
I'll Reincarnate In RWBY My Way

Donovan Brady was a 21 year old American programmer who after a certain incident found himself in the afterlife, going through an automated reincarnation process because the deity in charge of reincarnating him had stepped out for a few centuries. Feeling outraged, and finding some familiarity with things from his past life, he demands to see the complaints department. It turns out that there actually is one, but they stepped out for a couple decades as well. Outraged, Donovan uses the terminal in the complaints department to take his own future into his own hands, programming himself a system and sending himself to the World of Remnant as Jaune Arc, with huge dreams for the future? Should he follow canon? Hell no! He decides to save everyone that he can. There may be a butterfly effect from his choices, but he keeps moving forward while trying to make the world of Remnant a much better place. Just how much can he screw up Salem's plans? With the access to the StellarWeb of the gods, provided by his system, he can track her and her minions at any time. With the shadow clone jutsu, he can be an many places at once, with the Flying Thunder God he can travel across the world in an instant, and with the Byakugan/Tenseigan, a huge repertoire of jutsu's, and a zanpakuto from Bleach, he's ready to rain down hell upon the villains of this world, but will he be satisfied if he wins Find out by reading his story. Notice : I do not own most of the characters that will be featured in this story. This is a fanfic that I am writing for fun, and hope some will enjoy it. I also do not own the image.

Splendora_Gaming · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

Transitions 5 (JNPR? Part 1 of 2)

Karma : 104

Aura : 34,059

--- Semblances --- Aura Amp, Glyphs, Petal Burst, Analysis

Chakra : 3567.5 / 35,675

--- Kekkai Genkai (Trained) --- Mokuton (Wood) [27], Hyouton (Ice) [15]

--- Kekkai Genkai (Untrained) --- Jinton (Dust), Shakuton (Scorch), Ranton (Storm)

--- Elements (Trained) --- Suiton (Water) [14] , Doton (Earth) [11], Katon (Fire) [6]--- Elements (Untrained) --- Futon (Wind), Raiton (Lightning)

--- Doujutsu --- [Byakugan (White Eye)] [1 – 52%][Tenseigan (Reincarnation Eye)] [1 – 15%]--- Medjutsu --- (25)--- Fuinjutsu --- (20)

Reiatsu : 15,298

--- Zanpakuto ---

Dance Sode no Shirayuki (Shikai)

[First Dance, White Moon]

[Second Dance, White Ripple]

[Third Dance, White Sword]

[White Tree]

[Ice-Rope Connection]

[Sealed] Dance Hakka no Togame (Bankai)

--- Kido ---

Bakudo (Way of Binding) [21]

Hado (Way of Destruction) [31]

Strength : 582

Speed : 387

As Jaune was in his bedroom, packing up to make the trip to Beacon for the next stage of his education, he looked over his status using his system. In his seventeen years of life, he had truly grown to be powerful, at least compared to others in his age bracket, though ot so much compared to the individuals he'd nurtured up until now, who were all numerically superior to him if not for his sheer number of abilities.

Jaune still had some regrets related to some of his choices. The critically injurred Huntsman one of his clones had saved all those years back on patch had a semblence for Analyzing things, and Jaune of course used his system to get that for himself, figuring it would be useful, but he only recently figured out he could use it to analyze things on his stat sheet.

He looked again at the Byakugan again. Ever since he'd examined that before, it had a level appear next to it.


Byakugan (Level 1) : Byakugan starts with 1 rank in distance and 1 rank in precision. Each time it levels up, you can add a rank into either distance or precision, to a maximum of 10 ranks each. Each rank in precision increases the quality of the Byakugans perceptiveness by 5 meters, for a maximum of 50 meters. Each rank put into distance increases the maximum disance the Byakugan can see by 200 meters, to a maximum of 2 kilometers at 10 ranks. At 20th level, the Byakugan evolves and it no longer has a blind spot.


Jaune sighed again, wishing that he'd trained more or just left the Byakugan active more over the years to not still be stuck at level one. Additionally, the Tenseigan also had a level now, though the analyze semblance he possessed was not able to tell what its levels did, presumably due to Tenseigan being at a far higher level then the Byakugan to begin with.

Jaune had taken to always having his Byakugan active lately, or at least as much as possible. The veins beside his eyes got him some questions, but he had reassured everyone that he was fine and that he was just exercising his semblance. His family still wasn't thrilled about Jaune taking off to become a huntsman, but even they had to admit, albeit grudgingly, that he had potential. They were just protective of Jaune, even if it was irrational.

Rather then immediately turning hs attention towards his Doujutsu after saving Kuroyruri, Jaune reduced the time he spent on ninjutsu, instead electing to focus entirely on mastering his zanpakuto and learning Kido. He could now cast Bakudo all the way up to number 16 and Hado up to number 23, and he had mastered everything his Shikai had to offer, but so far he had not achieved Bankai.

His Strength and Speed had grown a lot, but still were found to be lacking. After all, 100 was the average for each, and that included non-huntsman, so while he was quite powerful, most professional huntsmen would still have greater strength and greater speed then him.

Of course, when dealing with a faster opponent, he could overcome that with his Flying Thunder God Jutsu, so he was not as concerned about his speed. Well, as long as no one got the drop on him and he had time to set up to use it.

He made a commitment to try harder once he was at Beacon, to focus more on his speed and maneuverability, along with using his doujutsu more, still determined to be good enough to handle anything. If he could just grasp Shuunpo, he'd be faster then anyone, but thus far he hadn't grasped it at all. As far as their class this year, he was confident he could handle any of the incoming students in regard to speed apart from Pyrrha and many of those he'd tutored.

