
I'll Reincarnate In RWBY My Way

Donovan Brady was a 21 year old American programmer who after a certain incident found himself in the afterlife, going through an automated reincarnation process because the deity in charge of reincarnating him had stepped out for a few centuries. Feeling outraged, and finding some familiarity with things from his past life, he demands to see the complaints department. It turns out that there actually is one, but they stepped out for a couple decades as well. Outraged, Donovan uses the terminal in the complaints department to take his own future into his own hands, programming himself a system and sending himself to the World of Remnant as Jaune Arc, with huge dreams for the future? Should he follow canon? Hell no! He decides to save everyone that he can. There may be a butterfly effect from his choices, but he keeps moving forward while trying to make the world of Remnant a much better place. Just how much can he screw up Salem's plans? With the access to the StellarWeb of the gods, provided by his system, he can track her and her minions at any time. With the shadow clone jutsu, he can be an many places at once, with the Flying Thunder God he can travel across the world in an instant, and with the Byakugan/Tenseigan, a huge repertoire of jutsu's, and a zanpakuto from Bleach, he's ready to rain down hell upon the villains of this world, but will he be satisfied if he wins Find out by reading his story. Notice : I do not own most of the characters that will be featured in this story. This is a fanfic that I am writing for fun, and hope some will enjoy it. I also do not own the image.

Splendora_Gaming · Anime & Comics
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Transitions 6 (JNPR? Part 2 of 2)

On the island of Patch, not far from Vale, located at Signal Academy, a young woman with long black hair and pale blue eyes was just finishing up grading some papers. She had herself graduated from Signal three years ago, but had decided to stick around for a couple reasons. First and foremost, she wanted more time to increase her skills, since she had feared that they were lacking to advance at Beacon, and second, because by the time she finished this three year internship, her sister Yang would be heading to Beacon.

This was, of course, Rinoa Heartilly, formerly known as Quistis Brown, who once upon a time was the Spring Maiden, but the man she admired most had helped her to live freely, and had given her this new name.

Rinoa had absolutely no idea what it meant, but when she thought of that young man, she felt like a young girl experiencing her first crush, with her heart all aflutter. That wasn't exactly far from the truth, though, as he was her first crush, and those feelings had only grown stronger over the passage of time, even though she hadn't really acted upon it, partly because he was thre years younger then her, and the same age as Yang.

Also, there was another matter. Her youngest sister, Ruby, also seemed to have a crush on him, and she thought he might feel similarly. He certainly spent a lot of time with Yang and Ruby, too.

No, it wasn't that she was jealous, she got to see him as well. In fact, he had brought her something truly amazing to watch over her about two years ago. The thing that Jaune brought had a name, and it was Nexus. Rinoa glanced over at the young man that was nearby, watching her grading papers.

The young 'man' looked to be around 17 years, with spiky orange hair and brown eyes. It was hard to believe that he was not human, but a machine that Jaune had somehow made to be her partner.

Unknown to Rinoa, Jaune had used his system to acquire the same technology that was used to make Penny, and modeled his robot to look like Kurosaki Ichigo from Bleach. Rather then having someone give up a part of their own soul to give the machine life, his system had provided for him an artificial soul, again from bleach, and he put that into the machine. Of course, the artificial soul could not generate aura or possess a semblance, so Jaune had looked to a different anime to replicate that.

The anime in question was none other then Operation Vivid Red. It took Jaune's clones more then three years to bring out everything they needed from the system to build the Infinite Energy Reactor / Vivid Engine, and Nexus had to be heavily modified to actually use the power, greatly reducing his combat speed and strength, but in exchange, his aura was infinite as long as he could draw energy from the Infinite Energy Reactor.

In short, Nexus was a nearly invincible wall.

And due to having an artificial soul, he thought very much like a human, just one that did not need to eat, sleep, drink, use the bothroom, or even breath.

Along with Rinoa. Nexus had also signed up to attend Beacon this year, so Rinoa was sure that she'd still be well protected even at Beacon. If any part of her ever doubted whether or not Jaune cared about her, all she had to do was look at Nexus and know he definitely did, to some extent.

"Nexus." Rinoa set down her pen as the man looked at her.

"Yes, Lady Rinoa?" Nexus asked her with curiosity.

"I just finished grading the last assignment. We can go home and pack for the trip to Beacon now. Summer School finally ends" Rinoa explained while tucking the graded papers away in a drawer for the teacher to process. She was only an assistant since it was summertime, and her internship ended today.


Jaune sat in his room. Everything was packed, and he was ready to go, but he found himself thinking back to what he'd seen while eavesdropping on Ren and Nora with the StellarWeb.

A part of Jaune had always hoped that they'd still somehow end up coming to Beacon, but he also wanted them to have a happier life. He knew the risks he was taking when he saved Kuroyuri, and he had no regrets.

When he checked on Pyrrha, he was releaved that at least she was coming to Beacon. Jaune had actually met pyrrha once, or rather one of his clones had, while he was taking Cinder for her once a month visit to her father in Argus.

He had passed her a chakra fruit so that even without training she could start developing chakra, and he'd done something similar from Ren and Nora, but it seemed that two of the three would not be coming to Beacon. Well, at least there was Pyrrha, and if he arranged it to have Rinoa and Nexus join his team, then he could still lead team JNPR

Rinoa wasn't the strongest, but she was a good person and tried hard, and her semblance was pretty good too, so even if she was a bit on the weak side, with Pyrrha to help her out Jaune was sure she'd get stronger, and he'd never complain about having Nexus as a teammate.

Sure, his potential may have been grastically redused by the edits that were made to his design, but he was still decently powerful, and eventually he'd meet Penny, and through her he could get in touch with her father.

If that man was able to enhance Nexus, then he'd be beastly powerful. Furthermore, if Penny had an I.E.R. (Infinite Energy Receiver) incorporated into her by that genius, wouldn't her power be monstrous?

Regarding the name of the character Nexus, yes, the reincarnated person who is Jaune named him after the #1 site for Skyrim modding.

Second of two bonus chapters I am releasing today

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