
I Am A Catholic God Of Death

Alex Smith just an ordinary pastor at an ordinary Catholic Church, until the day he was killed. God decided that he shouldn’t have to die with the amount of malice in his heart and sent him to reincarnate in a world where he no longer concerns himself with. A world where sins don’t matter. Getting to this world, Alex realizes that he is no longer bound to the chains of morality that held him down on earth. He realizes that the church isn’t what he was used to on earth, that the church is filled with liars and manipulative people. He is disgusted by the church and embarks on a journey to end the church no matter how many people he has to kill to do it. *** Official discord link https://discord.gg/2XrBm3Fe

Heavenmonarch_ · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Vanity Of Vanities

"Wrong answer".

Azure shuddered. He gazed at Alex hoping with all his heart that the 'demon' had a shred of humanity left in him.

He didn't.

The bear rushed at him and swung his claws toward Azure, somewhat resembling a backhand, except that three deep claw marks appeared on Azure's chest barely one second later.


Azure's scream of agony rang out once more. His body was flung about ten meters into the air and moved a considerable distance before crashing to the ground.

"Please". Azure said in a hoarse whisper.

Alex smiled again. "You want me to stop? What do you understand by that Bible verse?"

"That light and darkness are equal. Light can exist in darkness and darkness can exist in light. The only thing is that darkness cannot withstand light". Azure said while dragging himself to his feet.

Alex laughed. "You're getting close, but that's not it".

The bear turned into a black blur and ran towards Azure. Azure unsheathed his sword and moved to his left with all the speed he could muster. He swung wildly at the bear.

He would've smiled. He almost smiled. He felt his sword coming in contact with the body of the bear. He also felt as if his sword scraped against a strong, metal surface.

The bear stood as if it were in a daze for about two seconds, then it turned to Azure and let out a roar of fury. Azure gulped.

"Uh oh, you've made it angry". Alex said. "I could tell it to stop if you want. "Just tell me what you understand by that Bible verse".

"I can't think of anything else". Azure said he didn't think that he could come up with the wise-sounding understanding that Alex was looking for.

In response to what Azure said, the bear appeared in front of Azure and swung its hand at him. It looked as if the bear was trying to wave away some pesky fly from its path.

What Azure did in response to the attack shocked even himself. As the bear's hand moved closer to him, Azure literally hopped on his hand, then used it as a springboard as he launched himself into a front flip, landing behind the bear.

As soon as this motion was completed, he

immediately retreated as far away from the bear as possible.

Alex laughed when he saw this. "At least you're getting smarter".

"I honestly think this is pointless". Azure was almost breathless. "Trapping me in this situation and killing me repeatedly isn't going to do us any good".

"You're right, but I just happen to enjoy watching you die over and over again so…". Alex smiled. "What do you understand by that Bible verse?"

Azure groaned.

"Wrong answer". Alex said and the near charged at him in a frenzy.

Azure didn't seem to notice the bear charging at him. He was seemed to be in a daze. His eyes were wide open, his lips slightly apart. If one looked closely, then they would see a bit of drool escaping his lips.

The bear slapped his face, leaving five deep claw marks across it. His body flew a considerable distance and he landed on the floor with a bang.

He still remained in a daze.

Alex smiled. This certainly was interesting. He tapped a smooth surfaced gem that he held in his hands and the bear charged at Azure again.

This time, the bear pounded on Azure's head. The sound of fist striking flesh reverberated. Azure though, seemed not to notice anything. His eyes remained opened down as if he was in a daze.

Alex didn't have to do anything for the bear to attach again. It had become angry that Alex had been taking every one of its attack without so much as a simple moan of pain.

His 'nonchalance' to the damage that the bear was inflicting on it had severely hurt the bear's self confidence. It was almost beginning to question its existence when it realized that it could simply pound Azure to death, teach him a lesson for being so arrogant.

As the bear raised its fists to pound on Azure's head, something strange happened.

Azure who had been staring open eyed suddenly moved. In a flash he was away from the range of the bear. His lips curled up to a smile as he brandished his sword and attacked.

"Vanity of vanities, saith the preacher, vanity of vanities; All is vanity".

An azure colored mist outlined Azure's sword as he charged at the bear. His sword began to glow. A foot long crescent slash mark appeared from thin air.

The slash mark seemed to be an extension of the blade of Azure's sword which came crashing down at the body of the bear.

The bear stretched its hand out as if attempting to hold the blade of Azure's sword in its hand.

Azure smiled. The pompous idiot. The blade of Azure's sword dissected the hand of the bear and went further to cleanly cut the body of the bear in two

Alex stared wide eyed at Azure. He had been trying to get him to comprehend the meaning of one bible verse and he went and got another one right.

Azure seemed to notice that Alex was staring at him, so with the wisest look at he could gather, he sheathed his sword behind his back and looked up with an aloof expression.

"Vanity of Vanities". He said. "Everything is Vanity".