
I Am Baki

I am Baki. Even the universes will come to know the power of my fist. Multiversal Fanfic. Selected Worlds: Baki, DBZ, MCU, To-Love Ru, Jujutsu Kaisen, Dandandan, Frieren: Beyond Journey's End. Additional Worlds may get added in future. Cover art is not mine. If you want it taken down, just send me a message!

Aht · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter 29: Jogging with Lala

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April 3, 2008.

6:50AM. Baki's House.

Two figures slowly emerged from Baki's House, eventually arriving on the front porch. Lala came out wearing a pink tank top, with a few droplets of sweat now covering her body. It wasn't enough to where her clothes would get damp from it. She did just enough stretching to warm up. Baki could be seen wearing a gray jogging hoodie and loose pants, standing next to her. Some weighted bracelets could be seen hidden on his wrists and ankles.

"That Momo seems like a really nice girl if you ask me.", Lala said, stretching her arms a bit as we reached outside. Most of the street was now bare, our other neighbors have either left for their jobs or went on to Sainan High already.

I only recall Gojo-sensei and Rito as my nearby neighbors, but I do wonder who the rest are on the current block I reside on. Momo's house likely lived off a distance to the left, but it was too far out of sight. She stayed at an entire priest shrine, definitely a far distance from here. Something to note on that part, my current house was one that God ported over from my previous life, it wasn't Baki's original house that wasn't vandalized. Many delinquents hated Baki and vandalized his house with offensive images and such, but that wasn't present in the house that I had. It was clean and a functional house, making it appear just as normal as the other houses on the street.

Hearing Lala say that, I shifted my eyes her way.

"You think so? She did take time and effort to apologize to me, even going as far as bringing those cakes over last night. They were pretty good, right? Hard to believe she did that, she looks like your typical delinquent girl to me.", I mused to myself.

"Yep! That chocolate cake was especially fluffy and moist. It tasted really good!", Lala happily responded as she placed her hand over her cheek recalling how delicious the cake from last night was.

Again with the phrasing...

Hearing Lala reply I like that, I gave her a deadpan look. Seeing me do this, she just looked at me.

"Anyways, I think you'll just fit in here just fine, Lala-chan. There are plenty of girls like Momo that I think you'll get friendly with rather quickly.", I replied, doing a motion of my hand as I did.

"I think so too, school life sounds pretty fun here. I do have one question though.", Lala responded, tilting her head a bit as she did.

"What would that be, Lala-chan?", I asked with interest.

"You keep putting Momo into a good light. Do you like her?", Lala suddenly asked me, causing me to come to a still in front of her.

"Now where on earth did you get that idea? I literally met Momo two days ago. I had no idea about her before that. And you think I like her? Come on, I'm already engaged to you aren't I?", I immediately retorted Lala's words.

"Hehe, true. We did get engaged yesterday, but I have come to a realization that I've barged into your life like this, Baki-kun. Did you happen to have an interest in someone before I fled to Planet Earth?", Lala wondered, placing her finger on her chin. I didn't immediately respond after hearing Lala ask that question, but after thinking about it for a moment, I shook my head.

"I did have a person I could call my childhood friend, but that's as far as I would consider her, just a friend. Her name is Kozue-chan. It doesn't look like she attends Sainan High, so she's probably attending a more local school closer to her home.", I recalled, thinking about the girl Baki had gotten acquainted with over the years. With the memories I've obtained from Baki, I had spent the last couple years abroad, travelling around the United states and brazil. So it has been a couple years since I've come across Kozue again, but if I do, should I see her as a stranger, or as a friend? After all, I'm Baki, and those memories belonged to Baki, not me. It has something I have accepted, but it does put a bit of a bad taste in my mouth.

I had little interest in creating a deeper bond with Kozue, let's just leave it as that. If I happen to encounter her in the underground arena saga I was put into, I'll treat her as a friend.

"Baki-kun?", Lala asked after hearing me say that. She saw me turn quiet for a moment after I said that, which caused a hint of worry to appear in her eyes. I quickly shook my head, letting that thought go away.

"It's nothing. Come on, Lala-chan, it's about time to--?", I try to say, only for the two of us to hear a faint voice that had a bit of urgency to it, coming from the house in front of us.

