
I'll Reincarnate In RWBY My Way

Donovan Brady was a 21 year old American programmer who after a certain incident found himself in the afterlife, going through an automated reincarnation process because the deity in charge of reincarnating him had stepped out for a few centuries. Feeling outraged, and finding some familiarity with things from his past life, he demands to see the complaints department. It turns out that there actually is one, but they stepped out for a couple decades as well. Outraged, Donovan uses the terminal in the complaints department to take his own future into his own hands, programming himself a system and sending himself to the World of Remnant as Jaune Arc, with huge dreams for the future? Should he follow canon? Hell no! He decides to save everyone that he can. There may be a butterfly effect from his choices, but he keeps moving forward while trying to make the world of Remnant a much better place. Just how much can he screw up Salem's plans? With the access to the StellarWeb of the gods, provided by his system, he can track her and her minions at any time. With the shadow clone jutsu, he can be an many places at once, with the Flying Thunder God he can travel across the world in an instant, and with the Byakugan/Tenseigan, a huge repertoire of jutsu's, and a zanpakuto from Bleach, he's ready to rain down hell upon the villains of this world, but will he be satisfied if he wins Find out by reading his story. Notice : I do not own most of the characters that will be featured in this story. This is a fanfic that I am writing for fun, and hope some will enjoy it. I also do not own the image.

Splendora_Gaming · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

Transitions Part 2 (Patch & Kuroyuri)

Following Summer's 'disappearance', Jaune brought her to his wilderness base where he'd been training Cinder, Mercury, and Emerald, and she began mentoring the trio. As promised, Jaune began transferring letters between her and her family of Patch, so while many presumed Summer to be dead, her family knew differently.

Once Rinoa started going to Signal Academy, one of Jaune's clones, no longer hiding his true age, made friends with Yang and Ruby. Jaune started mentoring them in chakra control techniques, and even the three academy jutsu from the Naruto world.

Using their chakra from as young an age as possible would naturally stimulate its growth so that they'd have more of it later in life, but they didn't need anything too dangerous while this young. He did provide the family with chakra paper to test their affinities, though, amd he found that Taiyang had Lightning, Summer had Wind, Yang had Fire, and Ruby had Lightning and Wind. Recognizing the significance of that combination, Jaune made plans to try to teach Ruby Swift release when she was older. Rinoa he had test her affity at a seperate time and found that it was water.

Summer had been away for a year, and Ruby was 4, Yang was 6, and the fateful day came when Yang put Ruby into her wagon and started pulling her along into the woods, following a lead on her biological mothers whereabouts.

Because they knew Summer was alive somewhere, Yang actually hadn't went looking for Raven at the same time as she originally had, but instead about 6 moths later, since she'd start at Signal Academy soon, and Yang saw this as her last chance,. That being said, when Jaune realized what Yang was doing, he followed the sisters discretely. Yang could be stubborn, so Jaune knew that if he confronted her and stopped her, Yang would just try again later.

Since the timing was different, it was entirely possible that they'd not run into creatures of Grimm on this trip at all, but that was not a risk Jaune was willing to take, so he was ready to step in the moment he saw a threat of any kind.

Yang and Ruby travelled for hours, not running into any creatures of Grimm, before finally reaching the old house that Yang was looking for., outside of which a huntsman was fighting a pack of Beowolves. There were way more then there had been originally when Yang was supposed to come here, and the huntsman was in a dangerous situation, with a second man already in critical condition.

"Wood Release: Twin Wood Dragons Jutsu!" Jaune called out as he revealed himself, charging towards the battle as near instantaniously a pair of oriental-style dragons emerged from the ground, on prootecting Yang and Ruby, and the other protecting the injurred man "Deal with the Grimm, my wood dragon will protect your friend." he instructed "Fire Release: Majestic Destroyer Flames!" Jaune then exhaled a lot of fire from his mouth at a small group of Beowolves, killing them all.

