
i am the god of systems

i am reincarnated in the world of naruto with a golden finger that creates a system for others, and i can get their rewards 10 times jiraya: "write a book that naruto son of fate likes and receive nine tail chakra" naruto:" steal the scroll of seals and receive Flying Thunder God Technique" sasuke: Itachi do you think you're good at genjutsu? this is my zampakuto kyoka suigetsu {ding!!! congratulations host jiraya completed the mission receive ten tail chakra} {ding!!! naruto completed the mission receive unlimited teleportation} (english is not my native language hehe...)

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17 Chs

Chapter 7: dimensional store part 2

[general techniques] you can buy all kinds of ninjutsu, taijutsu, genjutsu, medical nijutsu and kenjutsu.

[pills and elixirs] body strengthening pills with permanent or temporary effects, pills uses to heal wounds, chakra-enhancing elixirs, bloodline purification.

Sasuke, who was thinking about what to buy next, hears a familiar sound.

{ding!!! a secondary mission has been created}

"show me the details" sasuke said excitedly

{become a newbie buyer: spend 1000 DS Coints

Receive: a gift}

'it looks like this amount will take a while' thinks sasuke sadly

after a few minutes, sasuke decides what to buy. So he tells jack

"Boss, I want a lottery draw, and a basic physical strengthening pill"

the lottery and the pill cost a hundred each, so all of sasuke's money was spent

Jack goes to the lottery wheel behind him, he puts a ticket and the wheel starts to glow, after turning, it stops at body techniques

'it seems that this guy is not so lucky hehe' thinks jack looking at sasuke

then the roulette switches to various methods of body techniques, jack spins again and stops in shunpo

jack who got slapped in the face, starts cursing sasuke internally

sasuke saw jack's unhappy expression and asked in panic

"boss, isn't the reward good?" sasuke asks anxiously

"no, the reward is really good" jack says blankly as he sighs in his mind

'tsk, tsk as expected from one of the protagonists, luck is against the world'

'why do I have a familiar feeling?' think sasuke

Jack then goes to the counter and takes out a card, handing it to sasuke he says

"break it"

Sasuke without thinking too much breaks the card, so a lot of information related to techniques floods his mind. Shumpo is one of the Shinigami's four basic combat abilities, which incorporates speed and agility. Shunpo's skill level can be enhanced and improved through his concentration, training and mastery.

sasuke with a sparkle in his eyes, because he received a better technique than body flicker, asks jack

"How do I earn more DS Coints, other than through missions?"

"you can sell techniques from this world, but we buy them at half price"

sasuke then says goodbye to jack and walks to his house. Halfway through, he hears that familiar voice in his mind

{ding!!! a main quest has been created}

"system, show details please"

{no pain no gain: Have jonin physique to use shunpo technique

receive: 5000 DS Coints}

Looking at the mission, sasuke almost dances for joy, after all, he can earn another 5000 to trade in the shop. But he didn't know he was being monitored at the time.

A bit before

'Could I have made the wrong decision to exterminate the uchiha clan? He'll be all right. ? I don't want a possible future jonin of konoha to go astray, after all, he lost everything that was important in his life. He must be devastated.'

Sighing, the third hogake lights a cigar and takes the crystal ball. looking at sasuke dancing in the street, the cigar in his mouth falls to the floor. with a shocked face, sarutobi picks up the cigar that fell on the floor and says looking at the window.

"it's like sensei says. good uchiha is dead uchiha"

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Not knowing at all what happened, jack who was eating a ramen says

"show my profile"

Name: Jack

Faction: infinite corporation

total strength: tier 1

Techniques: Grandmaster level chakra control

items: 1 subordinate system, 1 lottery

'Well, I have Grandmaster level chakra control, I just need the chakra. Guess I have to start hurrying things up' sighing in his heart jack eats his ramen