
I'm Batman (HP Xover)

Just shortly after a 10-year-old Bruce Wayne lost his parents to an armed robber in a dark alleyway, a stray bullet somehow managed to lodge itself in the now orphaned young billionaires chest, killing him shortly after his mother and father. A new Bruce Wayne is born from the ashes of this tragedy and he knows a lot about this new world he’s just entered. Oh, and this is a Harry Potter crossover too. (A/N: I’m back and I’m nervous. It’s been a while since I’ve written and I’m afraid I may be rusty. Hopefully everyone likes this story. Thanks for reading!) If you like my writing, consider supporting on Patreon. I'll have advanced chapters there for you to read soon. https://www.patreon.com/AlienWarlord

AlienWarlord · Movies
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40 Chs

C11 Joe Chill’s Death (1)

(A/N: Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 5 chapters ahead at chapter 16. Chapter 17 is almost done and will be finished when I wake up. I'll probably be posting 2 more chapters tonight.


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[I take your power stones and I give you a riddle. No google allowed. I'm watching you. It can't be seen, can't be felt, can't be heard, and can't be smelled. It lies behind stars and under hills, and empty holes it fills. It comes first and follows after, ends life, and kills laughter. What is it? The answer will be at the end of the chapter.]

That night, Alfred snuck out of Wayne Manor without any of the other live-in staff noticing.

Instead of his swanky butler's suit, Alfred went with a more casual set of clothes that wouldn't draw any attention.

Although it's late at night, the area where Joe Chill was spotted is said to have a bit of nightlife.

Driving to a more shady part of town, Alfred switches cars to a sh*tty rust bucket he found in a random parking lot. Arriving at his location, he could see a plethora of shady and drunk individuals littering the streets, moving from bar to bar.

Some enjoy their booze and other drugs right out in the open.

"This city has really gone to shit." Alfred mutters as he pulls up across the street from a rundown hotel.

Putting his car in park, Alfred waits patiently, surveying the area diligently.

-3 hours later-

For hours now, Alfred has seen all sorts of suspicious characters leaving and entering the rundown hotel.

Based on what he's seen, the hotel seems to be the base of operations for a group of drug dealers. Possibly some sort of gang.

Junkies show up looking like absolute shit, then leave wobbly and smiling like idiots.

After waiting for so long, Alfred saw a car pull up in front of the hotel. As the door opened, out steps Joe Chill himself.

After Joe Chill went inside, Alfred put on a black face mask and left the car to get a better look.

Getting closer to the building, Alfred can see Joe speaking to the dealers inside through the window. A handoff is made between the two. Joe takes a paper bag and the dealer receives a wad of money.

'Using his blood money for drugs... disgusting.' Alfred thought.

As soon as Joe got his drugs, he returned to his car and drove away.

Not missing this opportunity, Alfred followed him and surprisingly wound up in an upscale part of Gotham.

Pulling into a driveway leading to a lavish house that would probably cost at least a couple million dollars, Joe Chill pulled his car into the garage and closed it behind him.

'Is he squatting in this house?' Alfred questioned as he saw the for sale sign out front. 'No wonder it was hard to find him. I didn't think he would be in this type of area.'

After surveying the area and walking around the property, the sun began to rise so Alfred left to report back his findings.


"So he's squatting in some random house, huh?" Bruce says as he eats his morning breakfast.

"Yes, I also found some security cameras around the property, but they've all been smashed by Mr. Chill if I had to guess." Alfred replies while handing Bruce a glass of orange juice.

"Alright, let's leave tonight. You said he used my parent's money on drugs, so it's likely he's just laying around strung out on whatever he bought. This is going to be easier than I thought." Bruce says as he pops a piece of bacon into his mouth.

"Master Bruce, we talked about this..." Alfred says.

"Yeah, and I believe you said I wasn't allowed within 100 feet of Joe Chill, so I'll be staying in the car." Bruce says, leaving Alfred speechless. "Now, go get some rest. You haven't slept all night. We'll leave at midnight."

After saying his piece, Bruce finished eating and walked off to do his morning rituals.


A little before midnight came around, Bruce snuck out of the Manor and waited in the backseat of Alfred's car.

Soon enough Alfred snuck out as well and entered the driver's seat. After driving out of the gates of Wayne Manor, he checked his rearview mirror and was surprised to see Bruce sitting in the backseat with a smile on his face.

Before leaving the Manor, Alfred peaked in on Bruce and found him asleep in his bed.

"Master Bruce, I thought you were..." Alfred hits the breaks, stopping in the middle of the road.

Thankfully the road is empty.

"Asleep?" Bruce finishes and gets a nod from his butler. "Nope, it's magical what can be done with a pile of clothes and a blanket on top. I thought you may try and run off so I decided to be a little sneaky."

"*Sigh* Fine, you can come, but you must stay in the car. Do you understand?" Alfred lays down the law.

Receiving a nod from Bruce, Alfred sighs one last time before hitting the gas and driving once again.

Arriving at the house, Alfred parks down the street a bit and opens the driver's side door.

"Alfred." Bruce says drawing his butler's attention. "Don't get hurt, okay? And make sure he's dead before you leave."

Giving Bruce a silent nod, Alfred left the car and crept his way into the house.

Knowing that comic villains can survive grave injuries or even come back to life here and there, Bruce wanted to make sure that none of that happened.

Who knows, this may be the villainous backstory of Joe Chill and he will somehow get superpowers and come back to get revenge later on.

'Yeah, no thanks' Bruce thought.

Which is why he warned Alfred.

As soon as Alfred entered the house, Bruce ducked into the back seat and watched his surroundings.

Soon a man that looked a lot like Joe Chill's mugshot walked by the car and headed in the direction of the home.

He wasn't alone though.

Six other men followed behind him. All of them laughing and drink from glass bottles hidden in brown paper bags. A few of them even had pistols tucked into their waste-bands.

'What do I do?' Bruce thought as he saw all seven of them enter the house. 'Can Alfred take on so many people?'

Suddenly, Bruce heard multiple gunshots and saw flashes of light in the house. It looked like a firefight was going down inside.

Making up his mind, Bruce took hold of his Bowie knife and left the car.

[Riddle Answer: The Dark]

-PoWeR sToNeS-

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