! and if they are afraid of cat's...the smell that Rose was near them...could it be? are creeper's made of...CATNIP!!! but why do they explode? does catnip explode? no it doesn't ! ehhh...what a strange creature's

'where can i find a cat?'

<forest or jungle>

'i live in a forest and i didn't see any cat here'

<well then jungle i guess>

'what do i need to tame them?'

<raw fish>

'so i need to go fishing?'


Rose got up and entered her house she walked to the chest and took out stick's out of it after that she created a fishing rood (she had the string when she killed some spider's in the cave) after that she created a boat and a bow plus some arrow's

she emptied her entire inventory leaving only the necessary thing's after that she left the house taking one of her dog's with her and told the other's to stay and stay and guard the house and cow's.

when Rose discovered that there are cow's here the first thing she did was try to milk them after she discovered that it is possible the made a fence and made a little cow farm but it was destroyed the other day as we discovered that zombie's eat animal's too. how did they go pass the fence? well it may be impossible to jump over a fence in the game but this was real life and it was really easy to do

after that incident she made the fence 3 meter's tall and surround it with some wooden spike's the only way to get to the cow's was a little entrance that was now guarded by two dog's

Rose: you ready to go to an adventure!

<im rea->

Dog: bark

<oh you were talking to the dog...>

---Tifa POV---

the city is in total chaos! for the majority it went just as planed but everything quickly got to sh*t after "they" show up

'f*ck f*ck why are the imperial Knight's here!' though Tifa. her whole body was covered in blood some of it in her's some of it not

'this doesnt make sense at all what are they doing here so far from the empire?'

the imperial knight's were a terrifying force an army of the most talented and cold blooded warrior's in the whole continent every knight wielding an legendary class weapon and the officer's sometimes even a phantasm class weapon

'we need to retreat we have no hope of winning this!' Tifa run in the direction of the "place" where they supposed to go if something goes wrong but as she was running away she sensed that she was fallowed by two man

not wanting to show them the evacuation area she stopped and said

Tifa: ara ara~ dont you know it's a bad thing to stalk a lady~?

Knight: so you saw us? you are talented i see

Tifa: may i know what you two lovely gentlemen want to do with me~?

Knight: where are the rest? you clearly are heading somewhere you planed this didnt you?

Tifa: fufufu~ now now i have no idea what are you talking about~

knight: i see...in that case excuse us we will need to force it out of you

Tifa: ah my~ what a brute~...well come then i will show you why they called my race "devil's" hundred year's ago!


yup i'm ending this here! also i never said this but if you like the novel could you give it a power stone? thank's in advance!

well have a good day

hello!! *echo* 'hello' 'hello'

blabladorcreators' thoughts