
an dog army

the sky was beautiful and clear the sun was coating everything in his warm and comfy light and the floating island's were as beautiful as ever now somewhere bellow the floating island's you could see a little neko loli that was forced by the laws of gravity to fall down meeting her doom.

hi it's me Arthur! and you probably wonder how we got here. well it all started 10minutes ago

---10 minute ago---

<you should not walk so near the edge of the island you may fall>

'dont worry Arthur i have a great sense of balance ! '


'why am i falling?'

< *sigh* you walked off the island >

'well i still got my glider!'

<well yea at least that...>


if we are going to fall will we reach the over world in minecraft or Rose home world? oh well i guess we will check when we are going to be near earth...actually how far is earth? On average it takes one second to fall 200 feet

That said it does take a bit of time to accelerate up to what's called the "terminal velocity" this is the fastest speed you'll fall at during your jump it's typically around 120mph you'll reach this speed a few seconds into your jump so for those few moments when you start falling you'll be falling a bit more slowly and therefore covering less distance we usually estimate around 10 seconds for the first 1,000 feet, then 5 seconds for each 1,000 feet after that

and we have been falling for a while now and dont see any sigh of earth...wait what if we will never reach the earth and just keep falling like this forever? no! there must be a bottom right?

just as i started to panic we suddenly saw a bunch of clouds under us and just a little further down a forest

<oh thank god there is actually a bottom!>

---random bird POV---

'got to hunt worm's got to feed children'

*Rose fly near the bird'

Rose: hi! *fly away* byeeee~!

' a flying humon?'

---normal POV---

<yup this is the over world of minecraft> how do i knew that? i dont know i just know! aslo the random farm animal's just casually walking in the forest give it away a little

'what do we do now?'

<build a house first the night here can be a bad thing>

'b-but how can i go home? the portal is all the way in heaven! a-and what if i can't find it anymore! and not see Tifa again!' *start's crying*


a portal frame made of gold let's you go to the home world

message send by god


<hey! dont cry! if we make a portal out of gold then you can return home!>


<yea of course! so how about we build a house and start mining tomorrow!>

*sniff* 'ok'

Rose started to chop down some three's and 2 hour's later she build a nice wooden cabin with a beautiful flower garden around it also since there was still some time before the sun goes down Rose decided to go hunting

in total she killed around 5 pig's 3 sheep's and 13 cow's

when we were done hunting we heard "death" (the katana) mumbling something about using a phantasm weapon to kill animal's and cursing under his breath



Random wolf: woff!

Rose walked in the direction the noise come from and we discovered that there is a around 9 wolf just chilling out here

<well they are just wolf's so let's move...Rose?>



Rose: i LOVE them!! can i keep them?


Rose: arthur i want to keep them! they are so CUTE!!

<i- what?>

Rose: *pick's a random wolf* LOVE ME!

Wolf: *confused bark*

Rose: can i make them mine?

<well you need to feed them bones but i guess normal meat work's too>

Rose didn't wait and immediately started feeding them the meat she got from the hunting. it didn't take much to become a dog only one meat slice and a collar just materialize on them. she successfully tamed the 9 wolf's and created her little army that she named "the bark squad" on thee way home they hunted some more cow's and to my displeasure horse's to gain leather and when the reached the house she immediately started to make leather armor for the wolf's (it's a mod called "dog armor") now that the dog's were fully equipped with an armor Rose entered the house (and also the dog's) and collapsed on the floor when she did that not slowly after the dog's jumped on her and started to lick her face while Rose started giggling.