
I'll Reincarnate In RWBY My Way

Donovan Brady was a 21 year old American programmer who after a certain incident found himself in the afterlife, going through an automated reincarnation process because the deity in charge of reincarnating him had stepped out for a few centuries. Feeling outraged, and finding some familiarity with things from his past life, he demands to see the complaints department. It turns out that there actually is one, but they stepped out for a couple decades as well. Outraged, Donovan uses the terminal in the complaints department to take his own future into his own hands, programming himself a system and sending himself to the World of Remnant as Jaune Arc, with huge dreams for the future? Should he follow canon? Hell no! He decides to save everyone that he can. There may be a butterfly effect from his choices, but he keeps moving forward while trying to make the world of Remnant a much better place. Just how much can he screw up Salem's plans? With the access to the StellarWeb of the gods, provided by his system, he can track her and her minions at any time. With the shadow clone jutsu, he can be an many places at once, with the Flying Thunder God he can travel across the world in an instant, and with the Byakugan/Tenseigan, a huge repertoire of jutsu's, and a zanpakuto from Bleach, he's ready to rain down hell upon the villains of this world, but will he be satisfied if he wins Find out by reading his story. Notice : I do not own most of the characters that will be featured in this story. This is a fanfic that I am writing for fun, and hope some will enjoy it. I also do not own the image.

Splendora_Gaming · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

Transitions 4 (Weiss and the White Fang)

In Atlas, at the Schnee home, Jaune's clone eventualy came to live with them, and focused on training bothWinter, Weiss, and latter Whitley. With Jacques Schnee completely out of the picture, Winter Schnee did not feel the need to join the Atlas Military to escape from him, so instead, she started training under her grandfather to take control of the SDC, and less then a month after one of Jaunes clones started teaching Blake full time when they left the White Fang, Nicholas Schnee retired again (at least officially) and Winter became the head of the SDC Nicholas Schnee still worked alongside his granddaughter, helping her to ease into her new role

Previouusly, Jaune was always training with Winter and Weiss together, but now that Winter was operating a business, Jaune was able to have a private lessons with Weiss. He had so many things he'd wanted to tell her over the years, but couldn't say them with Winter presence.

He cared about Winter basically like a sister, but she wasn't the one with the destiny that would point her towards an inevitable confrontation with Salem. Jaune was thinking about all these thoughts and more as he waited in their usual training grounds, and smiled when Weiss approached him "Good morning Weiss. Have a seat." he was sitting on a bunch next to the training field and gestured for her to sit with him, and she did so.

"I think it's time that we have a chat. You can ask whatever you want. If you ask a question, I'll assume that you are ready for an answer. I've seen the folly of people who keep secrets, and I do not want that to be me" Jaune insisted to Weiss.

Weiss actually looked a bit embarrassed, thinking that Jaune was about to confess his love or something "I understand"

Jaune nodded in satisfaction "You know that when you were young, your grandfather was ill. The thing I am not sure whether you know or not is that I was the one that healed him. Winter seems to assume I'm a distant relative because I share your semblence, but you are actually the reason I have this semblance, it is my connection to you that led me to getting the same power as you."

This was technically true. because he wanted a connection with her and because he had thoughts of dating her in th uture, he used the system to give him her semblance, but he'd let her interpret that however she wanted too "So the thing is that I saw things that were meant to happen, and I wanted to make them better, and I tried to figure out the ways that I could do the most good, and one of the ways I could do that was saving your grandfather. Your destiny is rough enough, so I wanted you to have a happy childhood."

"Seeing the future? Can you prove that?" Weiss asked Jaune, stunned. This was not the direction she'd expected this conversation to go. She was expecting a proper declaration of love, ir maybe that was wishful thinking?

Even though she had a crush on Jaune, Weiss prided herself on heing a rational thinker, and predicting the future did not seem that rational to her, though. She hadn't heard of any semblance like that. It sounded more like magic, which she thought was impossible.

Jaune, though, took out a recording device and proceeded to play it for her.


"When I was ten, my dad finally admitted to my mom that the only reason he married her was for the family name..... It was actually on my birthday. He missed the big dinner, she got mad, he finally snapped…I think she already knew...Looking back, I think I knew too...But hearing him say it finally pushed her over the edge. First it was separate lunches and dinners, opposite balconies at my recitals, A glass of wine here... A glass of wine there.... Then it was no dinners.. no recitals... A bottle of wine here... And...well you get the idea.... " Weiss heard her own voice on the recording.

"I'm really sorry." a girl apoligized "I'm really sorry, I shouldn't have assumed."

"You're right though, I don't know loneliness like you do... I have my own version, and I'll bet Blake has her own version too." Weiss in the recording answered.

"She doesn't have to be alone though." the other girl countered "I was here for her. We all were! She chose to leave us."

