
I Am Baki

I am Baki. Even the universes will come to know the power of my fist. Multiversal Fanfic. Selected Worlds: Baki, DBZ, MCU, To-Love Ru, Jujutsu Kaisen, Dandandan, Frieren: Beyond Journey's End. Additional Worlds may get added in future. Cover art is not mine. If you want it taken down, just send me a message!

Aht · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter 48: The Previous Champion

This chapter marks the end of a segment in a way, there will be some fights incoming. Not the end of a volume, but you get the point.

Sorry if you guys had had to power through the previous few chapters. It's a lot of stories mixing into each other, so I'm taking the time to set them up. With this, To-Love Ru, DBZ, MCU, Jujutsu Kaisen, and Dandadan have now started in some way or another. Dandadan being more subtle.

The only one yet to start is Frieren.

The following will also go into effect. Fanfic posting schedule going forward:

I Am Baki:


A Gamer Into Trails:


Saturday: Free post/rest day.

As always please drop some power stones if you enjoy the story!


At the same time.

Tokyo Dome.

The Kourakuen.

Of the ongoing people visiting different venues, two particular figures could be seen entering the premises. One man, and one woman, both sporting professional black suits. If one had a close look at the man, he could have something wrapped tightly in cloth over his back.

Compared to two people standing, the massive dome in front of them was quite the contrast.

"Man, I really hope I didn't have to return to this place. Curse your ending curiosity.", The man said, ignoring how big the dome was before them. As to the woman beside him, however, she was feeling something different. A hint of excitement appeared in her eyes.

"So you really did come here before, Clint. Now I'm even more curious as to what you did here.", The woman replied with a playful smile, full of interest in her eyes.

"Please, just don't. Okay, Nat?.", Clint said, immediately shaking his head to deter the woman. These two figures were the Shield agent duo who could be seen coming out of Haneda Airport several hours before. They went by the codenames Hawkeye and Black Widow. Real names, Clint Barton, and Natasha Romanoff respectively.

They hadn't much luck in these few hours of touring the capital city of Japan, and before the two realized it, Clint found himself standing in front of Tokyo Dome. It appeared he had some relation to this place in the past, but as to what, or how much, Natasha didn't know. Unbeknownst to Natasha, Clint here had actually partaken in a few fights here in the Underground Arena prior to Baki returning to Japan.

It didn't take long for the two of them to hear a voice coming from further inside. A small-statured old man who was accompanied by two large, bulky figures sporting similar black suits to Clint and Natasha arrived.

"Do my eyes dare deceive me? You fell off the face of the earth, but here you are, standing in front of this place yet again.", The small-statured old man said. His lips curved outward, revealing a large grin from ear to ear.

"Shit happens. Life moves on. Didn't think I'd find myself coming back here. It's nice to see you again, Jiji.", Clint said, welcoming him.

"Jiji?", Natasha asked, tilting her head at Clint, appearing confused.

"An informal way of addressing someone like him who is old.", Clint answered.

"Heeheehee, I might be an old geezer, but my eyes are still working. It really is the previous champion in the flesh! I see you brought a friend with you?", The old man said, and approached Natasha. His body leaned forward a bit, as if he was trying to get a good look at her.

"Friend? We're work acquaintances. Who is this guy, Clint?", Natasha asked, wondering who the old man in front of her was. He was dressed in a full yukata, and stood out from other people who were dressed in modern-day clothing.

"Oh sure. That time we spent back in Budapest means nothing to you then.", Clint retorted Natasha, before proceeding to answer her. "Jokes aside, you shouldn't be rude in front of this man, Nat. Jiji helped build this entire facility back in this construction process over a decade ago.", Clint began to explain who this person was to Natasha.

"This man is one of the founders of the Tokyo Dome, who created the Holy Grounds for martial artists. I don't see myself grouped with those guys, but for some reason, others do. Nat, this is Mitsunari Tokugawa-sama.", Clint said, introducing the old man to Natasha.

