
I'm Batman (HP Xover)

Just shortly after a 10-year-old Bruce Wayne lost his parents to an armed robber in a dark alleyway, a stray bullet somehow managed to lodge itself in the now orphaned young billionaires chest, killing him shortly after his mother and father. A new Bruce Wayne is born from the ashes of this tragedy and he knows a lot about this new world he’s just entered. Oh, and this is a Harry Potter crossover too. (A/N: I’m back and I’m nervous. It’s been a while since I’ve written and I’m afraid I may be rusty. Hopefully everyone likes this story. Thanks for reading!) If you like my writing, consider supporting on Patreon. I'll have advanced chapters there for you to read soon. https://www.patreon.com/AlienWarlord

AlienWarlord · Movies
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40 Chs

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(A/N: Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 4 chapters ahead at chapter 25. Chapter 26 is almost done. I took a day off yesterday so I will be posting 2 chapters tonight for sure.


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[Hand em over. If I don't get my stones, I will find out your favorite anime waifu and write her death scene. She will die a slow and horrifying death, while cursing your existence for not saving her when you easily could have.]

Staring down at the little white snow owl, Bruce contemplated whether he should snatch her before Hagrid buys her for Harry.

'She is the the best owl in the shop by far, I'm not surprised why Hagrid bought her for Harry in the movie.' Bruce thought as he eyed the other birds.

"Do you like the snow owl?" The salesman asks. "I have to warn you though. She is very vicious and unruly. Most people that were interested in her have been scarred and scared off."

Ignoring the salesman, Bruce bent down so he was face to face with the white owl.

"Would you like me to purchase you?" Bruce asks, surprising the salesman.

No customer has ever come in and asked one of the animals if they wanted to be bought. It was an odd moment to witness.

Looking straight at Bruce with big round eyes, the baby snow owl looked him up and down and then stared him straight in the eyes for a good moment.

Bruce could feel the judging eyes of an animal far smarter than it's supposed to be bearing down on him. He felt as though this bird could see right through him. It was uncomfortable and unsettling, to say the least.

"Do I meet your standards?" Bruce asked with a nervous chuckle.

"Sir, it's just a bird..." The salesman tries to say something but it's interrupted by an aggressive screech aimed in his direction from the little snow owl.

"I think she took offense to that." Bruce says with an unrestrained chuckle.

"Huh, she is definitely smarter than the rest isn't she?" The salesman recovers quickly. 'I should up the price...'

"So, do I qualify or not?" Bruce asks as he ignores the salesman once again.

"Hoot." The small snow owl nods its head up and down.

"Alright, let's test it then." Bruce says as he opens the cage and scratches her on the chest, behind the feathers.

The snow owls' eyes go hazy as they slowly drift shut, enjoying a feeling it's never felt before due to its past aggression toward potential buyers.

'Sorry, Harry. It seems like I'm stealing your future pet. I'll make it up to you.' Bruce thought.

He knew of many ways to help Harry out without inconveniencing himself in the slightest bit.

With his two pets picked out, Bruce paid for them and left the store with a still sleeping kitten in his hands. Alfred made himself useful and carried Hedwig in her cage.

Though Bruce wasn't sure if he would copy that name or come up with a new one just yet. The kitten needs a name as well, so he would have to make these decisions when he gets home.

While leaving Diagon Alley, Bruce and Alfred spot none other than the stern witch that helped them earlier in the day. She was leading a family of three through the archway entrance into Diagon Alley.

"Hello again!" Bruce calls out and walks up to them.

The family of three consisted of a mother, father, and daughter. The parents are both middle-aged. The father has slightly balding light brown hair, while the mother has black hair, but these two weren't what caught Bruce's attention.

Standing in front of her parents was another potential first year like Bruce himself. She has bushy brown hair, brown eyes, and prominent buck teeth.

'Hermione Granger?' Bruce immediately recognized her.

"Ahh, Mr. Wayne. I thought you would have left by now." Professor McGonagall blurts out.

The family of three beside her are still overcoming their first experience seeing Diagon Alley, so they aren't paying much attention to the interaction happening around them.

"Yeah, we ended up touring every pet shop, looking for the perfect pets." Bruce replies as he gestures to his two new pets.

While Bruce and Minerva are catching up, the Granger family has finally come out of their shock and noticed the new arrivals.

"Oh, is that a kitten!" Hermione exclaims as she dashes over toward Bruce to get a better look.

"Is that Bruce Wayne?" Mrs. Granger whispers to her husband, who shrugs unknowingly.

"Are you going to Hogwarts too?" Hermione asks Bruce.

She's already started petting the grey kitten without Bruce's permission, but he doesn't really mind. Especially if he can use this moment to make an early connection to one of the golden trio.

"Yes, Professor McGonagall just brought us here before you..." Bruce says as he starts making conversation with Hermione and her family.

After introducing himself, Mr. and Mrs. Granger were surprised to see him here and as a wizard no less.

The news of the Wayne family deaths spread around the world, and many news outlets spread the news of Bruce Wayne moving to England, so they felt as though they were meeting a child star of some sort.

Hermione had no idea who he was since she was a child, so she just treated Bruce as a potential friend and future classmate.

Through their conversation, Bruce started to understand how Hermione seemed to alienate herself at Hogwarts. She's a very headstrong and smart child, but sadly that manifests in a sort of 'know it all' persona.

This doesn't bother Bruce though, as he's at a higher level of education currently, thanks to his homeschooling, and mentally an adult. That is, if you add up the years lived in both lives.

After giving Hermione his phone number and saying their goodbyes, Bruce and Alfred left Diagon Alley and were escorted home by the still waiting security.

That night, Bruce planned to start practicing his magic and reading his textbooks early, but first, he had some pets to name.

The cute little kitten was easy as he had already come up with her name on the way home.

"Your name will be Cinder. Do you like it?" Bruce asks and receives a cute meow in return.


"Good I'm glad you like it." Bruce says as he turns his attention to his snow-white owl. "It was harder to come up with a good name for you, but I think I have a good one. How do you feel about Beira?"

"Hoot?" She answers with a questioning turn of her head.

"It's the name of the Queen of Winter in Gaelic Mythology. Do you like it?" Bruce asks.

After a second of thought, the newly named Beira nods her head up and down and flaps her wings happily.


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