
I Am A Catholic God Of Death

Alex Smith just an ordinary pastor at an ordinary Catholic Church, until the day he was killed. God decided that he shouldn’t have to die with the amount of malice in his heart and sent him to reincarnate in a world where he no longer concerns himself with. A world where sins don’t matter. Getting to this world, Alex realizes that he is no longer bound to the chains of morality that held him down on earth. He realizes that the church isn’t what he was used to on earth, that the church is filled with liars and manipulative people. He is disgusted by the church and embarks on a journey to end the church no matter how many people he has to kill to do it. *** Official discord link https://discord.gg/2XrBm3Fe

Heavenmonarch_ · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Wrong Answer

Azure shuddered. His emotions took a quick trip from shocked to afraid them amused. There was no way that Alex was seriously going to leave him in the simulation to die.

Right as he was about to burst out into laughter, his cockiness was put to an end when he heard a wolf howl.

Standing in front of him was a wolf that was about two meters tall when it was crouching on all fours. It had crimson fur and its eyes were bloodshot.

Azure swallowed. He started retreating slowly. He was about to turn around and break out into a full sprint when Alex's voice sounded.

"There's nowhere to run to". Alex said. "Now, what do you understand by that bible verse".

"I already told you, when light is cast upon darkness, the darkness cannot withstand it".

Alex imitated the sound of a buzzer. "Wrong answer".

The wolf swung a paw at Azure, its claws were outlined with a thin red glow. Azure could only watch as a crimson blur approached his face and slapped him into a paste.

Seconds later, his body regenerated about a hundred meters away from where he was killed.

"Now what do you understand by that verse". Alex asked again.

"That light is stronger than darkness". Azure hurriedly answered.

"Wrong answer". Alex answered again.

Almost immediately, the space in front of Azure which he was sure was empty was filled with a pack of rabbits. The rabbits were pretty much the same as the normal friendly ones that we were used to except that instead of two huge front teeth, they had fangs.

Azure swallowed. Alex laughed. "Now do you think that you can give me another explanation or am I going to let these hungry rabbits have their way with you?"

"Light is more powerful than darkness". Azure said hurriedly.

Alex chuckled. "You don't seem to want to learn".

The pack of rabbits immediately rushed at him.

Almost immediately, his screams of agony rang out, sounding almost like some sort of musical instrument except that its tone was a disorganized cacophony.

He could feel the teeth of the rabbits sinking into his flesh, tearing it away from his bone. He could also feel, in different areas, the rabbits crushing his bones, breaking them into multiple pieces. It was hell for him.

Now, for Azure, it was one thing to be instantly killed by a freaky-looking wolf, but it was another to be slowly eaten to death by a pack of… of… of vampire rabbits!

It also felt strange to him that during his final moments, the thought that crept to the corners of his mind was.

'Wait, I thought rabbits didn't eat meat".

His body regenerated one hundred meters south of where he was mercilessly feasted on by a pack of vampire rabbits.

"What the fuck was that?!" Azure yelled at Alex as soon as he got a grip on what was happening.

"See you wouldn't exactly be stimulated to understand what I need you to understand if I keep granting you quick deaths, will you". Alex smirked. "You see, a good friend of mine told me that pain stimulates the mind".

"Let me guess, it was the pope". Azure said sarcastically.

"No, actually, it was Lucifer". Alex said, acting as if he didn't notice the sarcasm with which Azure spoke. "Now, back to my question, what do you understand by that Bible verse".

Azure swallowed. He thought for a few seconds then answered. "Light will always triumph over darkness, no matter the circumstance".

He felt that the answer was satisfactory, and was about to brag about it, however, the man-made buzzer sound killed the sudden burst of self-confidence that was about to come over him.

"Wrong answer". Alex said. Immediately he said this, he laughed. "Do you realize that your deaths are only going to be more painful as we go on?"

A bear appeared in front of Azure. The bear was about four meters tall. It had black fur. Its eyes were blue, save for a small red spot at the top right corner. Its claws were about 0.5 meters long.

The bear let out a few low growls and roars. The hostility in his eyes made no room for doubt about the fact that it wanted to rip Azure to shreds.

Azure swallowed a chunk of saliva when he beheld the entirety of the bear.

"Now tell me what you understand by that verse". Alex said. "I'd think hard about my next answer if I were you. That bear doesn't look friendly".

Azure stared at Alex with the type of look that was reserved for people that one wished to eviscerate at will. If looks could speak, then he would have told Alex to go screw himself a hundred times over.

"It means that darkness cannot behold the beauty of light".

Alex looked at Azure, then at the bear, then he looked at Azure again. He shook his head and sighed pitifully. The type of sigh that was reserved for victims of road accidents.

"I really thought you were smarter than that". He once again mimicked the sound of a buzzer and didn't forget to add. "Wrong answer".