Natasha just observed the old man before her, who sported a wide smile over his lips as she watched him.

'Samurai?', Natasha immediately thought of the first thing that came to her mind the moment she heard the old man's name.

As Natasha thought this, Tokugawa turned toward Clint again before speaking to him. He let out another laugh as he did.

"Heehee, don't sell yourself short. You were once champion in my arena. Many called you Ronin, did they not?", Tokugawa replied with a playful grin.

"Ugh, I never accepted that name. Besides, samurai attack with swords, don't they? You don't allow weapons in your arena. It's weird they started Ronin.", Clint responded, scratching his head.

"It has a nice ring to it, no? A foreigner without a sword, who serves no one but himself. Sure, Samurai were one with their swords in the feudal era, but this can be taken figuratively. Don't tell me you do actually use a sword?", Tokugawa asked, tilting his body to the side. It was the first time he had seen such a large piece of tightly wrapped cloth over Clint's back.

"Not exactly. Stuff's changed, Jiji. Take out your badge, Nat.", Clint suddenly said, looking at Nat as he proceeded to take out his Shield badge. Seeing Clint do this with a serious look in his eyes, Natasha did the same, bringing her Shield badge out.

"We won't be needing these where we are going.", Clint simply said, tossing the badge toward the old man's direction. Seeing Clint toss the badge that represented his identity as a Shield agent without a care, Natsaha could only blink her eyes as she watched Clint suddenly toss it aside.

"You've got to be crazy, Clint.", Natasha cursed, hesitant to do the same thing. She even saw Clint do that without a slightest hint of hesitation.

Clint then walked right up to Natasha, placing his hands on his shoulders. It was rare to see such a serious look in his eyes. He would only show them during life-threatening situations while the two were on missions.

"Listen Nat. People may care about who you are once you step past those doors, but identity doesn't mean shit. They watch good fights, and as fighters, it's just life or death in those walls.", Clint explained.

"Uh-uh...", Natasha responded. It was rare for Natasha to see Clint get so worked up over something she hadn't bore witness to yet.

Clint only reacted like that for a brief moment before he let go of his hands, turning toward Tokugawa again.

"And it's all fun and games for you, ain't it, Jiji? You want that excitement of life and death battles shown to a crowd. It doesn't matter who you bring in.", Clint continued to say, causing Tokugawa to grin widely again.

"You know me so well, Ronin-sama. Fighters do receive plenty of benefits though. The crowd enjoys the bloodlust shown in those fights. It riles them up to help cure those dull days work brings them. It was definitely a surprise to see you here again, champion~", Tokugawa said, letting out a hum. He almost received an urge to jump into Clint's arms, but he wasn't the type to do that, unlike Doppo was.

"See?", Clint said, turning his head toward Natasha again.

"Fine. But if things go south, this one's on you.", Natasha couldn't help but sigh, tossing her badge toward Tokugawa. His interest grew once his eyes landed on the badges' details.

"The Supreme Headquarters, International Espionage and Law-Enforcement Division?", Tokugawa uttered, drawing confusion in his eyes. "What a mouthful.", Tokugawa continued to say, drawing a frown this time.

Natasha glared at Clint seeing Tokugawa frown.

"Even this old man thinks it's a long name, Clint. It's about time we abbreviate it.", Natasha retorted.

"Fine. We'll do something about it. Still needs approval from Director Fury though.", Clint uttered, not being loud about Fury's name.

"You a cop now or something, Ronin-sama?", Tokugawa asked, still unsure about the name of the badge he was looking at.

"Something like that. It's a big world out there, Jiji.", Clint answered, remaining vague on the topic. Shield's name was still hidden in secrecy, but most governments knew of its existence, courtesy of another agency that was set on trying to dominate the world, Hydra. Shield's existence did have some in plain sight bases, but they were normal from the outside. Shield's identity wouldn't spread to the public until they arrive to clean up matters of the war on New York City in the coming four years.

