
I am the support of the superhero

Since when did a swallow sneak into the Bat Cave in Gotham? Bound to a system with only support and healing skills, how can one survive in the perilous world of superheroes? Baia: Of course, you become the world's best healer! Then the style of the superheroes began to change—a certain well-known zero-dodge hero actually started investing in magic resistance? Baia: Go, Clark! Clark: Charge! Whenever Gotham looms in darkness, there are always petals falling around. The old Batman, who is forced to wear a girlish filter: Is it okay not to use the pink shield even if I get hurt? Iron Can: Ha, what's the use of this Bat-kid who can't shoulder or carry anything? My Peter doesn't even know how much taller he is than her! After being picked up by Baia. Iron Can: Delicious! What about baldness? System: That can't be treated. A certain Metropolis bald person: Really can't be treated? Baia: Really can't be treated.

zhang_lei · Fantasy
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94 Chs

Little Wolf Cub

Because that conversation didn't match any of the alien languages in the Lonely Fortress database, Tim sent a message to Superman separately.

He received a reply from Superman later that night, which was quite surprising considering Clark wasn't one to idle around. When the communication request came through, Tim was actually assisting Dick in tracking down Man-Bat's whereabouts.

"Good evening, Red Robin," Superman's gentle yet magnetic voice came through, "I listened to the audio clip you sent me. Who is that girl?"

"Family member," Tim replied succinctly. "Good evening. Any leads on that language?"

Superman rarely dodged attacks during battles, preferring to protect other members of the League. Sometimes Bruce would angrily question him about whether he could use his super brain to think more before acting.

People sometimes forgot about his super brain.

But the truth was, Superman was very sensitive to languages. His super brain allowed him to master hundreds of vastly different languages simultaneously.

"I don't know the specifics," Clark said, "but that language is highly advanced. It has at least— I mean, at least dozens of different tenses and conjugations, which is extremely rare. Why not ask the girl herself?"

Sometimes just by analyzing the grammar, one could infer characteristics of a civilization.

The style here was to not ask the person directly, typically they would go ask the Penguin People. Tim thought.

"Good suggestion. If you're interested, I—"

Red Robin perked up, hearing the sound of engines coming from the direction of the waterfall. He cut off the communication: "Thanks, Superman. Bruce is back, I need to talk to him. I'll send you the decoded information if you're interested."

He guessed Bruce wouldn't be too pleased if he found out Red Robin was investigating their little witch behind his back.

"Alright, Red Robin. Talk to you later," good-natured Clark just chuckled.

The Batmobile drove through the waterfall and stopped on the platform below the Batcave.

Alfred had also arrived at the Batcave by this time. He stood beside Tim, watching as the Batmobile's door opened slowly: "Master Bruce informed me that we will have another young guest tonight."

"What?" Tim turned around in shock. "I'm the one in charge of the Batcave, why wasn't I informed?"

"Well, perhaps Master Bruce hasn't figured out how to face you and Master Dick yet," Alfred said calmly.

Oh, so it's just cutthroat after-the-fact, typical Bruce style.

Tim immediately tapped on the keyboard of the Batcomputer, sending an urgent message to Dick, basically saying there was a big problem at home and he needed to come back quickly.

When they accepted Baia's entry into their ranks, everyone knew about her existence, and the girl didn't seem to pose any threat. But this kid, from the way he walked, observed the Batcave, and the expression on his face, it was clear that he had undergone extensive training. Damian's clothing style exposed his background, and the sword he carried was a trademark of the League of Assassins.

Tim couldn't help but feel a bit uneasy.

"What's going on?" Dick's voice crackled over the comm in his ear, sounding a bit out of breath, with the sound of chilling winds in the background.

"One or two sentences are not enough to explain," Tim replied, "Why aren't you back yet?"

"Maybe because I'm being dragged by an 8-foot-tall bat freak to 300 meters high in the air—long story short!"

Dick sounded a bit enraged, not because of Tim. He used a Batarang to cut open the sharp claws of Man-Bat that had caught him on the shoulder, blood beads scattered, and Man-Bat screeched and let him go. Nightwing miraculously twisted in midair before falling, grabbing onto one side of the monster's wing and using a high-difficulty move rarely used by Bruce to ride on the back of Man-Bat.

Man-Bat screeched, trying to shake him off. In the extremely unstable air currents, Dick was panting heavily, grabbing onto its sharp and hard mane, trying to change Man-Bat's flight direction while injecting a serum into its neck.

Two shadows spiraled and fell from the sky together.

With one hand, Dick grabbed Dr. Langstrom, who was rapidly reverting back to human, and changed his posture to try to slow down their fall. During the fall, he shot his grappling hook twice, breaking several layers of metal railings, and finally barely caught onto a terrace, but it was a bit late. It was enough for him, to prevent Dr. Langstrom from losing his life, he smashed down back first onto the canopy of the 13th floor of a residential building, his back feeling like his spine was cracking.

