
i am the god of systems

i am reincarnated in the world of naruto with a golden finger that creates a system for others, and i can get their rewards 10 times jiraya: "write a book that naruto son of fate likes and receive nine tail chakra" naruto:" steal the scroll of seals and receive Flying Thunder God Technique" sasuke: Itachi do you think you're good at genjutsu? this is my zampakuto kyoka suigetsu {ding!!! congratulations host jiraya completed the mission receive ten tail chakra} {ding!!! naruto completed the mission receive unlimited teleportation} (english is not my native language hehe...)

CWN1223 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 8: the next two targets

at the uchiha clan complex

'I wonder if I took it all' thinks sasuke looking at the huge pile of parchments in front of him.

'Well, it doesn't matter, hehe.... after I sell them all, how many trade points will I have?' Putting his thoughts aside, sasuke starts copying all the scrolls. And so the night passes quietly.

"I'm finally done, now I can finally sleep" said sasuke as he got up to go to sleep.

But as soon as he gets up, a ray of sunlight shines in his eyes. Sasuke looking outside sighs and then prepares to go to school.

Yawning, sasuke with dark circles enters the class, but he is approached by the two girls.

"Good morning Sasuke-kun"

"Good morning Sasuke-kun"

Said ino and sasuka, but as soon as they both look at the tired sasuke, they both get scared and run away.

'Looks like I didn't choose wrong, he's really a good worker. hehe" Jack thought as he was preparing the coffee.

So time passed until sasuke returned to the store, with a giant suitcase on his back and a smile on his face, sasuke greets jack

"good afternoon boss, I brought the scrolls hehe" said the cheerful sasuke

"hello little sasuke, let's see what you have there" said jack with a smile

so jack and sasuke take and organize the uchiha clan jutsus, after a while, they find that sasuke brought 46 fire and lightning style scrolls, and 12 sharingan scrolls

"So boss, how many DS Coints?" said sasuke excited

"calm down, let's see it on the naruto world techniques chart and then add it all up" jack said calming sasuke, after all, no matter how cold sasuke became after the death of his family, he is still a child.

Jack then goes to the wall and pulls out a drawing and shows it to sasuke

S rank: 1000 DSCoints

rank A: 500 DSCoints

rank B: 250 DSCoints

C rank: 175 DSCoints

D rank: 100 DSCoints

E rank: 50 DSCoints

"well you brought 4 rank A ninjutsus, 12 rank B ninjutsus, 10 rank C ninjutsus, 15 rank D ninjutsus, 15 rank E ninjutsus" After counting all the ninjutsus jack looks at sasuke and thinks

'the uchiha clan is very rich, as deserved from one of the greatest clans of the sengoku era. it seems that only tsunade can have so many ninjutsus in her hand, besides being pretty, she can be a great worker hehe'

'Well, there's also Orochimaru, after all he's a student of Sarutobi and a pervert for ninjutsu, just talk about immortality that I'm sure will work well for me'

{don't worry host, knowing your wishes, I have prepared a gift that will help you}

'a gift?' thinks jack intrigued

pushing his thoughts away jack looks at sasuke and says

"Sasuke the total amount gave 10,000 DS Coints. But as I said before I'll only pay half, so it gave 5 thousand DS Coints"

"5 thousand! boss do you recommend anything?" sasuke said to jack

jack after thinking what power suits sasuke, he says

"well you need to train your physique to use shunpo, so I recommend spending 1000 to buy the six naval techniques, and with the 4000 left you can buy the pika pika no mi" (fruit of kizaru)

Just imagining susanoo's defensive power, plus kizaru's speed gives goosebumps

'it will be funny to imagine when madara resurrects and hears: have you ever been kicked at the speed of light' thought jack with a smile

"Well boss, I want this then" said sasuke trusting jack

jack then takes a yellow fruit with a strange shape on the skin, and a card and says

"eat the fruit, and break the card, well you know. But the more you eat, the stronger your power, remember eat it all" said jack with a confident smile

sasuke then breaks the card, after digesting the content, he bites the fruit, wanting to vomit he continues eating. With tears in his eyes from the horrible taste he bites for the last time.

jack seeing this scene almost laughed out loud. After sasuke has recovered, he prepares to say the fruit's powers but a flash covers the entire store.

Apparently sasuke can't control his powers right and is elementalized, his whole body turned to light and only his head was left. Seeing this scene sasuke panics

Jack then recovers from the light and explains his powers to sasuke, so he is able to control his powers. Happy Sasuke notices that familiar sound

{Ding!!! the sub-mission is complete

receive: a gift}

{Do you want to open it now?}

"no, save it for later" sasuke said to the system.

So sasuke says goodbye to jack and goes back to his residence, after taking a shower he sits on his bed and opens the present.

{the gift has been opened:

receive: 1 system}

"Hey, what's this?"

{it's a system like yours, you can gift someone with it}

"So it's useless to me?"


sasuke: ''...''

{ding!!! a secondary mission has been created}

{no rivals you won't get far: give the system to a rival

receive: sharingan 1 tomoe}

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"haha... so that was the present system, very good, well since it's to speed things up let's think about the next victim hehe"