His 387 speed did not look that great when considering that the persom he'd been training with the lowest Speed stat was Yang, who was still higher then him at 401. Leaving aside the older generation, the one with the highest numerical speed stat among with pupils was Cinder, with 991, exactly 100 higher then Ruby, who was the second highest, though numbers were deceptive there since Ruby had a speed boosting semblence AND swift release.

The highest Speed stats he'd learned of through his clones were Summer Rose, at 1131, Qrow Branwyn at 1024, and Taiyang Xiao Long at 934, giving Jaune an idea that if not for his wide range of skills, he'd be pretty mediocre is just raw numbers.

Well, technically he could travel to Vale in an instant if he wanted too, thanks to her Flying Thunder God jutsu, but he wasn't sneaking off this time to go to combat school, so his parents and his sisters, of course, wanted to escort him there. Jaune hadn't really objected, though. The last time he'd travelled to Vale, or rather when his clones had, they travelled swiftly and with purpose. This time, at least, he could try to enjoy it more.

Well, as long as his sisters didn't try anything embarrassing. Jaune had managed to avoid many of the horrifically embarrassing things that they'd divised for him, but not all of them

Finished looking over his stats, Jaune next accessed StellarWeb to check on Ren and Nora's circumstances. It had been a month or so since he'd last checked on them, and he was curious to see where they'd end up going


Pyrrha Nikos graduated at the top of her class in Sanctum Academy, and won the Mistral Regional Tournament 4 years in a row, which was a new record, but she did not feel very proud of it. She ended up finding out after the fact, that her competitor for the finals match forfeited because she got caught up in a White Fang robbery and the police questioned her and made it so she could not make it back in time.

"Cinder Fall, huh?" Pyrrha spoke, recalling the young womans name. She took a deep breath before looking at her ticket to Vale "Hopefully, at Beacon, no one will mention that statistic. I...I'm not sure I could have beaten Cinder if I'd fought her. She seemed nice, though"

Pyrrha picked up her travel bag and left the room she had rented for the tournament and made her way to the Bulkhead launch site, which would be the first step on her trip to Beacon.

Of course, on her way there, numerous adoring fans spotted her and called out to her excitedly. Pyrrha waved at thm with her free hand "Hello" she said to them while she was walking. She did not stop, though, since she did not want to be late.

After about a ten minute walk, she started walking onto the Bulkhead launch sight and showed her ticket as she went onto the Bullhead itself. She started to head to her seat and was surprised to see a couple familiar faces "Miss Fall. Welcome." Pyrrha said as she greeted Cinder cheerfully "I'm truly sorry about the tournament."

"Oh, it's fine" Cinder reassured Pyrrha "I joined the tournament for the experience, I wouldn't have cared for the attention that would have come if I'd won anyway. Sometimes things happen which are just beyone our control, I hold no grudge against you."

"That makes me feel a little bit better" Pyrrha admitted "Are you from Argus? I never saw you at Sanctum."

"Yes, I am originally from Argus, but I'm not heading there now. My teammates are I are heading to Beacon." Cinder gestured to the green-haired girl next to her "This is Emerald, and behind us are Mercury and Neo."

Pyrrha was surprised to here that they were also going to Beacon, but she looked bach at Neo and Mercury "Nice to meet you all." she tried to be polite, but was a bit nervous with Mercury, who was another face she'd recognized, having beaten him inthe semi-finals

Neo seemed to pull a sign out of somewhere, upon which were the words 'It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Nikos.'

Mercury chuckled in amusement "Our Neo is just like this." he reassured Pyrrha "It's nothing personal to you, she doesn't like talking out loud to people she hardly knows. We can barely get her to speak to us without those signs. No hard feelings about our fight either. You just were better then me."

"No offence is taken" Pyrrhe agreed to Mercury "Are you already students at Beacon?" it seemed a bit unusual to come all the way to Mistral for a regional tournament, but they were acting like they were already a team.

"No, we're going to start there this year." Cinder told Pyrrha "The reason we never saw you at Sanctum is we never attended it. We were apprenticed under an official huntress since we were young. We were all saved from different very bad situations, and decided to become huntresses."

"And a huntsman" Mercury countered.

"And a huntsman." Cinder agreed.

"I guess I'll be seeing you at Beacon then as well." Pyrrha admitted to Cinder "That is my destination as well."

"I see. Well, we can have a nice long chat while we are travelling together then." Cinder agreed with a smile.


In a small home in the village of Kuroyuri, in the home of the family of Li Ren, Lie Ren wasin his room packing for an upcoming trip.

"Oh, this is sooooo exciting." Nora Valkyrie, his sorta but not official adoped sister was saying as she let herself into his room.

"Good morning Nora." Ren greeted her withceasing or even slowing down his packing process.

"Can you believe we're going to the Academy together Ren?!" Nora asked enthusiastically "Well, not together together, but it's still amazing."

"Yes, Nora, It'll be a good time" Ren answered, telling Nora what she wanted to hear.

"Ren, we're gonna be just as amazing as the huntsman and huntress that saved Kuroyuri when we were young!" Nora declared enthusiastically "I can't wait to be as kind and as strong and as beautiful and amazing as Miss Huntress." she insisted "It's a shame that no one in the village knew their names, but maybe once we are licensed will get to meet them again."

"We can only hope, Nora." Ren said, still perfectly calm as he closed up his second now fully packed bag "Are you ready to go, Nora?"

"Am I?" Nora said with a chortle "My bags are just in the hall. Lets go!" Nora opened the door and stepped out to retrieve both of her bags before facing Ren again with a smile "Haven awaits us!"

First of two bonus chapters I am releasing today

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