"I see. You came back to this place with a reason in mind, regardless, right, Ronin-sama? We were about to start another exhibition match to excite people for the incoming tournament this weekend. I could even sub you in if you want.", Tokugawa said, giving an invitation to Clint.

"An exhibition match? You're actually hosting a tournament?", Clint replied, raising his eyebrows.

"Heehee, caught your interest now, have I? I've found a new prospect to become my next champion. He's set to debut in the arena this sunday. What better way to introduce a new fighter than to have him participate in a tournament to let him climb his way to the top?", Tokugawa said, answering Clint with a playful grin again.

"A new prospect gauzy enough to claim the title I once held?", Clint mused to himself, wondering who it was. As the two began to converse, Tokuwaga turned around, and headed inside the giant dome along with his bodyguards. Clint and Natasha also followed and continued to converse.

"You deny your fame, but I see that look when I see it. Would make for an interesting fight, right? The previous champion losing his title to the next champion!", Tokugawa responded.

"I haven't seen Clint lose in a fight before. He excels in a certain type of combat, but then again, I don't see you fight often in close quarters either. Are you saying there are people out there who can beat people like him?", Natasha asked the old man.

"Oh most definitely. No matter the style of martial arts, or if one who lives off the street, or even rots a way in a prison somewhere, we welcome all fighters. Some don't even use techniques to fight. They just beat others through sheer strength. No matter the method though, it riles up the crowd.", Tokugawa continued to answer, saying that with a grin.

"So who is the newbie then?", Clint mused, which poor sap Tokugawa drew in.

"A highschool brat. He just returned to Japan after living in Brazil for a while. Enrolled in a nearby school not too long ago. Resides in Suidobashi District. Baki Hanma. Familiar?", Tokugawa asked, only to arrive at the end of a hallway after going through one set of elevators. This elevator was embedded with a fancy design, and was pure golden. It had flower-like designs on each side. They almost appeared as if they were lotus flowers.

Both Clint and Natasha suddenly stopped walking after hearing the name, Baki Hanma.

"Can't say that I am, unfortunately.", Clint said, shaking his head.

'Wasn't that the guy who was on the file?', Natasha mused to herself, staying quiet on the matter.

"You may not know Baki-kun yet, Ronin-sama, but he's going to rise up for sure. He even has a special body. That boy grows stronger day by day, regardless of what he does.", Tokugawa said, keeping a playful grin on his face. He then turned around, and stood in front of the large golden elevator, proceeding to look back at Clint and Natasha.

"That's in the realm of cheating now, ain't it? There's nobody out there like that, Jiji.", Clint retorted after hearing that.

"It'll be up to you to decide that then, Ronin-sama. So, are you interested in subbing in for the tournament we're hosting this weekend? You can stay for the match we're holding today too.", Tokugawa asked Clint.

"Sure, why not? I feel that I haven't stretched my muscles in a good while anyways. I might be rusty.", Clint said, nodding his head. Hearing Clint agree with the old man, Natasha whispered into his ear.

'Hey, what about the mission the Director gave us? Isn't it too much to partake whatever this is beyond here?', Natasha whispered into Clint's ear. Clint just smiled hearing that.

'It's a holy ground for a reason, Nat. Once you step inside that place, it's hard to not go back to it. Besides, seeing the name appear from that file, he will wander here on his own. We can check it in more detail to see if he has any connection to that UAP.', Clint answered Natasha's doubt. She just nodded her head.

"Excellent. I'm sure that beyond these doors, it will be a familiar sight to you, Ronin-sama.", Tokugawa said. He turned around again, and as if on command, the elevator opened. His two bodyguards remained at the side, but Tokugawa entered it. Seeing him walk inside, Clint and Natasha silently followed.

For Clint, it would be a world he would resume into, but for Natasha, a brand new world will open up for her. One that would bring both excitement and bloodshed, very similar to what she had experienced inside the Red Room she was once a part of. But now, it would be for enjoyment.

Clint couldn't help but crack a smile, thinking of what type of person he was now bound to fight in the coming few days, Baki Hanma.


Hawkeye vs Baki anyone?


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