
I - Danzo

A boy named Emil suddenly finds himself in the body of Danzo, right in the midst of the First World War Shinobi, shortly before the death of Tobirama Senju. What will he do and what will the Darkness of Konoha become under his leadership?

vektor_189 · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

10 years

- The decision regarding changes in the education system of the Academy is not discussed. But your opinion will be taken into account and carefully considered. - Danzo said in an almost mocking tone. - Now, it's time to discuss the current military-political situation. As I see, many here have something to say.

After a few seconds of silence, the obviously fussy elder of the Hyuuga Clan began to speak while holding a piece of paper in front of him.

- Thank you for finally giving someone the floor, Mr. Danzō. - Hyuuga said with undisguised irony. - Just yesterday, you made a proposal to focus on one enemy and delay the onset of the war as much as possible. Our clan is completely with the first statement, but not with the second. Now is the best time to attack, as most likely, the allied relations between the Villages should not have time to fully form. If we strike later, we will face the coordinated attack of the three Great Villages.

The opinion expressed by the Hyuuga Clan Elder caused a noticeable buzz in the hall. Quiet but heated discussions began.

- I will hasten to answer your claim. The fact that the Ancients of Stone, Mist and Sand conspired is not a fact, but only a conclusion based on information that I cannot report. And I highly doubt that their negotiations are at the final stage. Most likely, now they are only considering the possibility of an alliance. If we attack one of the Villages, then most likely they will immediately conclude a military alliance. - Danzo answered confidently and continued. - At present, the economy of almost all other Villages, if not at the stage of formation, then it is in an extremely sad state. Unlike us. Our income is growing day by day. The academy is literally overflowing with students. Most likely, soon we will need to build additional buildings, as soon children from the Land of Lightning will begin to visit us! And if we manage to finish the training at least three or four issues, then our forces will be replenished by at least 500 units, or even more!

Hiruzen, impressed by Danzō's speech, clapped his hands loudly. Gradually, others joined him, including the Hyuuga Clan's representative.

- Your words are reassuring, Danzo. I would also like to speak. - Hiruzen suddenly spoke up. - The Sarutobi clan is actively and most importantly, successfully establishing trade relations with all countries. And at the moment, I can confidently say that they have a clear lack of food resources, equipment, and even more so military strength.

- But at the same time, they are still clearly preparing for war? - the representative of the Nara Clan interjected sharply.

Taking in some air with his mouth, Hiruzen replied:

- They started preparations right after the success of our Operation Typhoon. Therefore, there are no specific indications that the war may start in the next few years, but then further... Most likely, the maximum time it takes for Stone, Fog and Sand to come to an agreement is no more than 5-7 years. Plus, they definitely won't start a war right away, so in an ideal scenario, we have somewhere between 8-10 years.

Undoubtedly, it was hard for everyone at the meeting to hear that in 10 years a huge war would inevitably begin, in which three Great Villages would unite against Konoha at once. Almost everyone here had children, and the last thing their parents wanted was to know the horrors of war.

However, the availability of time in reserve, gave hope.

With this gloomy mood, the council ended and everyone present dispersed. Except for Hiruzen and Danzō. The latter approached Hiruzen and took out a folder with the catchy name "Genocide Weapons or Ways to Destroy the Gene Pool".

For a while, Hiruzen read the contents of the folder, occasionally glancing at his friend. When he finished reading, he handed the folder back to Danzo with a heavy sigh and was about to reach for the pipe, but he immediately stopped and restrained his impulse.

- How do you even know all this? First "Theoretical Foundations of Iryoninjutsu", now this ... - Hiruzen said with an incomprehensible intonation.

Danzō fell silent, unable to answer, but that didn't stop Hiruzen from continuing.

- Don't imitate Tobirama-sama so much. He is he, you are you. - Hiruzen said confidently, placing his hand on Danzo's shoulder. - However, I'm really impressed with your abilities, keep up the good work.

"Ah, so that's what you thought..."

Realizing what Hiruzen was thinking, Danzō was relieved. He was a little uncomfortable that Hiruzen could doubt Danzō's identity.

- By the way, I finally found the time to read your notes on the Rasengan and see what I can… - With a slightly childish tone, Hiruzen removed his hand from Danzō's shoulder and soon the Rasengan appeared in it.

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