Jaune had recently decided to learn a real fire Jutsu, so of course he started with Majestic Destroyer Flame like a total badass, and it looked quite impressive if one did not know what it was supposed to look like. The truth was, it wasted a lot of chakra and he was barely able to use it at all, so in his current hands, it was barely equivelant to a C-rank fire jutsu in scale and a B rank in intensity, while having an SS-rank equivelent cost.

It just happened to be his best AoE technique on hand and there was a large group conveniently gathered together. He took out ten with that single attack, leaving only three for the huntsman to finish off.

As for his Wood Release: Twin Wood Dragons Jutsu, ir's true identity was Wood Release: Wood Dragons Jutsu, he had just performed half handseals in each hand and released two of it at once, and called it Twin Wood Dragon Jutsu.

While the huntsman was finishing off the last three Beowolves, Jaune dispersed the dragon protecting the injured huntsman and walked over to use medjutsu to stabilize the man so that he wouldn't die.

While he was treating the huntsman. Jaune mentally checked his stats.


Karma : 84

Aura : 34,059

--- Semblances --- Aura Amp, Glyphs, Petal Burst

Chakra : 596.3 / 5,963

--- Kekkai Genkai (Trained) --- Mokuton (Wood) (27)

--- Kekkai Genkai (Untrained) --- Hyouton (Ice), Jinton (Dust), Shakuton (Scorch), Ranton (Storm)

--- Elements (Trained) --- Suiton (Water) (13) , Doton (Earth) (8), Katon (Fire) (1)

--- Elements (Untrained) --- Futon (Wind), Raiton (Lightning

--- Doujutsu --- Byakugan (White Eye), Tenseigan (Reincarnation Eye)

--- Medjutsu --- (25)

--- Fuinjutsu --- (19)

Reiatsu : 472

--- Zanpakuto ---

Dance Sode no Shirayuki (Shikai)

(Sealed) Dance Hakka no Togame (Bankai)

--- Kido ---

Strength : 104

Speed : 117


In the past few years, Jaunt had mostly kept to his same priorities, increasing his number of jutsu's known. He had also been updating his system to better represent/show his skills that he was actually able to use, splitting the elements and kekkai genkai that he can use into categories of whether or not he'd trained in them yet.

Mokuton, for example, had (27) beside it, referring to the fact that he'd trained to use 27 different wood release jutsu. Of course, many of he strongest he trained before he was three years old when he was not constantly split into around 10 clones, so many of those he just couldn't use right not.

To cope with each of them having less chakra individually, they'd been training with weaker jutsu.

That was actually another reason why his majestic destroyer flame was so weak. He was unable to channel enough chakra at a high enough speed since his overall max was rather weak compared to his normal whole self.

Even so, those Beowolves were weak and it got the job done.

"Thanks kid. What were you doing in a place like this?" The huntsman asked Jaune as he approached to check on his partner.

"I came looking for my friends who weren't home. I heard you fighting and came to see. And good thing I did." Jaune looked at Yang as the wood dragon that was protecting her wilted and disappeared "You two alright?"

Yang nodded confidently, though Ruby was still asleep in the wagon.

Jaune looked back at the huntsman "I stabilized your friend, but you should get him to a doctor. I'll escort my friends home" Jaune got up and walked over to Yang and gave her a hug "Glad you two are alright. Now, lets get you home."

Yang glanced at the old house and then sighed and complied.

Jaune used a medjutsu that cured fatigue on Yang periodically as they walked until he got her home.

Hearing about the girls disappearing, Rinoa came home from Signal Academy to tend to the house while Taiyang and Qrow were out looking for them, so Rinoa ran straight to Yang and hugged her and started crying, it was clear that she had been worried.

When Ruby woke up a moment later and sat up in her wagon, Rinoa went to her and gave her a tearful hug.

"Sis is sad?" Ruby asked innocently.

"I found them and brought them back." Jaune said to Rinoa.

