
I Am A Catholic God Of Death

Alex Smith just an ordinary pastor at an ordinary Catholic Church, until the day he was killed. God decided that he shouldn’t have to die with the amount of malice in his heart and sent him to reincarnate in a world where he no longer concerns himself with. A world where sins don’t matter. Getting to this world, Alex realizes that he is no longer bound to the chains of morality that held him down on earth. He realizes that the church isn’t what he was used to on earth, that the church is filled with liars and manipulative people. He is disgusted by the church and embarks on a journey to end the church no matter how many people he has to kill to do it. *** Official discord link https://discord.gg/2XrBm3Fe

Heavenmonarch_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
55 Chs

Psycopath - The Sequel

Tamra wounded up in a very strange place.

The skies were filled with so many clouds, it was impossible to see whether or not the sun was up. The slightly dark clouds gave one the impression that even though the sun was up, it wasn't much.

For as far as her eyes could see, the only thing present was snow. There were occasionally one or two dead trees that served as some sort of filler in the environment.

Now, none of these things would've made this place seem strange except for the fact that she was overwhelmed by a huge wave of heat. Several beads if sweat had already formed above her forehead.

She picked up a ball of snow and realized that it had a warm temperature instead of the freezing cold that she had envisioned.

In front of her was a boy that looked to be in his early twenties. He had the same confused look on his face in relation to the contrast in the environment and the temperature.

Tamra recognized him. His name was Armani. He was in the Lucifer squad. She didn't know more about him asides from that, to his credit he was an extremely secretive person.

"Tamra, Armani, are you ready?" A deep, calm voice asked from between the two parties.

"Yeah". Armani answered. He held two one handed swords in his hands. His lips curling upwards into a smile as he sized Tamra up. She had to be an easy win.

Tamra nodded her head and a buzzer was heard soon after.

Without wasting much time, Armani engaged in a full sprint towards Tamra who smiled.

Four daggers hovered in front of her and rushed towards Armani. The sound of metal hitting metal sounded briefly as Armani used his sword to deflect the daggers.

"For the wages of sin is death!"

A blood colored mist appeared in front of Tamra. The mist converged and reshaped to form a chain which Tamra wielded skillfully. She cracked the chain and lunged it towards Armani.

The chain rolled around Armani's forehand and Tamra tugged at it slightly as if testing the strength of the grip it had.

Armani had an amused look on his face. He glanced at her and smiled before yanking the chain with all the strength he could muster.

To his shock however, Tamra didn't budge. She pulled the chain, dragging Armani towards her and punched the side of his face, following it up with a kick to his abdominal area, sending him staggering backwards for a few steps.

The four daggers that had been hovering around Armani all these while plunged into different parts of his body. Tamra smirked.

Armani's scream of agony reverberated in the environment. He immediately went to ground in an attempt to clutch the areas that were stabbed by the daggers.

The smirk on Tamra's face deepened into a smirk. Two of the four daggers flew into her hands. She walked towards Armani slowly, bearing the two daggers in hands, like a predator stalking its prey.

Armani threw one of his swords towards her in a desperate attempt to force her back. The chain lashed out, batting the sword away.

"This is going to hurt you very much". Tamra said as she used the chain to lash at him.

"Aargh!" For the second time today, Armani screamed in agony. He used his hand to clutch his face where the chain had hit. While he was still managing to calm himself, the chain hit his legs.

Again Armani screamed and again the chain hit his legs. Tamra seemed to be enjoying every moment of it, a wide grin plastered across her face as she saw Armani's face contort due to the pain he was feeling.

She bent down and plunged the two daggers into the mid section of his laps earning another scream from Armani. Tamra smiled. The two daggers that weren't in her hands stabbed random areas of his body repeatedly.

After five minutes, Armani's body was basically non existent, he had become a collection of holes and marks. It was only after Tamra realized that there was nothing left to stab that she finally did justice to him and stabbed his heart, although he was already dead long before Tamra decided to be 'merciful'.

"Tamra wins!" A light voice announced moments after.

Armani's body started glowing with a golden hue before bursting to form small, golden particles that spread out to the atmosphere.

Tamra sighed. She willed her daggers back to her hands and kept them inside her clothes, she was about to walk away when she realized that she was stuck inside an illusionary realm. She had to wait for them to teleport her away.