"Hurry up Rito-kun, you're going to be late again!", A voice urged out inside the house. I heard this voice before and it belonged to that Mikan girl. It wasn't long for the two of us to hear their door open, flinging it open in a hurry. Out popped a brown haired boy wearing the Sainan High uniform. A piece of buttered toast could be seen in his mouth, rushing out of the door.

"I know, Mikan! Stupid tou-san, he kept me up all night again with helping him--?", Rito said, complaining as he bid the brown-haired girl goodbye, who could still be seen behind the door, dressed in an apron again. Rito took a few steps out, dashing, before he came to a sudden halt. As he did that, I suddenly clapped my two hands together, creating a disturbance in the atmosphere.

"Okay, Lala-chan, you see that boy, right? He's the target.", I suddenly said, pointing my finger at the spiky brown-haired boy in front of me with a surprised look on his face.

"Eh? Is that you Baki-san? Wait, who is this?", Rito tried to ask as he had his feet stop. He saw the beautiful pink-haired girl for the first time. I was expecting him to tumble forward with that insane luck of his but he actually stood his ground, surprisingly. Still, I ignored Rito's remark, only to see Lala lean her body forward a bit as she placed her hand over her eyes.

"Oooh.", Lala responded, musing to my words just now. "He seems a bit scrawny if you ask me though.", Lala continued to say, seeing Rito for the first time as well.

"Sainan High is about a ten minute walk from here, so running there shouldn't be a problem for you. You can't miss it. You up for it, Lala-chan?", I asked her.

"Roger!", Lala happily replied with a salute of her hand. As if she understood my intention, she proceeded to walk up next to Rito, who just had a blank stare in his eyes. It was probably his first time encountering such a beautiful woman like Lala. But before he could even react, Lala reached her hand out, and grabbed onto Rito as if his body had no weight to it. Before Rito realized it, he found himself squeezed under Lala's arm.

He felt a soft touch, causing him to make his mind clear, realizing his current position. A blush appeared on his face realizing that his eyesight was now in the same line as Lala's breasts. But at the same time he felt a strange sense of dejavu. Rito couldn't help but raise his eyes upward, and looked at the pink-haired girl.

"Who are you?", Rito decided to ask, as he hadn't seen this girl before. Lala looked down and saw Rito looking at her.

"Me? I'm Lala!", Lala happily replied, introducing herself to Rito.

"Lala? Also why am I getting this familiar feeling all of a sudden...", Rito uttered.

I could only smile seeing Lala now carrying Rito.

"I'll make it so you aren't late to school Yuuki-kun.", I replied. Hearing me suddenly say that, Rito's blushing face was soon replaced by a hint of fear in his eyes, realizing why he was getting that familiar feeling.

"What do you mean by that, Baki-san--?", Rito tried to ask, but I ignored him. Instead, from inside my hoodie, I pulled out a whistle that trainers often wore around their necks.

"See no...", I began to say, directing my voice at Lala. In response, I saw Lala crouch down while on the sidewalk. Perhaps it was her current black pants, but it really put an emphasis on her butt as she pointed it my way. I ignored it, and had a serious look in my eyes. I tweeted on the whistle, signaling Lala to start running.

"Urk, not again...!", Rito's pitiful voice suddenly echoed along the street as Lala made a mad dash, quickly vanishing out of sight. Her speed definitely caused her figure to blur at times. Her running speed was definitely much higher than a normal human's. In no time at all, I was left alone, together with a brown-haired girl wearing her apron.

"Great, so we have another weirdo. Just who exactly is that girl?", Mikan decided to ask me.

"She'll be your neighbor for the present being. She's Lala. I won't go much into it but she'll be starting school here in Sainan High.", I said, giving a short explanation to Mikan.

"Uh-uh.", Mikan replied. "Whatever it is, I don't want to be a part of it.", Mikan continued to say, only to slam her door in front of me, causing a loud bang to strike the neighborhood.

"Sheesh.", I retorted, seeing Mikan do this.

But nonetheless, I was pleased seeing how fast Lala had just sprinted onward in front of me. She could likely match her speed against a moving on the highway, if I had to take a guess at it.

But apart from that, I was now alone. I was going to wait for Lala to return, but I had another look at Rito's house which was now closed, and observed it. I realized who all was present inside that house.

Rito's dad to be specific.

I mean, how could I forget about him?


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