
I - Danzo

A boy named Emil suddenly finds himself in the body of Danzo, right in the midst of the First World War Shinobi, shortly before the death of Tobirama Senju. What will he do and what will the Darkness of Konoha become under his leadership?

vektor_189 · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

Chapter 15: Ramen.

After a little thought, Danzo discarded this, in his opinion, delusional idea.

"I would have to first survive the First Shinobi World War and save as many people as possible, and only then reflect on the problems of the Uchiha."

After taking a few more minutes to place the last Anti-Sensor Seal in the room, Danzo finally decided to take a break.

Danzo, without leaving the Forest of Death, found a quiet and secluded place for himself, making sure that there were no animals nearby. He silently stretched out his hand in front of him and after a few seconds a small Rasengan appeared in front of him, which Danzo took quite a lot of strength to maintain.

By hitting the tree with it, Danzo created a huge dent, and the tree itself shook violently. As he watched the rain of leaves, Danzo thought:

"It's already much better than my first attempt, and I don't need any outside help to create it ... Unfortunately, I have no predisposition to the notorious Lightning Release, otherwise I could try to master the Disappearing Rasengan ... However, I have a good talent for Wind Release and with due diligence, I can integrate it into the Rasengan ...

Thinking about his future possibilities, Danzo rose up and tried to create a new Rasengan, but this time wasting almost half of his full Chakra supply.

The whirlpool that quickly emerged began to expand rapidly, but Danzo, although he almost lost control of the process, was still able to squeeze it back into a sphere.

Not without resistance, the Rasengan stabilized and took on its final form, which was almost twice the size of the Rasengan that Danzo had created a couple of minutes ago.

"And who should I bang this thing at?"

Realizing how enormous the power of Rasengan is in his hand, Danzo did not hit the tree with it, which would be complete stupidity, and dangerous for himself.

Danzo quickly ran through the Forest of Death and after 5 minutes he found a huge beetle, more like an elephant in size. He immediately hit the beetle with the Rasengan.


Danzo himself was almost thrown back by the unbridled power that Rasengan had freed him. But this is only 0.1% of the force that he unleashed on the poor bug.

Looking at the small debris of shell, blood and flesh scattered around, Danzo felt only the fierce hunger that had come from such a strong depletion of Chakra.

Suddenly, Danz heard a loud stomp and turning in his direction, he saw another huge beetle slowly approaching him.


Danz immediately took out a couple of kunai and was already preparing for a fierce battle, as to his great surprise, for some reason the beetle stopped and some man, whom Danzo for some reason did not notice, got down from it.

"Is this what I think about? .."

- Oh, so it's you, Mr. Danzo ... - said a man in a dressing gown and dark glasses, tightly pressed to his eyes. - I urge you not to touch these beetles anymore and not to tell anyone about them, since they are a special breed specially bred by our Aburame clan.

- I apologize, I could not even think about it. - Danzo apologized immediately.

"As one politician said, an apology can turn a major scandal into a minor matter."

Seeing Danz's sincerity, the Aburame Clan shinobi was slightly surprised, and then said:

- It's okay, they can die themselves here, we need only the strongest. Oh yeah, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Kiro Amurame.

- Nice to meet you ... Kiro. I think I should go already. - Danzo replied to him before disappearing with Shunshin's help.

And while Kiro silently looked at the place where Danz disappeared, he himself, within a few seconds, was at one of the many eateries in Konoha, where he ordered Ramen.

"Eh, it's a pity that Ichikaru Ramen hasn't been created yet ..."

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