
I Am A Catholic God Of Death

Alex Smith just an ordinary pastor at an ordinary Catholic Church, until the day he was killed. God decided that he shouldn’t have to die with the amount of malice in his heart and sent him to reincarnate in a world where he no longer concerns himself with. A world where sins don’t matter. Getting to this world, Alex realizes that he is no longer bound to the chains of morality that held him down on earth. He realizes that the church isn’t what he was used to on earth, that the church is filled with liars and manipulative people. He is disgusted by the church and embarks on a journey to end the church no matter how many people he has to kill to do it. *** Official discord link https://discord.gg/2XrBm3Fe

Heavenmonarch_ · Fantasy
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55 Chs

And The Darkness Comprehends It Not

At that moment, Rein had never felt so angry and frustrated. He was a generational talent. He was a one in a million prodigy with the sword. He was worshiped and revered by everyone and he was being subjected to insults from an unknown scum.

"Oh, you can sing right?" Rein's eyes started twitching. "Let's see how well you sing when I start with you". Rein unsheathed his sword and pointed it towards Azure.

Azure unsheathed his sword and pointed it towards Rein. "Ugly ass kissers like you have no right to speak to me in that manner".

"Rein, Azure, are you ready?" The referee called out, probably to remind them that he was still between them and if they should decide to attack themselves without his approval, he would turn to an unlucky victim.

"Sure". Azure said, smiling.

"Just start the fucking match!" Rein screamed at the referee.

"Jesus, you're so eager to get your ass kicked". Azure muttered loudly enough for Rein to hear him.

"You-" At this point, Rein's eyes were twitching uncontrollably. It was taking all of Rein's self control to wait for the bell before attacking Azure.

"Begin!" The referee said hastily before hurriedly scurrying out of the way. His word was followed by a bell chime which signified the beginning of the match.

As soon as he heard the bell chime, Rein closed the distance between he and Azure and slashed at him with his sword.

Azure smiled and raised his sword to block the attack by rein and pushed him back before charging at him. Rein blocked Azure's attack and parried it away before slashing at Azure.

This cycle continued for a long time. The fight was basically a sequence of attack, parry, counterattack.

The audience seemed to love it though. They would start screaming every time Azure's and Rein's sword clashed.

Truth be told, this was a dream match for most of the people in the audience that were familiar with the situation inside the church. The spoilt delinquent versus the well known 'genius' of the church. It was the match of the year.

Kin! Kan! Kun!

Once again, everyone's attention was brought towards the repeating cycle that was playing out in front of them. The two swords clashed in a disorganized sequence producing an unpleasant rhythmic sound that everyone savored.

"Fuck it, I'm done holding back" Rein screamed as he pushed Azure away from him. "Let's see how you enjoy bible verses".

At first Azure simply wanted to laugh at him. Then he remembered he wasn't in his old world anymore. In this world bible verses were like spells that were casted by magicians.

The 'spells' could either be offensive or defensive depending on the nature of the Bible verse.

Bible verses were not also things that anyone could easily come across. One had to gain sudden enlightenment to actually learn a bible verse. This means that not anyone could know a bible verse and even if one did know, they didn't have access to many.

Even the Pope couldn't have learnt up to fifty verses!

Azure's reaction after realizing this wasn't what most people would expect of him after being faced with the threat of a bible verse. Most people would imagine him being scared or pissing his pants or at least showing a bit of panic. They definitely did not expect him to start laughing like a madman.

This was simply too perfect for Azure. While most people might find it difficult to learn a bible verse, Azure retaining his memories from his last life simply made him an encyclopedia of bible verses.

Rein assumed that Azure had gone mad after considering the threat that he was under and smiled to himself while he started speaking. He would make the scum pay for his sins today.

"For the wages of sin is death!" Rein said as he swung his sword.

Black clusters of clouds started forming slowly about two meters above Azure.

Rain droplets that consisted of black mists started dripping from the clouds and converged towards a particular spot, turning into a misty black vortex.

Out of the vortex, a giant sword made out of black mist stabbed towards Azure with a speed that was difficult for the audience to comprehend.

"For the light shineth upon the darkness!" Azure screamed. His sword suddenly started glowing with an azure colored light as he somehow managed to slash at the sword of black mist before it reached him.

An azure ray of light emitted from Azure's sword passed through the sword, leaving a hole in its stead. The azure ray of light continued onto the vortex and entered into it, a hissing sound emitting from it as it made contact with the black mist.

From the point of view of anyone watching, it would seem as if the black mist swallowed the azure ray of light that pierced it. That was until Azure finished his statement.

"For the light shineth upon the darkness… and the darkness comprehends it not!"

The vortex exploded into a burst of azure light. The sword that was about to hit Azure disintegrated into smoke and the cluster of clouds that formed above them disappeared like they were never there in the first place.

Rein was hit with the shockwaves from the explosion and was sent flying for a few meters before crashing onto the floor. He felt a stinging sensation in his throat and his mouth opened to let out a bit of blood

Azure about to go and finish Rein off when a calm voice sounded from the audience.