"Why do you think she did that?" Weiss asked

"Hmm?" the other girl asked

"The entire time Blake was at Beacon, she was afraid to open up to people. She tried to keep her past seperated from us" Audio Weiss reminded her friend "She tried to protect us. Eventually, those walls she put up came down. And the moment they did, the one thing she was afraid of actually happened. The universe proved her right."

"No one blamed her for anything! If she had just talked to us she would have known that! How could I be there for her if she doesn't let me? What if I needed her here for me?" the other girl asked sadly.

"I know it's not easy. I wish she hadn't left too" recorded Weiss insisted "The only thing we can do now is be there for her when she's ready...When she comes back."

"If she comes back" the other girl countered.

"She will." audio Weiss insisted "You, Ruby, and even Blake are more like family to me then my brother or even my own father. I would do anything for you three, and I'm willing to bet Blake feels the same way...So when she's ready, I'll be there for her...and...I know we're not as close, but I'm here for you too."


Following the recording being finished, Weiss gave Jaune a look "Okay, that was clearly a private conversation. How did you get that?" seeing the future was remarkable enough, but recording something from the furure, something which seemed like a private conversation, really confused Weiss.

"You see, I wanted you to ask that, or something similar." Jaune admitted witth a chuckle of amusement "I wont make the mistakes a certain individual made, I'll tell you it up front. You can back out if you think you are not ready, but if you are I wont hesitate to tell you"

"I'm ready" Weiss insisted

"Very Well," Jaune nodded in agreement "I was reincarnated. Much of my memories of my last life have faded away by now. It happened gradually, so I didn't really notice it at first, just one day I realized I forgot my previous name. What I know is I was 21 years old when I died...somehow...and when I was younger I dabbled in hacking."

"Is this going somewhere?" Weiss asked, confused.

"The lazy gods of that place responsible for reincarnating people had created an automated system overseeing the process. It took a little effort to figure the system out, but I hacked into it and studied up on my next life and the world I was to be born into." Jaune explained to her, only excluding the part where he chose to be reincarnated here and as Jaune. "I also created a program that made it so that I kept my access to the 'StellarWeb' of those multiversal gods, allowing me to look into the original intended future for this world and record s bit from that intended course. You see, if I hadn't hacked in and made changes to my reincarnation parameters, that is the future that would have happened. You wouldn't have met me until you arrived at Beacon, your grandfather would have died, your father would have destroyed your life and the soul of your families company, and I would have started out as highly motivated to learn but incompetent, and you wouldn't have spared me a second thought until much later when I became strong much later."

Weiss was absolutely dumbfounded by what Jaune had just said.

Jaune did not want her to know that her whole world was originally a work of fiction given form within the astral plane, the realm of dreams, by mortals that had enjoyed the 'show.'

Thanks to his system, this world had already become much more then it originally was. Jaune's biggest secret was how he'd managed to work around the restrictions on changing his world he'd reincarnate into. He created a second option from nothing.

He had copied this entire world out of the Astral plane and onto the StellarWeb. He was an ambitious guy who saw the possibility of using his system to do many amazing things. Thanks to his system, once he died he could copy another world into his universal egg, and eventually create a new universe

Jaune shook those unnecessary thoughts away "Anyway, I have to teach you about Team RWBY, and help you get much stronger. We're destined to save the world, you know."

Jaune then told her about Ruby, Blake, and Yang, and about Salem, and he provided her with a zanpakuto at that time.

Even without needing to escape from her father, Weiss still had an excuse to go to Beacon. After hearing about them from Jaune, she wanted to meet Team RWBY! While it was not clear whether or not Ren and Nora would be there, considering how their future was altered when Kuroyuri was saved, Jaune promised her that the other members of Team RWBY would definitely be there.

Weiss often asked questions about the other members of Team RWBY. Hearing about Blake, who was a cat faunus and the daughter of the founder of the White Fang came as a bit of a shock and left Weiss conflicted, at least at first.

Over the years, she had occasionally heard of the White Fang attacking the SDC, but as far as Weiss knew they had no reason too.

Jaune had to teach Weiss of the different factions, and how the individual leading those attacks, Adam Taurus, was a monster who was hurt by her fathers decisions when he controlled the SDC. While Adam was wronged, the only one to blame had long since been removed from the SDC in disgrace, yet Adam just did not care and blamed the SDC rather then Jacques Schnee.

He taught her about Ghira Belladonna and Sienna Khan, about their different philosophies, and about how Ghira had stepped down only after trying for years to calm and control Sienna Khan's fanatacism. Regardless of what Ghira wanted, it seemed that the White Fang was going in a direction he could not accept, so he and his family left together.

Weiss, needless to say, became a huge fan of Blake after understanding her origin, even without meeting her in person.