
I - Danzo

A boy named Emil suddenly finds himself in the body of Danzo, right in the midst of the First World War Shinobi, shortly before the death of Tobirama Senju. What will he do and what will the Darkness of Konoha become under his leadership?

vektor_189 · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs


- And you quickly grasp everything. - Danzo praised. - I don't just want to use tobacco, but I want you to help me develop things far worse than tobacco.

Orochimaru silently looked at Danzō.

- Ahh, materials? I will provide them. And the lab too. - Danzo immediately understood everything without words.

No matter how genius Orochimaru was, without proper education it would be impossible for him to work.

In the case of the Edo Tensei, Danzō provided numerous notes on Fuinjutsu and Summoning Techniques, and on several occasions personally taught him.

- Then I'll wait for news from you. - Orochimaru replied very formally as he escorted Danzō to the exit.

The next day, news of the upcoming war had already spread throughout the Village. Everyone was talking about her.

Meanwhile, while the Village's attention was focused on the War and the Council that was due to take place today, Danzō appeared before Hiruzen with a new project. Namely, Danzō wanted to make a huge reform in education.

Due to its young age, the Shinobi Academy system was very crude and in need of drastic changes. Not even 10 years have passed since its inception.

First of all, inspired by the knowledge from his past life, Danzo created a clear division of subjects and proposed to form a program that teachers would adhere to.

The first and second grade program would be to introduce students to all the basic concepts and skills that they would have to face in the future. These classes include only 6 subjects: Physical Education, History, Mathematics, Writing, Chakrovedenie and Natural History.

The goals of the third grade program, Danzo determined the search for talents and predispositions of students.

According to the program, each student must try himself in Fuinjutsu, Genjutsu, Sensory, Ninjutsu and Iryoninjutsu. And based on the identified abilities, students will devote time to what fascinates them.

By the fourth grade, each student will already have their own profile and style. Here, teachers should focus on identifying students' weaknesses and how to deal with those weaknesses.

And after the 4th grade, the student can pass the exam in the usual way, but unlike the past, the new exam included an imitation of real combat situations. For example, the protection of some object, a person, or vice versa, their capture.

Those who during all 4 classes could not show any impressive results remain for 5 and 6 years. They will be trained for the life of "Eternal Genin", to be cannon fodder and eradicate everything that prevents them from being. Tough but pragmatic. And no one keeps them at the Academy, if that's the case.

Perhaps, or even more likely, such a system would not have been possible in Danzō's past life. However, here in the shinobi world, children on average had much higher intellectual abilities. The same Itachi was able to become a Chunin at the age of 10, a year later enter the Anbu and finally become an Anbu captain at the age of 12.

Even after Hiruzen accepted the project, Danzo looked at his creation from the side and thought with a chuckle:

"It turns out that those who finish all six classes are dumber than those who leave after four..."

Toward evening, the second council began. This time, everyone who came seemed to be very prepared, but what they weren't ready for was Hiruzen's announcement of changes in the teaching format of the academies.

- The Uchiha clan is categorically against this reform! - the elder of the Uchiha Clan was the first to announce his opinion.

Literally all representatives of various Clans expressed a similar opinion.

And Danzo knew why.

"Before, the Academy was only dedicated to creating slobs who only knew basic Ninjutsu after graduation, such as the Clone Technique or the Transformation Technique. But now they will lose their advantage in knowledge. Civilian shinobi will no longer have to suffer or rely on a teacher after graduation to learn at least one C-rank Ninjutsu."

In fact, what Danzo did was an open provocation against the Clans. And if he had done it any other time, he certainly wouldn't have gotten away with it, but now...

"In wartime, strength is God!"

Since there was a war on the nose, each battle was more valuable than ever. If the Clans dared to act against Danzō and the Hokage, they would weaken Konoha, thereby signing their own death warrant.

The same goes for reform itself. It is entirely dedicated to producing stronger shinobi in less time.

All the Clans could do was express their dissatisfaction with this reform, being unable to stop the Hokage.