
I - Danzo

A boy named Emil suddenly finds himself in the body of Danzo, right in the midst of the First World War Shinobi, shortly before the death of Tobirama Senju. What will he do and what will the Darkness of Konoha become under his leadership?

vektor_189 · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs


- Are you ready? - Danzo asked just in case.

- Yes. - Orochimaru replied calmly.

However, it was clear from small details in Orochimaru's behavior, such as hand twitching, rapid blinking, and profuse sweating, that Danzō was not at all as calm as he wants to appear.

- Do not rush. We have plenty of time. - Danzō said looking at Orochimaru.

He just silently nodded and continued to stand still, with a barely noticeable breath.

The reason for Orochimaru's excitement was that he called not just anyone, but his mother, who died with his father when he was only 4 years old.

- I start. - Orochimaru said and went to his table, where there were several scrolls and cones filled with something.

Picking up the scroll he had prepared a few hours earlier, Orochimaru placed it in front of him. Then he took out a flask with a cloudy reddish liquid and poured its contents onto the seals.

Suddenly, black stripes began to spread from the scroll with the seal, covering the floor of the laboratory with a strange pattern, in the center of which was a marginal man lying unconscious.

The ground beneath him lit up and his eyes snapped open and his mouth opened in an attempt to scream, but paper flying at him muffled the scream. And even so, the cry was very loud and gave something completely unhuman.

However, all of a sudden, all the paper shattered, and then sucked right into the seal, leaving only a handful of ash where the once-living person had been.

Orochimaru silently tore the scroll in his hands and threw the rest into the urn.

- Do you have any idea what caused the failure? - Danzō said calmly, looking at the noticeably drooping Orochimaru.

He only lifted his head slightly in response to make eye contact with Danzō.

- Either for some reason, the summoned soul is not in the Pure World, or there are some flaws in the structure of the seal itself... In any case, the ritual failed at the final stage of summoning the soul.

When Orochimaru said his first guess, Danzō couldn't help but remember Hatake Sakumo, whom Kakashi met in an unknown space, which was something that was between the world of the living and the Pure World.

"Maybe she also continues to watch him?.. No, then she would have been summoned too. I clearly remember that in the anime, Orochimaru summoned Hokage whose souls had not yet returned to the Pure World. Then what's the problem?.. "

While Danzo continued to build his guesses, Orochimaru dragged another person into the laboratory and began to create a new summoning scroll. All this took him no more than 10 minutes.

- Let's try again. - Orochimaru said and repeated all the actions he had done earlier, only instead of a flask with his mother's genetic material, there were particles of his father's flesh.

The ceremony began its course again and this time, the paper swirled in a light whirlwind around the victim, then to abruptly grab it. The figure of a man began to change rapidly, increasing in size, until he formed the figure of a two-meter man. Gradually, his facial features became clearer, and his eyes became clearer.

- Are you... Orochimaru? - the man said in dismay.

Unable to restrain himself, Orochimaru ran up and hugged the man tightly.

- It's all right, baby. Everything is fine, Dad is here ... - the man consoled his child.

After some hesitation, Orochimaru loosened his grip, wiped away his tears, and visibly calmed down. But his face looked noticeably more cheerful and lively.

- Can you tell us about your last memory? - Orochimaru asked.

- I... fought alongside Rei? Yes. Then we were attacked during a mission... And then... Oh gods! I was in the Pure World! But why don't I remember... - the man suddenly exclaimed, clutching his head.

Concerned, Orochimaru approached the man.

- Don't think about it. And who then attacked you?

Having stopped thinking about the Pure World, the person seems to have stopped feeling pain and hesitantly replied to Orochimaru:

- This was a group of very strange and strong people. They didn't care about wounds and pain. The more we fought them, the stronger they became... It seems they were talking about some kind of "Jashin"...

*at my pat reon you can find more than 47 extra chapters

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