
I Am an Evil Lord Yet, Why Are They Happy to Serve Under Me?

A young man, after remembering his past life memories, trying his best to become the most fearsome evil lord in history. This fanfiction is set in my original world, but MC will travel to an anime world per volume. To be warned, this story is not a Kingdom Building Fic. P.S. Typical Japanese LN name, yea? Thank you, Yvel Draws for the cover art! https://www.deviantart.com/yvel1342 Please take care of me!

Zimrence · Anime & Comics
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139 Chs

What the Hell Happened Here?

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Inside the room which is filled with multiple preserved limbs, eyes, and heads, a group of six is having a meeting.

"I take it that Loid is dead," one of the men stated to no one in particular.

"Who told you that I died? Can't you see I am perfectly fine right here?" another man asked while coming out from the pod.

"Who would have thought that you of all people would be done in by two kids," the only lady inside the room laughed.

"They were the absolute monsters. No, I should say the boy is the monster, the girl just followed his lead. Good thing I made a backup plan in case something happened to me," Loid sit down beside the lady and drinks the coffee? tea? in front of him.

"So, what do we do now?" the man with a long beard asked. He has a gruff voice with a stern face.

"Well, we can just forget about it and continue with our plan," Loid answered. "I mean, I don't mind being killed by them. I can just make more backups just in case. Thanks to them, I now have necessary data to improve my dear Hulbrog," he laughs maniacally.

"So, how many more brains do you need for your backup?" the only four-eyes in the group asked.

"Maybe 14? I can only make one backup with 14 after all. I will search for more if that one got destroyed. Copying the knowledge into a new brain is hard," he replied after thinking for a while.

"I will be putting it on your tab," the four-eyes said and then start calculating the money.

"Now that I think about it, what should we do after creating chaos in the Empire? Suicide ourselves after our goal is finished?" the meek boy from the side asked.

"Idiot! We can search for a new goal after we achieved one!" the lady berates the boy.

"Now, now, we must finish the task we had given ourselves. We have our own goal for creating chaos in the Empire, right? Let's think about it after we finish it," Loid calm the two.

"Well then, this meeting is adjourned," the man who is silent the whole time announced, all the others return to their quarters for their own research.


While there was a meeting between the mad? scientists, our MC is having his beauty sleep,

Urien's POV

I moved my body a little. Last night was, to put it simply, chaotic. Magics were blasted everywhere. Said magics were cut down by the swords. Said swords were broken by fists and said fists were burnt by the magics.

As I was saying, I moved my body a little in my sleep. My eyes are too tired to open, and I noticed someone is sleeping beside me. I unconsciously hugged her to which, she hugged me back. How do I know that the person is a female? It is because of the shampoo that the person is using. The person beside me does not have muscles like Akame nor has a large body like Aria. So, it must be Nezuko. Did she change her body size before sleeping again?

"Nezuko, did you change your body size again? I told you not to do that while sleeping," I muttered in my sleep.

But then, something hit me. Nezuko is not in this world right now. So, who is it?

"Un… did you gain muscles, sister? And you smell different too," the person beside me also muttered.

"Wait… Who is Nezuko?" she shot her eyes open.

"What? Sister?" I also shot my eyes open.

The two of us look at each other in shock. Yes, the girl in front of me is not Nezuko, Akame, or Aria. It was the bratty princess, Ulah. The two of us then look down to the position we are in and to each other's face again.


The two of us looked at the place where the sound came from. It was Delfina, who is grinning while holding an instant Polaroid camera in her hand.

"Kyaaaa!!! Why are you in my bed, pervert!" the brant screamed and immediately sit down on the bed.

"That is what I want to ask! You are sleeping in my bed, you damn brat!" I screamed. I have not slept together in bed with someone of my age in this world. The only one who sleeps with me in the same bed is Aria.

"Brat?! We are of the same age! If I am a brat then you are a jackanapes!" she retorted.

"Nobody uses that word anymore. Come and help me, Delfina!"

"I hate to admit it but there are people who still use that word, dear brother," Delfina betrayed me! This backstabbing was unexpected!