Rinoa was still a bit shocked seeing Jaune in his current state, after all, thanks to the transformation Jutsu, when they first met, Jaune looked to be her age, when in fact he was 3 years younger. Rinoa went over to Jaune and hugged him "Thank you for bringing my idiot sisters back safely."

"Hey!" Yang protested and puffed out her cheeks


While Yang was getting punished at home by Taiyang, Summer Rose and one of Jaune's clones was in a small town called Kuriyuri. Jaune spent the day using earth release to raise of a 30 foot tall stone wall around the small town with two gates made by wood release, and he reinforced the walls and gates with fuinjutsu.

It would not stop the Nuckelavee that was supposed to attack tonight, but other lesser grimm wouldn't break it, so as long as they dealt with the Nuckelavee, the residents shouldn't panic as much.

"You are cetrtain that a Nuckelavee is coming tonight?" Summer asked once their preperations were complete.

"Around 90 percent" Jaune insisted to Summer "I've already made changes. After all, you being here, not dead, is a particularly significant change. There may be ripples that spread out and that change the future I foresaw, but I doubt that this particular creature was affected by any of my changes yet."

Summer nodded "I guess we can only wait then" she sighed and looked around, kinda missing her white hood and cloak, but that was too conspicuous as she was known for that outfit, and as far as Salem was supposed to know, Summer Rose was dead.

As a result, Jaune gave Summer a soul reapers outfit from bleach and a black hood. He also gave her a zanpakuto provided by his system, though since she did not have a system, he could not influence what her Shikai or Bankai turned out to be, or even if she'd ever have the capacity to acheive those forms.

For Summer, it was a high quality blade without a name, which was linked to her soul and could heal over time even if it was damaged or destroyed.

Jaune himself wore a similar outfit, and this time was disguised as Kuchiki Byakuya. They'd come to town claiming to have seen signs of a large grimm in the area and wanting to take measures to keep everyone safe. The two, who looked like a huntsman and a huntress, did not ask for any money or anything, so the townsfolk had no reason to say no


Nora Valkyrie, an orphan that lived in Kuroyuri, had no family to go home too, so she found herself watching the huntress and huntsman that had entered the town earlier today. The pretty lady had even spotted Nora earlier when she was seperated from her partner, and bought Nora a little cake, which was the most delicious food that she'd ever eaten, at least as far as she remembered.

Seeing such a beautiful, strong and kind woman, Nora naturally wanted to be like her, but as an orphan Nora didn't think she'd ever get the opportunity. Even so, she couldn't help but wish for it as she watched the pair from a safe distance until well into the night, until the point where they suddenly started running away from their current location towards the new walls that they'd built.


Using the StellarWeb, Jaune was monitoring the surrounding few miles of Kuroyuri for any signs of abnormally large grimm, and finally he detected one "It's coming!" Jaune called out and ran towards the wall of the village with Summer following.

Neither of the gates were in this direction, so Jaune made use of the Treewalking training technique to climb the wall, since he was not to the point where he could jump that high yet, while the much stronger Summer just jumped onto the 30 foot tall wall in a single leap.

Once he reached the top of the wall and got alongside Summer, Jaune saw a man running towards the wall, chased by the Nuckelavee "Wood Release: Vine Capture Jutsu" Jaune formed hand seals and used the jutsu, causing vines to entangle and trip the Nuckelavee, while Summer jumped from the wall and went to engage the Nuckelavee for the moment.

Jaune went to the man and recognized that it was a hunter from town. According to the StellarWeb, this man had encountered the Nuckelavee on his way home from hunting, and it was close enough that he realized Kuroyuri was in danger regardless of whether or not he went there. He decided that the Nuckelavee was definitely going to attack Kuroyuri regardless, so him running home at least gave him a little hope of surviving, and that he might aalso save some people by warning them. He felt that he at least had to try to warn them, rather then losing his life and then having the monster attack with zero warning.

