
I Am an Evil Lord Yet, Why Are They Happy to Serve Under Me?

A young man, after remembering his past life memories, trying his best to become the most fearsome evil lord in history. This fanfiction is set in my original world, but MC will travel to an anime world per volume. To be warned, this story is not a Kingdom Building Fic. P.S. Typical Japanese LN name, yea? Thank you, Yvel Draws for the cover art! https://www.deviantart.com/yvel1342 Please take care of me!

Zimrence · Anime & Comics
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139 Chs

Are We Fighting or Dancing?

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"Let's stick to the plan!" I shouted while rushing to the chimera in front of me.

"Wait! We haven't made any plans! You told me to just charge in!" the bratty princess shouted from behind while rushing behind me.

"I told you to do the dumb way like you always did!" I screamed while slashing away the punch the chimera sent toward me.

"… bless us, Aqua Sphere! Hey! Are you telling me that I am an idiot?! And you! Don't you dare try to hide this time!" she dodged from the blow sent toward her by a chimera and yelled at me while sending a water sphere to the creepy scientist.

"Can't you shorten the chant?! At your 8 o'clock! Hearing you chant every time you use your magic makes me cringe! And didn't I told you not to use magic in the mansion?!" I slash through all the knives thrown at me by the creepy scientist. Where did he get all those knives?!

"I can't! Shortening the chant is not recommended! And that thing is coming from 12 o'clock! And I won't be able to give you support if I don't use magic, you nitwit!" she quickly ducks down the palm strike coming from the side and kicks her leg upward to the chimera's head, but they are already gone.

"That's why you are still a third-rate magician with fourth-rate spells! Watch and learn! It was you who started using magic in here. I am using it too! Gale White Bow!" I copied this move from a certain cheat character from a certain Shonen show. I create a large bow with <Wind Magic> and creates six large arrows that are fired at a target. That target is the scientist.

The chimera quickly arrived near the scientist and carried him in a princess carry.

"Ulah!" I shouted and held out my hand. Noticing that, she quickly arrived near me and without asking any question, she grabbed my hand with a hard grip.

"Pour out some of your mana and direct it to me," I inform her, and she did exactly what she was told.

Now, the arrows in front of me changed elements and became the water arrows. The wind element can destroy the mansion if I am not careful enough. So, I am using the less destructive element which is water.

The chimera realized that another batch of arrows trailing behind them. But this time, it is not the wind arrow that follows behind them, but the arrows made of water. They knew that they cannot outrun this time so, they chose to drop their master and guard defensively in front of him.

The arrows landed right onto the chimera and stabbed on their body. But some of the water arrows are destroyed in the process and splash behind the chimera. Or do you think we would let our effort go to waste?

Just as the waters arrived behind the chimera, "Compress!" the bratty princess from the side shouted with energy while holding out her other hand and forming it into a fist. The water compressed itself into multiple small balls and turned into the shape of convex lenses while floating in the air.

Now, it is time for me to copy the skill of a certain slime. Here is the trick. Rimuru condenses sunlight to the point where it becomes a massive laser beam which is similar to using the magnifying glass. But there is no sunlight in here. So, this is where my <Light Magic> comes into play.

I shot the ray of light to one of the lenses and it directed again, again and again to each of the lenses and finally, arrived at the surrounding of the scientist and penetrated his body with multiple holes and turned him into Swiss Cheese. That man died right then and there.

The chimera turns around and looks at their master and roared.

"Why don't you try talking to him like you had done to the previous version?" Ulah asked me, while still holding my hand.

"Some guy who looks like 'he lost his girlfriend so; I should feel bad'? Nah. Not interested," I replied.

The chimera looks at us with bloodlust and is out for our blood. That bloodlust does not affect me but Ulah beside me is sweating hard. I mean, her hands got sweaty too.

It looks like this version of chimera had completely lost his human emotions. It rushed toward us with bright red eyes, his claws got longer, and the teeth got sharper.

I yanked Ulah's hand and pulled her body close to my chest. She looks surprised at what I did but she didn't blame me as she clearly saw the place where she used to be was completely destroyed. I am now holding her in a closed position.