"See? Even your sister agrees with me! Ha! Ha!"

"Urgh! But seriously, we should never talk about this ever again," I stare straight into her eyes.

"Yes, let's not talk about this," she nodded.

"What is that in your hand, sister?"

"It is nothing," she tries to hide her hands behind her back.

"It is the photo, isn't it?" I asked and Delfina just turns her head to the side and start whistling.

"Sigh… Luna, if you please?" I sighed and asked Luna for help.

"I am sorry, Lady Delfina. Master's order," she apologized to Delfina and gave me the photo. In that photo, I and the bratty princess were hugging each other while sleeping.

"What are you looking at?" the brat comes and takes a look at the photo.

"Wha… What kind of magic tool is this? And I will be taking this picture. I cannot let you spread the rumors about me. I still love and want to marry my fiancé," the brat said after grabbing the photo and putting it into her bag. Wait… how did she get her bag?

"Let's get up. I don't want to spend a single minute together with you in the bed," I muttered while getting up from the bed.

"Same," she also gets up.

The two of us freshen ourselves and are sitting in the dining room together with Jolan, Delfina, and Marcia. Luna is preparing the food for us.

"By the way, sister. How did the two of us end up in the same room?"

"Oh! That is pretty simple actually. The two of you got drunk by alcohol and started insulting while headbutting each other. Then, the two of you started competing who has the harder head and got double KO 'ed," she informed. Wait… how did I get drunk? I was sure I did not drink any alcohol.

"But that doesn't explain how the two of us end up in the same bed," I deadpan at her.

"Well… I thought I would get a nice reaction from the two of you if I did that and my hunch was correct. Never underestimate the businesswoman's hunch," she smirks.

"That's it! No more cuddling for three months," I snap at her.

"I never thought that the president of Gregory Company would be like this. She acts prim and proper whenever I saw her at parties. To think that she is this mischievous," the brat beside me sighed in defeat.

"The thing is, I want you to have more friends, little brother. Tell me, do you have any friends other than Yubel Zestina?"

I tried to open my mouth to reply but Delfina cut me through it, "Your underlings do not count, brother."

"What? You do not have any friends? Fufufu… what a creepy loner," the brat laughed at me.

"You are the one to talk, Princess Ulah. If our intel is correct, you only have your fiancé as a friend. In our intel, your fiancé is the boy you love, your friend, your bodyguard, and your classmate," Delfina stares hard at the princess. Ha! Serve you right.

"Who wants to be friends with this shitty brat!"

"Who wants to be friends with this spoiled monkey!"

Both of us said at the same time while pointing at each other. I don't know why but this shitty brat is getting on my nerve. As for my aunt, she is looking over us with a warm smile.

After the foods arrive, we eat in silence. After that, it was time for the brat to go back. Since I had kidnapped her here, I sent Luna to take her back. I made sure to order to carry that brat like a potato sack.

No, I did not let her say goodbye. My hunch is telling me that we will not be able to return her today if we let her say goodbye.

"We will be leaving now, Delfina. Send me a letter if anything happens. I will come right away," I hug her. No matter how much she annoyed me this morning, she is still the sister that I love.

"Of course, dear brother. You should take care of yourself as well. We shall see each other at Lady Yubel's coming of age ceremony," she hugs me back while her hand is reaching out to pat my head, I stopped that hand and my hand went over her head and pat her instead. Did you seriously think that I would let anyone pat my head?! Dream on!

Just like the way we came; it took us more than two weeks to return. Surprisingly, the guard that extorted me was nowhere to be seen. I guess he did that to the wrong person and was relieved from his post.

I saw the carriage of the guild master at the gate so, she must be having a meeting with Aria. I wonder what they are talking about.

When I stepped into the room, the atmosphere is suffocating. The two of them, Aria and the guild master are having an intense stare at each other.

"Now, tell me. What happened when I was away," I asked after knocking on the already opened door.


Author's Note;

Special thanks to A-B-K's Art for the beautiful portrait of the Guild Master, Isabel Vina. Her character design was based on Sona Sitri from Highschool DxD.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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