
I Am A Catholic God Of Death

Alex Smith just an ordinary pastor at an ordinary Catholic Church, until the day he was killed. God decided that he shouldn’t have to die with the amount of malice in his heart and sent him to reincarnate in a world where he no longer concerns himself with. A world where sins don’t matter. Getting to this world, Alex realizes that he is no longer bound to the chains of morality that held him down on earth. He realizes that the church isn’t what he was used to on earth, that the church is filled with liars and manipulative people. He is disgusted by the church and embarks on a journey to end the church no matter how many people he has to kill to do it. *** Official discord link https://discord.gg/2XrBm3Fe

Heavenmonarch_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
55 Chs

Once Beaten, Twice Shy

The sun had risen over the metaphorical horizon, showering the area with its light.

Under the big ball of light was a small collection of huts and cottages a few hundred meters away from a river bank.

The river seemed to span for hundreds of meters without any sign of it stopping. About a hundred meters into the span of the river, there was an elevated platform.

On the elevated platform was a square fighting stage. It had a side length of about two hundred meters, wide enough for two people to fight unhindered.

Beside the fighting platform, there was a tall pillar that had a cross emblem at the top, the cross emblem was facing downwards and at the point of intersection between the two lines that formed the cross, there was a white crystalline object there.

Azure stood in the middle of the spacious fighting platform. He looked around to find his opponent and after seconds of looking, he figured that he would have to wait a bit longer.

He had barely spent ten minutes after his fight with Joshua before he was teleported here. He didn't use that much time to deal with Joshua so he thought it likely that whoever he was arranged to fight was most likely still busy with their opponent.

He was about to squat on the floor in an attempt to sit when he saw a golden light appear in front of him. The golden light reduced in intensity allowing him to make out a big, burly figure. It was only after a few moments of staring that Azure realized who he was drawn against.

"Miss me much?" Balvin said ad soon as his body fully materialized. He was wearing a cocky smile on his face. His right hand gripped a club that was so big, Azure thought it wouldn't be an understatement to qualify himself as a child next to it.

Azure opened his mouth, then closed it and stared at Balvin. He wasn't scared in the least, he was just confused and amused a bit. Was this supposed to be some sort of confidence attack, because if it was then he was sure that the church could've done better. They would've done better to bring Mary on to fight him than Balvin. At least he was sure that Mary was fairly strong.

"No". Azure said lightly. "You don't matter that much to me that I'd think of you when you're not in front of me".

Balvin smiled at Azure's response. He was about to say something when they heard a light voice.

"Azure, Balvin the brute, are you ready?" A calm voice asked.

Azure and Balvin nodded simultaneously. Their action was followed by the loud sound of a buzzer.

As soon as the buzzer sounded, Balvin rushed towards Azure, the self confident smile that was on his face etching itself deeply. He raised his club and swung it downwards, which was to say towards Azure.

Azure's lips tilted upwards as he moves away from the danger zone. His figure turning slightly blurry as he moved.


Balvin's club crashed into the floor, leaving a small crater adorned by small spider web like cracks on its surface.

Azure looked at the crater formed on the fighting stage smirked lightly. "You e grown stronger". He commented. "But not strong enough".

Balvin had a look of mild surprise when he saw that Azure had dodged his strike with such ease. He laughed slightly. "I could say the same about you".

Azure smiled. "We'll see about that".

"For the wages of sin is death!"

This time, it was Azure that was on the offensive. The blade of his sword glowed with an azure hue. As Azure's blurry looking figure neared Balvin, a small ray of light escaped the blade of Azure's sword and flew towards Balvin.

Balvin lifted the club and used it to deflect the ray of light that stemmed from Azure's sword. The movement seemed like it required no effort on Balvin's part, much to Azure's envy.

"That was slightly stronger than last time". Balvin commented. He raised his club up and smashed it towards Azure who already started swinging his sword at Balvin. "Unfortunately, it isn't strong enough".

Azure almost laughed when he heard Balvin's words. If he wanted to, he could end this match in less than ten seconds. He only wanted to derive some sort of entertainment from Balvin. That was the only reason why this match was still ongoing.


The sword and the club collided, sending gusts of wind blowing all directions, ruffling the clothes of the two men . Azure felt slightly surprised. He didn't feel overwhelmed by Balvin's strength, in fact, he even felt like the amount of strength that he possessed equaled that of Balvin.

Azure retreated a few steps and charged at Balvin. The blade of his sword still glowing with an azure hue. Balvin made the same response to Azure's attack. He used his club to block it, summoning gusts of wind which blew from all directions.

For about about a minute, the two men were locked in a cycle, attack, block, wind. Azure seemed to have a relatively easier time being trapped in the cycle of attack and defense. Balvin on the other hand looked as if he struggles slightly to keep up with Azure.

Azure's eyes held a disappointed gaze as he pulled away from Balvin. "Is that really all you've got?" He muttered. "Fighting you was way more fun when you were weak".

"Vanity of vanities, saith the preacher. Vanity of vanities; all is vanity!"

An azure colored mist formed out of thin air and outlined Azure's body. The mist took the shake of a flame, making it look more menacing and intimidating.

The flame shakes mist spread from Azure's body to the hilt of his sword and them to the blade.

"Humph! Who cares about your flashy moves". Balvin said as he engaged in a brief sprint towards Azure. "They didn't work so well last time, remember?"

Azure smirked. With a flash he appeared directly behind Balvin.

"This time though, the flashiness is the least of your concerns". Azure said. Balvin's entire body paused. He shuddered slightly. Wasn't Azure just in front of him. He opened his mouth to ask a question but at the end no sound came out. It was too late. Azure had already swung his sword and his head had already… left his body!

"Azure wins!" The same voice that announced the beginning of the fight announced Azure's victory.

Azure smiled briefly, putting his sword into his shear before squatting next to Balvin's corpse. By now, his body had already started glowing with a golden light and seconds later, there was nothing in its wake.