
I'm Batman (HP Xover)

Just shortly after a 10-year-old Bruce Wayne lost his parents to an armed robber in a dark alleyway, a stray bullet somehow managed to lodge itself in the now orphaned young billionaires chest, killing him shortly after his mother and father. A new Bruce Wayne is born from the ashes of this tragedy and he knows a lot about this new world he’s just entered. Oh, and this is a Harry Potter crossover too. (A/N: I’m back and I’m nervous. It’s been a while since I’ve written and I’m afraid I may be rusty. Hopefully everyone likes this story. Thanks for reading!) If you like my writing, consider supporting on Patreon. I'll have advanced chapters there for you to read soon. https://www.patreon.com/AlienWarlord

AlienWarlord · Movies
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40 Chs

C38 Solution

(Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 6 chapters ahead at chapter 44. Okay, I've been a bit too lazy lately. I'm writing 2 chapters right now, so it'll be 8 chapters ahead soon.


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"What If I told you I believe Voldemort is still out there somewhere among the living?" Albus asks cryptically.

"... I see." Bruce acts as if he's putting it all together. "Ignoring the possibly living psychotic genocidal serial killer, you have some sort of familial magic in place that protects or hides Harry from Voldemort and his followers?"

"I don't think I'll ever get used to you..." Albus says, still shocked at how perceptive his new student is. "Yes, I have a blood ward in place that keeps Harry hidden from those that wish him harm. As long as he spends some time in contact with anyone blood related, the ward will charge up and Harry will be safe wherever he is."

'Wasn't Harry's grandmother a Black? If she was then Sirius may be able to replace his relatives. Though, they would have to either get him out of prison or wait until he escapes...' Bruce thought and soon decided to worry about one problem at a time.

Though, Sirius Black would make a fine member of the Justice League. Maybe pair him off with Constantine. That combo may be too much for the world to handle though.

"The ward is on Harry then?" Bruce asks and receives a nod from Dumbledore.

"Do you see now? We can't allow Harry to be away from his family. Although they are hurting him, at the same time they are what's keeping him alive."

"I get it, but this is easily fixable." Bruce says with a nod, causing Albus to raise an eyebrow at him. "Does Harry need to see his relatives for the blood ward to get charged, or can he just live on the same property as them?"

Albus looks at Bruce for a moment before his eyes widen and he launches out of his chair, pacing back and forth behind the oak desk.

"Yes, that could work." Albus mutters as he turns to Bruce. "Though how are we going to do it? Have them move into adjacent apartments?"

"No, I promised Harry he wouldn't have to see his abusers anymore, so we'll have to be a bit more imaginative." Bruce says as he takes some of his teacher's candy.

"Promises should be kept but can be changed in times of need." Albus says as he takes some candy as well.

"No, not my promises. I have the resources to keep them. Especially now that I have you..." Bruce says as he looks at Dumbledore as if he figured it out. "I think I know how to do this, but you may not like it..."

"Tell me first and we'll see." Albus answers.

"I can have a house built with a nonaccessible basement. The basement will have everything an apartment would, but without any windows, entrances, or exits. You can add some wards to make it an unbreakable prison and boom. We throw the Dursleys in there and Harry lives above them, free from his abusers but safe from his enemies. His ward gets charged and the Dursleys get punished for what they've done. Win-win situation." Bruce explains and Albus begins to waver a bit.

"I don't know... Don't they have a child that's around Harry's age? He shouldn't be punished for what his parents have taught him." Dumbledore says unsure of what to do.

"If you feel that way, we can have the cousin put up for adoption. The parents are clearly unfit, and maybe the boy would straighten up under another guardian. We would need to wipe his mind a bit though. Got anything for that?" Bruce asks, knowing he does.

"Yes, I believe I do." Albus says as he starts to get on board with this idea. "How will we keep them fed and all that?"

"One of the Hogwarts elves will do. They can just bring over some leftovers from the students and take away any garbage while they're there. Of course, they would have to be trustable and sworn to secrecy." Bruce solves the problem easily.

"I don't know if we should be doing this though." After all of the obstacles were figured out, Albus began to have second thoughts. "Imprisoning muggles to power a blood ward isn't the most legal and light thing to do. In fact, it seems like something Voldemort would do..."

"I understand your hesitance, but the sort of things they did to Harry is punishable with prison time in the muggle world. Compared to the nice apartment and delicious food we would give them, a muggle prison might as well be Azkaban. In a way, we are giving them a lighter punishment than they deserve." Bruce explains and Dumbledore seems to cave.

"Fine, I agree. How long would it take you to get this house built?" Albus asks, and Bruce smiles at his acceptance.

"I'll send a letter to my butler, Alfred, and have it completed as swiftly as possible. If we find out it would take longer than expected, I'll simply buy a house and have everything added on." Bruce says with a shrug. "Once it's completed, You can go there and work your magic. By the end of the school year, Harry will have a safe and peaceful home life."

"Sigh... Thank you for being here, Bruce. Without you, I may have simply sent Harry back there." Albus says in shame.

"Don't worry about it, Old Man. I'm sure you would have figured something out." Bruce says encouragingly. "Though, when are you going to explain all of this to Harry? At some point, the boy deserves to know about at least some of this. Especially since he may have an angry Dark Lord on his tail. If he knew, he could better prepare himself."

At the very least, Bruce thinks Harry should be told about the possible threat of the remaining Death Eaters.

"Hmm..." Albus thinks about it for a moment. "If he shows enough maturity and scores well in his classes this year, then I'll sit him down and inform him of his enemies."

"Sounds fair to me." Bruce says as he stands from his seat and makes his way towards the door. "I have a study group to get to. I'll inform you of any updates regarding our talk."



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