
I - Danzo

A boy named Emil suddenly finds himself in the body of Danzo, right in the midst of the First World War Shinobi, shortly before the death of Tobirama Senju. What will he do and what will the Darkness of Konoha become under his leadership?

vektor_189 · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

Сhapter 14: Three days.

"Maybe you should apologize to Mito after all?" - thought Danzo, feeling tiredness pressing on him.

For three days already, Danzo has been doing nothing but covering the Root Base with special Anti-Sensory Seals.

Each such seal has a limited range, which depends on the understanding of the seal by those who use it. The maximum radius is as much as 50 meters.

But Danzo, familiar with this seal all the same three days, barely covered two meters with each seal.

"At this rate, it will take me a day or two to finish this completely ... Horror."

Danzo's only outlet was training. And it is worth saying that during this time, Danzo has achieved really great success.

Inspired by the One Piece Geppo technique and his own Wind Release: Reactive Strike technique, he learned to literally walk in the air. This achievement alone was enough for Danzo's maneuverability to increase several times, if not tens of times.

Unfortunately, no progress has been made with the Eight Gate technique. Danzo remained at the First Gate.

However, they were already quite enough at the moment.

"Kumo is cooperating more and more with other villages, it is only a matter of time before the first major attack starts ..."

Danzo was sure that when this happened, Mito would not be able to endure and would be forced to support Hiruzen.

"The only question is whether she will agree to provide several members of the Uzumaki Clan or not ..."

It is worth mentioning that in addition to the Anti-Sensory Seal, Danzo managed to deal with the Seal of Eradication of the Cursed Tongue. After doing so, he immediately left her on HyunA and Ryuu, naturally after they gave their consent.

Although he trusted them as people, history proves that caution is never superfluous. It was the policy of the seal that they could not speak or write about anything related to the Root without Danzo's permission to do so.

Remembering Hyun, Danzo still marveled at how useful he was.

After his miraculous restoration of the chakrokanals, as well as the awakening of the Sharingan "immediately with the Three Tomoe", the Uchiha clan called him a true genius almost at every step. Against this background, no one even remembered Arimo, as if he had never existed.

Having secured such a high status, Hyun was able to obtain just a myriad of useful information, including the techniques of Izanagi and Izanami, and figured out the position of each Elder in the Clan.

Most of them wanted to raise a new genius of the Clan, not much inferior to Madara and Izune, who at the same time enlist the support of the public, in the hope that he will become Hokage.

Hearing that, Danzo almost laughed right in front of Hyun.

Geniuses like Madara and Izune, Hashirama and Tobirama do not grow on the trees, not to mention the fact that later the Uchiha destroyed themselves.

"Well, the good news is that while there are no radicals in the village and Madara, hiding somewhere, will not crawl out of his cave for a long time."

Still, the Uchiha problem was pressing hard on Danzo. He partially empathized with them and one might say he was willing, but he could not figure out how to avoid the emergence of radical sentiments within their Clan.

Although, no. He still had one idea.

"I can try to make Hyun the 4th Hokage ..."

Sorry for not posting chapters here for so long, I just got really frustrated... please, toss a coin to your author. I may seem very greedy, but believe me, in my homeland I get enough money from this work to live with difficulty. And feedback plays a really important role for me.

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