
I Am A Catholic God Of Death

Alex Smith just an ordinary pastor at an ordinary Catholic Church, until the day he was killed. God decided that he shouldn’t have to die with the amount of malice in his heart and sent him to reincarnate in a world where he no longer concerns himself with. A world where sins don’t matter. Getting to this world, Alex realizes that he is no longer bound to the chains of morality that held him down on earth. He realizes that the church isn’t what he was used to on earth, that the church is filled with liars and manipulative people. He is disgusted by the church and embarks on a journey to end the church no matter how many people he has to kill to do it. *** Official discord link https://discord.gg/2XrBm3Fe

Heavenmonarch_ · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Violence Is My Therapy (1)

If one had an aerial view, all they would see for miles to come was sand. Dusty, brown sound. Occasionally, the slope of the sand headed upwards forming some sort of a mountain, but still, all there was to it was sand.

Tamra sat down on the floor, not minding the dust. She was waiting for her opponent. Even though she'd wasted as much time as she could, her opponent still wasn't done with his match.

She took a deep breath. They were at the round of eight, the chances of her facing Azure were very slim but it was still probable. As for Sticks, she would feel slightly good if she could get her hands on him, she didn't care about him that much.

"And here I was thinking I finished fast". A male voice sounded from behind. From the sound of the voice, Tamra could guess that the voice was s quite a distance away.

She turned around to see a male figure that looked about fifteen years of age walking towards her. He had brown hair and brown eyes. He wore an all-round leather armor and had two swords strapped to his waist.

Tamra stood up immediately, removing two daggers from her waist and pointing them towards the male figure in fighting stance. If one looked at her closely, then they would see a bead of sweat falling from her forehead.

"I didn't expect you to be so on edge". The youth said. He unsheathed one of the swords strapped to his waist.

"Tamra, Kevin, are you ready?" A raspy voice sounded.

The two parties nodded and the sound of a buzzer echoed soon after.

Tamra rushed at Kevin, a dagger on each of her hands. Kevin laughed and charged at her, the blade of his sword reflecting in the sunlight for a second, producing a bright glint.

The sound of metal clashing with metal faded into the background as the dagger clashed with the sword. Tamra retreated backwards and rushed at Kevin.

"For the wages of sin is death!"

A blood colored mist appeared in front of Tamra. She threw the two daggers that she was holding in the air and held out her hand. The red mist in front of her reshaped into a sword.

Tamra charged at Kevin, her hand swinging the sword diagonally, allowing the blade to slide down in an attempt to slash at his chest area.

Kevin blocked the attempted sword strike and pushed Tamra back. While Tamra staggered backwards, Kevin ran towards her and kicked her chest sending her flying for about two feet before crashing into the sandy floor.

A cluster of dust rose up where Tamra fell. Several sand particles fixed themselves on her hair.

"Humph!" Tamra stood up slowly from the floor. "You don't even know how to treat a lady!"

Kevin chuckled when he heard Tamra's statement. He wasn't exactly sure that there was a courteous way to treat a girl that he was so sure wanted to kill him in the most painful way possible.

"My apologies". Kevin said. Tamra was about to commend his abundance of manners, the. She heard the second part of his statement. "I'll make the death quicker and less painful".

"Be not afraid, only believe!"

Black colored smoke started leaking from Kevin's leather armor. The smoke converged to form some sort of orb of smoke. At the epicenter of the spherically shaped smile, there was a glowing ball.

Kevin sheathed the sword that was in his hand. He stretched out his left palm and the orb of smoke flew over, and hovered over his palm.

He jammed his hands together and the black smoke that surrounded the golden ball of light dispersed slightly, although not completely fading into the environment.

"Jesus wept!"

The bright, sunny clouds instantly darkened, the sky turning a lighter shade of black. Several bolts of lightning danced around in the sky.

Glowing drops of water fell from the sky towards the floor, they didn't make contact with the sandy floor however. Right as the drops of water were about to make contact with the floor, they all converged towards a point, a few meters in front of Tamra.

As soon as all the water droplets converged, forming a glowing water droplets, Tamra made a pushing motion sending the drop of water towards Kevin.

Kevin smirked as he saw the glowing droplet of water rushing towards him. He made a pushing motion and the two orbs of light left his hands and moved towards the orb of light.

An earth shattering explosion occurred soon thereafter.

As soon as the two glowing orbs of light came in contact with the glowing water droplets, a loud booming sound succeeded by a big explosion occurred.

The shockwave from the explosion flung Tamra and Kevin back a few tens of feet away from their original positions, their bodies skidding in the sand until it stopped.

Tamra burst out into a light chuckle as soon as her body landed. Every single part of her body ached. The same could be said about Kevin.

With great difficulty, he managed to prop himself up so that he actually sat down. "Fuck". He muttered.

Tamra wasn't oblivious to his 'bad behavior'. Her eyes turned dark as she spoke lightky. "You cursed in front of the lady Tamra, you'll pay for that".

Realization dawned on Kevin's face at that moment. He pointed at Tamra. "You're that psycho that everyone's been telling me about". He coughed. "You need therapy".

Tamra smiled at his comment. She let out a small groan as she propped herself into a standing position. "But you see…" she smiled. "Violence is my therapy!"