
I - Danzo

A boy named Emil suddenly finds himself in the body of Danzo, right in the midst of the First World War Shinobi, shortly before the death of Tobirama Senju. What will he do and what will the Darkness of Konoha become under his leadership?

vektor_189 · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

Chapter 16: Meeting.

- I am Sarutobi Hiruzen, Third Hokage, and welcome all of you to this meeting. Mainly, it is devoted to how we will avenge the Village of Hidden Cloud, for the death of the Second Hokage and in general a dangerous situation on all borders. - Hiruzen said calmly, apparently already accustomed to his role.

Danzo sat silently, watching the representatives of the various Clans, and especially the Uzumaki Clan.

Much to his surprise, Uzumaki Mito was replaced by Uzumaki Haganbane, who Danzo learned was her cousin.

"Perhaps after our quarrel, Mito avoided me by all means ..."

Suddenly, Danzo's thoughts were interrupted by Higana's unnoticed, welcoming wave of his hand.

Danzo only greeted her awkwardly in kind, in response to which he received a small chuckle and a twitching of his hair behind his ear.

"Damn it, what am I thinking!"

Danz quickly focused on the ongoing discussion of the war.

- I believe we should organize an attack on the Kumogakure food depots, while the hidden Anbu squad should sneak into the heart of the enemy and kill the Raikage! - put forward an excellent proposal now adviser, Homura Mitokado.

- Your idea is quite good Homura, but tell me please, who is capable of killing the Raikage, not only in the Lightning Release Chakra Mode, but at least in the case when he was taken by surprise ?! - the second adviser, Koharu Utatane, immediately shouted at him.

All those present silently agreed with her.

- ... I can. - Danzo said unexpectedly for everyone.

- Danz, this is no time for jokes! You can't even deal with Elite Jounin ..! - began to exclaim Koharu, until she saw a strange glow appear in his hand, exuding a huge amount of Chakra and just screaming about danger.

Coughing up an invisible lump in his throat, Danzo began to speak.

- During the war, I realized that I was missing something and began to work hard on myself. Including, I created several new ninjutsu, one of which is this. - Taking a glass of water with his free hand, Danzo drank a little and continued. - I named it Rasengan and created it based on the Bijudam records. Most importantly, it technically does not have a power limit, as it depends entirely on the user's chakra reserves and control over it. The more Chakra, the more power.

The present heads and elders of the clans, as well as civilian shinobi jоуnin, recalling the numerous giant craters left by Kurama, silently horrified Danzo's invention.

No one thought to doubt Danzo's words, because the sense of danger that exuded Rasengan spoke for itself.

- If I put half of my entire Chakra into this technique, as it is now, then I am completely confident that not a trace will remain of the Raikage. - confidently finished his speech Danzo, then slowly dissipated the Rasengan he had created.

- ... You only invested half of your Chakra? - Hiruzen asked in surprise.

- Yes, because if there is more of it, then most likely it will get out of my control. - Danzo replied calmly.

Some presented a picture of such a human Tie as suddenly spinning out of control ... and shuddered.

- You did a great job, Danzo. - said Hiruzen, dispelling the oppressive atmosphere.

Recovering themselves, some of the attendees exclaimed:

- This technique must be banned immediately!

- Yes! It's too dangerous, what will happen if the children start trying to learn it?!

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