"Do you know how to dance?" I asked.

"Of course, who do you take me for? I need to learn how to dance like a princess," she replied haughtily.

"Well, this is my first time dancing so, don't blame me if I step on your foot," I grin.

"Don't worry, I am not that petty. I just need to step on your foot if that happens, right?" she gave me a grin too. This little…

"8 o'clock," I muttered, and she does not disappoint me. With a sword in her hand, she parries the attack coming from the side.

"At 4!" she exclaimed after returning to the position. Why are we dancing like we are in a ballroom while fighting the chimera? I have no fucking idea!

"Are we fighting or dancing?" I asked.

"I don't know. I was following your lead!" she replied.

I used turnaround lift right at this moment. I hugged her waist with one hand, turned around our body, and cut off their hand, "Darkness Breathing First Form: Shadow in the Noon Яeverse!"

"Do you need to shout like that?" Ulah asked.

"No, but I shout because I like to," I replied while dropping her onto the ground. There is a reason why I am not using my Stand. Why? Well, it is fucking useless when fighting with fast opponents. Just think back to the time when I fought Pucci.

The chimera stopped running around and looks at us angrily. They then lunged at us furiously and tried to bite us.

"I gonna do that lift," I said.

"Oh no, you don't. I hate that style!"

"I'm gonna do it!" I shouted. She just sighed and extended her arms straight out while keeping her legs straight while standing slightly diagonal. I grabbed her stomach with my right hand and hold onto her tightly. My other hand is underneath her top leg which she lifted first. I lift her up into the air and turn around our bodies, Ulah slashing the chimera's eyes with her sword. How did we do that? Both of us do not have a fucking clue.


The chimera screamed and cried out. I quickly put her down gently and used Darkness Breathing Third Form to arrive in front of them.

"Darkness Breathing Sixth Form: Starless Night!" I stabbed seven consecutive stabs in a straight line from the bottom right to the top left. They tried to parry the stabs, but it was futile. I readied my sword again to continue another seven consecutive stabs from the top right to the bottom left perpendicular to the prior seven. He was screaming loudly and madly, trashing around the area. I jumped into the air, did some awesome somersault and direct myself at the center of the X and stab my sword at that place by falling from the air like a comet.

And with that, the chimera was no more. It was when I heard the loud scream coming from my behind.

"You bastard! You grabbed my butt!" shouted the furious bratty princess.

"We were dancing and yours are too small that I didn't notice," I replied.

"So, this is it, huh?" she asked.

"Yes, we did it," I nodded at her.

"We didn't get the reason why he thrashed around in the capital," the bratty princess mulled over.

"Well, it doesn't concern us. Let us find our way back to the city. Today is my aunt's birthday and I am not missing it," I said.

"You have an aunt complex, eh? Don't you want to invite me to the party?"

"And scare away the children? No," I reply. But we didn't noticed that a strange bird flew away from the tree it was resting with some papers on its claw.

The two of us walk out of the mansion and noticed that the place is inside the jungle. I used my <Wind Magic> to float in the air and search for the direction. And lo and behold, I lost my way. I dropped down to the ground and picked up the bratty princess in the princess carry.

"Right there," she pointed in the direction where she thought the capital city is in.

I flew about an hour or two to arrive at the city. Both of us sneaked into the city. Damn, the security of the city is truly lacking. It was already night when we arrived in the city.

"You know what? Fine, come and have fun at the party," I finally relent her request and invite her to my aunt's birthday party.

"Luna! Delfina! Marcia! And aunt! I am back! I also kidnapped a princess in the process!" I shouted when I arrived at the door of the mansion.

I will not be telling you what happened that night because I do not want to remember it. And I had learned a lesson that night. Jolan + Ulah + Alcohol = chaos. And I can't remember I let that bratty princess drink alcohol.


Author's Note;

I don't have a fucking idea what I was writing in this chapter.

So, yea. I a creating a pool. When should I make Urien go to Honkaiverse?

Right after he returned back to his territory


After his 10th birthday?

Please comment in the paragraph.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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