Why didn't he wear a cape again?

Dick flipped over and lay gasping for air on a balcony he didn't know whose it was.

"Bruce picked up another kid," Tim summarized briefly.

"My God. What is he thinking?" Dick felt like he was in a daze, not sure if it was because of the pain or because of Tim's news.

During the communication, Tim didn't avoid Bruce and Damian, and in just a few words, he succeeded in angering Alfred. The old butler's complexion was not good, and Tim was glad he didn't pay attention to how the new little wolf cub was provoking the old man who stood at the top of the Wayne Manor food chain.

Damian obviously heard Tim and Dick's conversation. He originally didn't care, but when Tim mentioned "Bruce picked up another kid," he snorted arrogantly and said, "Unlike you, my veins flow with my father's blood."

And he didn't miss the "picked up again" mentioned by Drake.

Tim was dumbfounded by this, taking several seconds to understand the meaning of this sentence.

He glanced inquiringly at Bruce, who nodded.

"What?" Dick on the other end of the earpiece also heard Damian's words, and was shocked, "What did he just say?"

It's hard to say whether Dick's desire to return to the Batcave has grown stronger or completely disappeared.

He raised a hand to cover his face, thinking he should immediately escape back to Blüdhaven.

"It's unimaginable that Bruce still has the nerve to keep telling me to be prepared—" Dick ranted frantically in Tim's earpiece, while Tim remained expressionless, thinking you really should be prepared for changing girlfriends.

Damian's hair color and facial features were very similar to a mini version of Bruce, while his skin color and those green eyes were inherited from Talia. He casually patrolled the Batcave, not considering himself a guest as the future heir.

Bruce didn't stop him, but instead communicated with Tim about some of the events of the past two days, especially the matter of the Zero Prisoner.

When Dick returned, Damian was standing in front of that set of Robin uniforms. When their eyes met, Dick realized that this kid was not as well-behaved as Baia.

"Nightwing, I've heard of you," Damian scrutinized him, "But I thought you had left here."

"The mansion still has my room," Dick wiped his hair with a wet towel and decided to be a friendly big brother, "Welcome, Damian. I hope you'll feel at home here."

Damian gave a soft snort.

"This uniform looks too girly," he looked at the Robin uniform in the display case.

"Uh, in my opinion, it's slightly better than an assassin's outfit," Dick replied.

Dick's uniform was torn, although it didn't look too serious, he was still injured.

At this moment, Baia was in the kitchen preparing a midnight snack for her big brother and Tim.

She didn't bother to tie up her hair, and wearing slippers, she carried a plate of blueberry cream scones to the Batcave.

As soon as the elevator door opened, she met another pair of green eyes.

A boy shorter than her, quite cute-looking but with a serious expression, looked like a miniaturized, recolored version of Batman. Baia smiled at him, didn't get a response, so she naturally stepped over his head to look into the Batcave. Bruce had returned at some point, Tim was engrossed with the Batcomputer, and Alfred was helping Dick clean his wounds.

"Father, your servant is very rude," she heard the boy in front of her say.

"Watch your words, Damian," Bruce wasn't as indulgent with his son as he was with Baia, "She is your sister."

Damian didn't like this title, he didn't have a sister.

"Baia, this is Damian," Dick intervened while catching his breath, "Damian, this is Baia."

"It's hard to imagine you would let an ordinary person live here," Damian said, sensing from Baia's demeanor that she might not have undergone any training and seemed harmless and naive.

Baia glanced at Damian, ignoring him, mainly concerned about Dick, "Dick, why didn't you call me when you got hurt?"

Tim chuckled, not expecting this reaction from her towards Damian. He had been worried that Baia would be bullied by Damian.

But Holly wasn't exactly easy to get along with either, and she didn't dare to show her temper in front of Baia.

"I was going to wait until tomorrow to talk about it," Dick blinked, he was already used to resting with wounds after night patrols, forgetting for a moment that there was a little doctor at home, "But since you're still awake, that's great."

Baia first accurately delivered the scones to Tim, then walked over and started singing the Angel's Song.

"So, there's a witch in the house," Damian said, staring unblinkingly at the glowing girl in the darkness.

"No one keeps witches in the house," Tim, with coffee in one hand and a scone in the other, finally confronted Damian, "She's your sister."

When Dick's wound was completely healed—just as it reached 97%, Dick wanted to slip away, but Baia, being a perfectionist, forced him to stay and let the healing reach 100%. Tim and Bruce also finished their reports, the latter looking at Baia with a hint of inquiry in his eyes.

Alfred took Damian to see his room, and the bats and birds also began to prepare to rest.

Although Damian was curious about Baia, he patiently refrained from initiating a conversation with her.

In the end, Baia still paid attention to the new kid in the house. As they parted ways in the corridor, she suddenly turned back to look at Damian.

Damian tensed up nervously.

"Did you hear that?" Baia said patiently, "I'm your sister."