
I Am A Catholic God Of Death

Alex Smith just an ordinary pastor at an ordinary Catholic Church, until the day he was killed. God decided that he shouldn’t have to die with the amount of malice in his heart and sent him to reincarnate in a world where he no longer concerns himself with. A world where sins don’t matter. Getting to this world, Alex realizes that he is no longer bound to the chains of morality that held him down on earth. He realizes that the church isn’t what he was used to on earth, that the church is filled with liars and manipulative people. He is disgusted by the church and embarks on a journey to end the church no matter how many people he has to kill to do it. *** Official discord link https://discord.gg/2XrBm3Fe

Heavenmonarch_ · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Rein Rein, go away

Sticks sat across Azure. The look in his eyes as he stared at Azure would've made any sane person to shiver in fear. Unfortunately, Azure's sanity wasn't something that was confirmed.

"How was your match?" Azure asked in between mouthfuls of potatoes. He picked a bacon and tried to squeeze it with the potatoes that were already inside his mouth.

"It is as a breeze". Sticks shrugged.

Azure did a quick assessment of Sticks' appearance. His clothes had thin cuts on multiple areas. His face had a few scratches on it and his hair was disheveled.

"Doesn't look like it". Azure muttered.

"Would you just shut the fuck up!" Sticks snapped. A few people turned their heads towards them.

"If you want to sit at this table with me then you have to act like a sane person". Azure said lightly. "I don't like the attention. I already have enough chicks staring at me".

"You-". Sticks was at a loss for words. His brain was spinning. The fuck was this wanker talking about? He opened his mouth as if he was about to talk, then closed his mouth, deciding that Azure wasn't worth his time. "I have some news for you".

"What news?" Azure raised a brow.

"You know how Mary matched us with our opponent, turns out that she thoroughly set us up". Sticks started. He would've continued talking but Azure cut him off.

"Let me guess, she bribed the referee". Azure laughed. "Or she bribed Swords or both". Azure burst out laughing.

Sticks was feeling slightly infuriated. "I'm not joking". He said with a straight face.

"I never said you were". Azure said. "Knowing Mary, just having us wait one more year to join the angel squad as to little for revenge. She definitely had something else under her sleeve". Azure said matter of factly.

Sticks was shocked. Since when did Azure start thinking like that. He was supposed to be the smart one!

"How-". Sticks was about to ask how he came across that conclusion. It wasn't normal for Azure to think so much into the future like that.

"I'm simply that smart". Azure said. It was as if he could read his mind.

"Are you going to be okay against Rein?" Sticks asked suddenly. Concern settling into his gaze. Compared to Azure, Sticks had it relatively easy by facing Swords. Azure was about to fight Rein.

"Yeah". Azure smiled. "That wanker has nothing on me".

Sticks laughed. "I don't think you'll be that pompous when the fight starts".

"Oh please. The only reason why I don't want to fight him is because I don't want the attention". Azure started boasting shamelessly. "Do you think that it's easy to be handsome and awesome at the same time?"

Sticks stated cackling. Once again, he attracted weird stares from the people surrounding them.

Azure shifted uncomfortably in his chair. The attention was really too much for one guy. He already had enough girls staring at him because of his handsomeness.

"Would Azure Smith and Rein Pleins please report to the fighting stage!" A voice sounded in the midst of the room.

Azure stood up and immediately headed for the stage. It's was time to teach some assholes a lesson.


If one had an aerial view of about a hundred meters above the stadium, they would be treated to a spectacular view.

And dome shaped stadium from which shouts and cheering was emitted. One could faintly see the thousands of people that crowded the stadium, all of them were standing, cheering at the two figures that were on the stage.

On the left side of the stage was a boy that looked about fifteen years ago. The boy had azure hair with azure eyes and had on an azure themed outfit. On his hands, he held the hilt to an azure sword. His lips tilted to form a smirk as he stared at the boy that stood opposite him.

The boy had blonde hair of medium length. His blonde hair was paired with aquamarine blue eyes. His face held a certain charm to it, it wasn't particularly handsome but it held a certain prestige with it.

"Scum like you should be grateful to share a ring with me". Rein said while staring at Azure disdainfully. "I'll be pleased to help sister Mary to vanquish the thorn by her side".

Azure smiled. It wasn't news to everyone that Rein had been chasing Mary like a lost puppy.

"And how much does she pay you for kissing her ass like that?" Azure asked while smiling. "You know, I'm thinking of getting an ass kisser for myself, name your price. I'm sure that we could come to an agreement". Azure said while chuckling.

Rein's face contorted as Azure was talking. Since when did anyone dare to talk to him like that? He was a genius, a once in a millennia talent. Who the fuck does Azure think he is to speak to him like that?

"Let's see if you can keep talking like that after the match". Rein spat out.

Now, Rein expected his statement to scare Azure into silence but in response to what Rein said, Azure broke out into a song.

"Rein Rein, go away, no one likes your ugly face, we don't want to see you here, Rein Rein go away".