
I Am A Catholic God Of Death

Alex Smith just an ordinary pastor at an ordinary Catholic Church, until the day he was killed. God decided that he shouldn’t have to die with the amount of malice in his heart and sent him to reincarnate in a world where he no longer concerns himself with. A world where sins don’t matter. Getting to this world, Alex realizes that he is no longer bound to the chains of morality that held him down on earth. He realizes that the church isn’t what he was used to on earth, that the church is filled with liars and manipulative people. He is disgusted by the church and embarks on a journey to end the church no matter how many people he has to kill to do it. *** Official discord link https://discord.gg/2XrBm3Fe

Heavenmonarch_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
55 Chs

Nobody Else Wants You


As soon as this voice sounded, Azure's eyes jerked to his left. It was then that he took into detail the sitting arrangement of the spectators that watched the fight.

For the most part, the normal people surrounded them. Some of them were not fortunate enough to get access to a chair.

There was a barricade that shut the ordinary people away from the influential people. They were seated on white chairs and had hand maids ready to tend to their every needs.

A section of the 'important people' area was filled with red chairs. Seated on the chairs, Azure guessed were important people from the church. He was right.

Seated at the front was an old man that looked to be in his early sixties. He wore what Azure thought to be a cassock. On his head was a zucchetto and Azure could sight a rosary around his neck.

"All hail the pope!" The referee said immediately.

The audience, those that were sitting down at least stood up and bowed deeply. Azure watched all of them with a slightly puzzled expression.

Then he remembered. In this world, the pope was more important than a king. He was more important than the four kings joined together!

Somewhere along the line, someone thought that it would only make sense of the pope was worshipped as much as the kings. If not for the pope's 'modesty' then they would probably be required to lay on the floor anytime he graced them with his presence.

Oh well, it was too late for Azure to bow now. He already stuck out like a sore thumb.

Naturally, the pope noticed Azure. He didn't bother to pay much attention to him. He couldn't bring himself so low as to scold unknown scum. He had thousands of people that would do so for him.

Azure stared at the pope and smiled. A smile that said 'I know what you're doing'. Which pastor on earth didn't know that trick. It was like the oldest trick in the Bible (see what I did there?).

Pretend not to be offended when disrespected so that someone else would take it up on your behalf and then you'll look like the kind, benevolent pastor while the other person gets embarrassed.

Unfortunately game didn't recognize game.

The referee that stood behind Azure and the now unconscious Rein stared at Azure with so much disgust. How dare he act so unruly in the presence of the pope. He was about to go and give Azure a smack on his head when Azure suddenly bowed his head.

"You may rise". The pope said.

Azure snorted inside him. He didn't know the pope personally yet he felt like he couldn't remember anybody that was as hypocritical as he was.

He slowly raised up his head and stared at the pope. His lips slowly curled upwards to form a smirk. He was going to have fun playing with him.

"Azure, Rein, you have showed extraordinary skillsets, you have showed prowess that is beyond the ability of any of your peers". The pope paused then stared deeply at Azure. "For that I am giving you a reward".

He waited. It was almost as if he expected them to reply to what he had said. After a few seconds of what Azure would've described as awkward silence, he continued speaking.

"You'll be given the privilege to choose which angel squad you want to join". The pope said slowly.

As soon as those words left his lips, everyone gasped. Such a thing had never happened before. It was usually the squad leaders choosing whoever they wanted and not the other way around.

Then again, if we're talking based on first times, it was also the first time that someone knew a bible verse before they joined the angels.

Azure stared at the unconscious Rein and stifled a chuckle. This guy wouldn't be able to choose whichever squad he wanted to join, he was unconscious for crying out loud. And as for Azure, nobody would want to choose him because of his little 'stunt' earlier.

None of the generals, if they were in their right mind, would want him out of fear of falling out with the pope. It was obvious to anyone that was watching.

The pope was just using the opportunity to sound benevolent and punish him. He was killing two birds with one stone.

Azure had barely finished this train of thoughts when three individuals hopped onto the stage. Azure glanced at them once and guessed their identities right away. They were probably the squad generals.

The three figures in general were burly. Except the one on the left. They wore a white, grey and black robe respectively. They all had a broadsword strapped to their backs.

On their shoulder, they wore a white, grey and black shoulder armor respectively with a cross on the pivotal point.

The relatively lean figure when compared to the rest walked over to Azure and picked him up by the head.

"Join my squad". He said.

Azure was about to decline the offer when the lean figure presented his argument.

"Nobody else wants you".