Ren reached the hunter and grabbed his arm "Keep calm, we're professionals, don't cause a panic" he then used flying thunder god to send the hunter to the town center.

The Nuckelavee started breaking free from the vines that Jaune had used to try to restrain it, while Summer got in close to attack it, careful to dodge it's attacks, her movements looking like an ellegant dance.

"Wood Release: Lifevine Jutsu!" Jaune called out, forming the jutsu twice at the same time by using a half-seal in each hand.

The vines, which remained attached to the Nuckelavee, started spreading over it's body as the creature released a terrifying scream. The vines may not be able to kill the creature in one moment, but could gradually weaken it "Wood Release: Vine Capture Jutsu! Jaune again did a double jutsu using half-seals in each hand, and twice as many vines started restraining the Nuckelavee as Summer pulled back as planned.

The Nuckelavee screamed some more, but was thoroughly ensnared, even unable to lash out with it's own whip-like tendrils because they were also pinned.

"Wood Release: Wood Spike Jutsu" Jaune unleashed another Jutsu. Now that it was immobilized and unable to dodge, a spike emerged from the ground and impaled the head of the horse part of the Nuckelavee, then Jaune charged in with his Zanpakuto and jumped up and cut off its human-like head, causing the Nuckelavee to burst and disappear into black mist.

Jaune primarily brought Summer along to back him up and to help protect the town if other grimm came to attack,, but he'd wanted to defeat the Nuckelavee personally like this. He hoped to be able to summon it with his glyphs one day, though he could barely summon a beowolf right now, and it was not a stable summoning either, tending to burst and vanish within around 30 seconds.

Now that the Nuckelavee was dead, though, and by Jaune's hand, when he was better with summoning, he would be able to summon it.

Jaune looked at Summer "Just a few Beowolves trying to get through the walls. They wont succeed, but shall we go deal with them anyway?" Jaune suggested to Summer, who nodded in agreement, and then the two were off.


Nora had found a ladder and climbed up onto the wall during the fight, and when she first saw Summer engage the monster, Nora was immensely impressed, so much that she forgot to be scared.

She was very confused, though, when Summer let Jaune finish it and she left the battlefield to simply watch. Sure, her partner's tricks with the plants was incredible too, but Nora was convinced that Summer could have beaten it on her own, or that they could have beaten it even faster if they had worked together. Nora did not see the sense in Jaune fighting it alone, because she did not know about Jaune's summoning ability, even if it was weak for now.

Nora started to go towards the ladder but saw a man with black hair and a mustache come up "You're that girl from earlier today" the man recognized her. He was none other then Rens father "I heard a lot of noise over here. Did you see what happened?"

"The Huntsman and huntress killed a very big grimm. As big as this wall." Nora said nervously

Li Ren examined the girl carefully "What are you doing out at a time like this? Don't you have anyone that worries about you?"

Nora shook her head "No sir...I'm all alone."

Li Ren, seeing how calm Nora seemed when he first arrived, in spite of what she'd apparently seen, was very impressed with the girl "Please, come with me. I'll properly introduce you to my wife and son. You don't have to be alone anymore."


Jaune used way too much chakra in the battle against the Nuckelavee, since he only had one tenth of his max amount to start with, so Jaune and Summer retired to the rooms they rented at the inn to rest and recover, before returning to Jaune's secret base in the wilderness the next morning.

Two of his clones had remained to protect the place while the third and Summer were absent to save Kuriyuri.

Jaune did not know what would happen to Ren and Nora as a result of this change, but when he checked on Nora before they had left the village this morning, using the StellarWeb, he found that she had been taken in by Rens family.

Jaune had considered inviting Nora to come stay as co-students with Cinder, Mercury, Emerald, and eventually Neo, but changed his mind once he realized she now had a home with Ren. The Renora shipper in him just couldn't bare to split those two up.And as such, he left without incident.