
i am the god of systems

i am reincarnated in the world of naruto with a golden finger that creates a system for others, and i can get their rewards 10 times jiraya: "write a book that naruto son of fate likes and receive nine tail chakra" naruto:" steal the scroll of seals and receive Flying Thunder God Technique" sasuke: Itachi do you think you're good at genjutsu? this is my zampakuto kyoka suigetsu {ding!!! congratulations host jiraya completed the mission receive ten tail chakra} {ding!!! naruto completed the mission receive unlimited teleportation} (english is not my native language hehe...)

CWN1223 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

chapter 6: dimensional store

"So system, tell me where that store is." said sasuke excitedly.

{the store is closed}

"What! and when does it open?"

{the store opens from 5pm to 6pm}

"Does the store owner work so little?" Said sasuke annoyed and a little shocked

{Who made you the only customer in the world}

sasuke: ???

'well there's no way it's already night, should i go eat?' sasuke said as he was leaving the hot spring

"hey boss give me one miso ramen" said sasuke entering the Ichiraku ramem as he was going to sit down

"here's your order" said ayame as she handed over the bowl.

Sasuke was getting ready to eat when he heard a voice behind him.

"hey Ayame, bring me the same as usual please" said Jack going to sit next to sasuke

'What a coincidence, looks like I met my employee of the month hehe' thought jack with a smile

sasuke looks to the side and sees a young and beautiful person with a noble appearance smiling at him

'why do I feel that this guy is thinking something bad about me?' he thinks confused

So another day goes by, sasuke went to school, and then learned some fire ninjutsu from the uchiha clan, with his chakra control and his talent inherited from indra, he learns very easily.

"Hey system, it's not long before the dimensional store opens, may I know where it is now?" asks sasuke excited

{Ding!!!! a secondary mission has been created}

'Does this mission have anything to do with the location of the store?' thinks sasuke intrigued

"system, show me the mission details"

{Find the dimensional shop: go to coordinates xxxxx}

then an arrow appears in front of sasuke, showing the path he should follow.

Sasuke arrives at the place, but he comes across a dead end.

"What, it can only be a joke! Broken system didn't you take me to the wrong place?" Said sasuke completely annoyed

But there was no response from the system, sasuke who was starting to doubt life, hear a sound of the system

{ding! the second part of the secondary quest has been created}

'I knew the system wouldn't let me down' sasuke thought relieved

"I'm finally going to see this mystery shop hehe..... Hey system show me the mission details"

{Find the Dimensional Shop part 2: you've arrived at the place, now find out how to enter!

receive: 100 DS Coints}

sasuke incredulous and completely annoyed, to vent, he punches the wall but his fist instead of hitting it went through, as if it was hitting the air. shocked, he loses his balance and falls flat on his face.

Standing up and covering his forehead in pain, he sees a hallway with some swords on the left, in the middle a shelf with some strange potions and on his right some strange fruits.

confused he hears a sound that made him understand right away

{ding!!! the sub-mission is complete

receive: 100 DS Coints}

Realizing he got where he wanted to be, he kept walking and looking at the products on display.

going at the end of the hall he comes across a familiar person, yes, the same one who ate with him the other day, behind him there was a big roulette wheel

it had the words [akuma no mi] [zampakuto] [blood limits] [potions] [pokemon] [jutsus] [body techniques]

"you....you are that person" exclaims the surprised sasuke, while pointing to the person in front of him

"welcome to the dimensional store sasuke! i am the one sent to this world, you can call me jack" said jack with a smile

'impossible! I can't feel chakra in his body, he looks like an ordinary person' thought sasuke surprised

"system show his level" he said silently in his heart

Name: Jack

Faction: infinite corporation

total power:???

"system what does that mean?" exclaims sasuke surprised, after all, this never appeared, during school he can see Elite Chunin level. And he even saw the profile of the third hokage where he had kage level strength

{The person you tried to measure has a strength that exceeds the level of the world, so it cannot be measured}

"What! you mean he's stronger than the legendary sage of the six paths?" asks sasuke fearfully

{Exactly host}

Jack who can see sasuke's system was chuckling inwardly, seeing sasuke paralyzed in front of him he thought

'looks like I have to take the initiative to talk to him. Did I leave a psychological trauma on him?'

"cough, cough..... well did you come to buy something?" coughing to break the awkward mood, jack said.

"ah...ah, yes I came, what do you sell?" scared sasuke asks

"I'm glad you asked! I sell anything you want..." So Jack's personality has completely changed, he seems like a top salesman.

So a few minutes passed and sasuke understood the basics of the store. the Store is divided into four parts, which are: [lottery] [bloodlines] [general techniques] and [pills and elixirs]

The [lottery] is self explanatory, a lottery where you pay 100 DSCoints and anything can come, but the chance of something good coming is not high

[bloodlines] is where you can buy bloodlines not limited to the world of naruto, but the price is more expensive. the price of naruto world bloodlines range from 1000 to 100,000 DS Coints. But Bloodlines from other worlds are three times more expensive than buying in your original world.