
I'm Batman (HP Xover)

Just shortly after a 10-year-old Bruce Wayne lost his parents to an armed robber in a dark alleyway, a stray bullet somehow managed to lodge itself in the now orphaned young billionaires chest, killing him shortly after his mother and father. A new Bruce Wayne is born from the ashes of this tragedy and he knows a lot about this new world he’s just entered. Oh, and this is a Harry Potter crossover too. (A/N: I’m back and I’m nervous. It’s been a while since I’ve written and I’m afraid I may be rusty. Hopefully everyone likes this story. Thanks for reading!) If you like my writing, consider supporting on Patreon. I'll have advanced chapters there for you to read soon. https://www.patreon.com/AlienWarlord

AlienWarlord · Movies
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40 Chs

C3 ‘Am I Batman?’

(A/N: Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 2 chapters ahead at chapter 5. Chapter 6 is almost done and will be up when I wake up. I'll probably be writing and posting at least 2 more chapters tonight.


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[Jesus Christ appears in your bedroom as you just finished committing the sin of pleasuring your nether parts to loli hentai. Truly you have sinned before the lord. He demands a donation of Power stones and a positive review in order to wash your sins away. Enjoy the chapter!]

As the light left Bruce's eyes and a new light took its place, the new Bruce shoved forward, rolling his mother's body off of him with a quick burst of strength.

'Huh? Where the f*ck am I?!' He thought deliriously as he felt the unimaginable pain that the Bruce before him experienced.

"Young Master Bruce??!!" He heard a British accent shout and footsteps rush over.

'Huh, that sounds like Alfred from Batman...' The new Bruce thought as he passed out from a lack of air and blood.


After being discovered by his family butler, the orphaned billionaire was rushed to the hospital as swiftly as possible.

As soon as Alfred saw just how bad of a condition Bruce was in, he knew that an ambulance wouldn't make it in time.

Thinking quickly, he carried Bruce with the utmost care and rushed him to the nearest hospital, pushing the Wayne family's black Lincoln town car to its very limit the whole way there.

The newly reincarnated Bruce Wayne went through many life-saving surgeries, while Alfred waited with bated breath, hoping he won't fail the Wayne family more than he already had.

Never in his life had Alfred Thaddeus Crane Pennyworth felt like so much of a failure. Even in the military, he never failed a mission or disappointed his superiors more than he felt disappointed in himself at this very moment.

The Wayne family is or was the most high profile family in Gotham and one of the most high profile families in the world.

He should have known that something like this could happen and created a large team of bodyguards to watch and protect them at all times.

Sadly, his own hubris seems to have gotten the better of him and now he could do nothing but regret and lament his failure as a butler and bodyguard.

Luckily, Young Master Bruce managed to pull through after his 4th surgery and was settled into a V.I.P room on the top floor of the hospital.

-One week later-

The beeping of a heart monitor could be heard as a bandaged Bruce Wayne opens his eyes for the first time in a little over a week.

He immediately felt discomfort due to the long tube that is currently piped down his throat and into his lungs in order to regulate his breathing.

Without thinking about the consequences, he immediately pulls the tube out of his throat in one long pull, causing him to start coughing and hacking as some medical instruments in the room beep uncontrollably.

In seconds a large group of nurses comes running into the room with alarmed looks on their faces.

"He's awake!" One of them exclaimed as they came over and began checking his vitals, while a couple of nurses try to put the tube back in.

"...no..." Bruce rasps out with a broken voice as he slaps the slimy plastic tube away. "...where am I?"

Seeing that the child before them is confused and uncooperative, one of the nurses took it upon himself to explain.

"Bruce, you're in the hospital. I know it's uncomfortable but the tube is needed. Your lung was punctured and is still healing." A male nurse explained.

"...who's Bruce?..." Bruce asked, causing the nurses to look at one another uneasily. 'My lung was punctured? What the hell is happening?'

No one in the room answered his question as once again, the nurses tried to insert the tube. This time Bruce didn't bother resisting as a tube was shoved down his throat.

The feeling was extremely uncomfortable but he would rather feel like this than risk his life.

It's always best to listen to your doctor. Well, a nurse in this case.

As soon as Bruce was all settled and the nurses finished checking all of his vitals, they left with the promise of the doctors assigned to him arriving soon.

Once the room was emptied, Bruce looked around with confused and bewildered eyes.

One second he was sleeping in class, the next he was in a hospital with a tube down his throat and a nurse calling him the wrong name.

'Wait... what was my name?' He thought back and couldn't recall, but he could remember almost everything else.

His childhood, family, or lack thereof due to being an orphan, school life, and friends.

Everything except for his name, but he knew for sure that it wasn't Bruce.

After some time passed, he started to become aware of his own body, especially how small his hands were.

Ripping the covers off, Bruce stared at his noticeably smaller body in fright.

'What the absolute f*ck is happening?!' He would have screamed if not for the tube in his throat.

As he was freaking out, the door swung open, and in rushed Alfred, still dressed impeccably in his butler's uniform.

"Y-Young Master Bruce..." Alfred stutters with a tear or two in his eyes.

Just the sight of Bruce awake after everything that's happened lifts a giant weight from this butler's shoulders.

'I may have failed your parent, but I'll never fail you. Not again.' Alfred thought as he wiped his tears and bowed deeply towards his young charge.

"I'm so sorry, Bruce. If I had done a better job, none of this would have happened. Your parents would be alive and you wouldn't have needed to fight for your life in this hospital." The butler says as tear after tear falls from his eyes and plummets to the hard hospital floor.

"Ahem" The sound of someone clearing their throat breaks Alfred from his apology as a young police officer enters the room. "I apologize for interrupting, but I have some questions for Mr. Wayne."

Fixing his appearance with lightning speed, Alfred enters butler mode as if a switch was flipped.

"I'm afraid he isn't in the right condition for that, as you can see." Alfred says as he motions towards Bruce's blocked mouth.

"Oh, I see." The policeman nods as he takes a small card from his jacket pocket. "Please call me when he's able to answer some questions. It's vital to the investigation into..." He stops himself, looking awkwardly towards the newly orphaned child in the room. "Well, you know."

"Yes, I think we do, Officer... Jim Gordon." Alfred says as he reads the name on the card and stows it away in his breast pocket.

"Right, I'll see myself out. Please remember to call as soon as possible." Officer Gordon says and leaves just as quickly as he came.

Seeing and hearing these strangers' words, Bruce puts two and two together as realization dawns on him.

'Am I batman?'

(A/N: Tonight or tomorrow night I plan on doing a poll on patreòn for the female love interest. Leave your choices here so I can add them to the poll and join the patreón if you want to vote.)

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