
I’m Bitten

In a world where supernaturals roam freely-ish, humans are just food and/or targets for the supernatural species. That was until Daniel found Jade. Or was it his brother? Who knew it would all start by a life or death ritual...

thrilling_romance · Fantasy
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66 Chs

Chapter 30: Merry Christmas Pt. 1

Charles' POV: It was time to test how well the glass hair comb would work. It was already 11 at night and Jade was really tired so we went to bed. However, I left without her knowing after she fell asleep. I hardly ever go to sleep because I don't need it really, so I had until 8 AM to get what I wanted and then I could make it up to Jade for lying to her recently. I know she said we're fine but I feel guilty about it, so I'm doing something really special that involves going to one of my favorite places in the world...London!

Jade's POV: I woke up really late today, 10 o'clock this morning to be exact. Charles was sleeping peacefully next to me so I decided not to wake him up. I got up and was reading over the death spell that was in the safe. Charles and I agreed to test the hair comb out today, I'll just start without him it'll be fine. I started a spell that was inside my spell book, it was a consuming spell, I was just going to take in some of that magic and see how true this story really is, then I'll just put it back. Simple, right?

Charles' POV: "AHHHHHHHHH!" I shot up at the sound of Jade screaming! Her head was tilted back and her arms were thrown to the side of her. There was a black and blue streak of magic flowing inside her body. Then I noticed the glass comb layed in front of her and I realized she's trying to test it without me. I immediately ran over to her and tried to snap her out of it. After a moment everything just went quiet, Jade looked at me with a straight face and said, "I'm fine. Sorry I woke you up." I knew she wasn't fine, so I told her to go put the magic back inside the comb, she seemed to listen pretty well, I think a part of her was still hanging on by a thread to her humanity. After less than a minute Jade was back to her old self and I said, "What happened to testing it together?" Jade smiled and said, "Sorry but you were sleeping so peacefully I didn't want to wake you!" I laughed and replied, "Just don't scare me like that again!" We both laughed again. I continued, "Well, since it's Christmas I figured that I would take you to one of my favorite places ever, London. What do you say?" Jade bit her lip and said, "Shouldn't we be on a plane back home so we can get back to our families?" I tilted my head, smiled, and replied, "Well, I told my family that I was staying off the grid for awhile so I don't have to be home, your mom is compelled, and your sister thinks you're on some 'black magic bender' so there's nothing stopping you from going with me today. I promise you'll have fun!" Jade smiled and let out an overly dramatic sigh and said, "Fine. When do we leave?" I quickly answered, "Right now!" Her eyes bulged from her head and said, "I'm not even ready." I rolled my eyes and said, "Fine we'll get ready and then we'll leave! Deal?" "Deal!" Jade replied...


Jade's POV: Charles and I just arrived in London a few minutes ago. He said there was a full day of activities for us planned. I was actually excited to be here with Charles, I just have no idea what his motives are, he always has some sort of agenda and I usually know what it is, but this time I have no idea. Charles won't even tell me where we're going first, and we're on our way there right now! Guess I'll find out soon...

I few minutes past and we showed up at The British Museum. I was really excited because I love art and painting and museums, all of it. It's like a hobby of mine to collect art and sometimes I even paint my own. We got inside and I saw a sign that said 'Painting Lessons Today' and I wasn't exactly sure but I think Charles is taking me to them. I've mentioned how passionate I am about art so I think he picked this place for a reason. There were beautiful pieces inside, some of my favorites were 'Study For Adam' by Michelangelo, 'Landscape With A Woodland Pool' by Albrecht Dürer, and my personal favorite, the 'Rosetta Stone' from 196 BC. As you can probably tell, I like the old stuff, back when art was a masterpiece and a gift, not a project for money like it is now. There were so many more amazing pieces there, and once we finished looking through all of them Charles said that he has one more thing for us here. The art class. I was ecstatic when we walked in the room, there wasn't anybody else there and I asked why. Charles answered, "How would it be romantic if we couldn't paint by ourselves!" I smiled and and grabbed a canvas. I pictured something that had a mixture between nearly every piece we saw today, I have a very photographic memory so this was super fun. Charles even got a paint brush and a canvas and painted with me. After about 20 minutes we both finished and I couldn't help but laugh when I saw Charles' piece. He painted me! It turned out amazing, but why on Earth would he paint me! This was funny. I then showed Charles my painting and he was speechless. I'm pretty good at painting, but not that good. I just combined a bunch of different art pieces into something that I thought was beautiful. Charles clearly thought so too. He said, "Yours looks amazing Jade, but let's get them in the car and head out. More surprises await!" I smiled so huge on my face when Charles said that. We left the museum and after nearly ten minutes we arrived at the National Gallery! No frickin' way! I can not believe we're actually here! I haven't been to this place forever. How the hell did Charles know to bring me here? The National Gallery houses major art pieces from the 13th to the 19th century and I even have some of the pieces that once were in this exact museum. I came here when I first started to love art, when I was 10 years old. My dad and I only visited this one place and then we went to Paris and soon back home, I never truly experienced London. But this place...it's beautiful in every way! We walked towards the entrance and I said, "Charles, did you know that I love this place or were you just guessing the locations?" He smiled and said, "Looks like I'm a mind reader then!" We laughed and heading inside. I saw amazing different art cultures, ranging from renaissance to royalty. Everything was absolutely gorgeous. I couldn't stop staring at this one piece however, an oil painting by Leonardo Da Vinci from 1508 called 'Virgin Of The Rocks' and I was completely in love with it. Charles compelled the man to give it to us and then he gave him money for it. I was shocked and asked, "Why'd you do that?" He smiled and replied, "You seemed to like it so I figured I'd just get it for you!" I smiled and we loaded up the painting. After that, Charles and I visited more museums, we watched an opera show, and once it was about 8 o'clock at night he brought me to a huge house. It looked like it could be for royalty. I asked, "What's this place?" Charles looked at me and said, "This is my home away from home!"

Charles' POV: I took Jade to the place where I come when I'm sick of my sibling rivalry. I bought this mansion in the 1200's after I was taken out of my sleep by Elizabeth. I immediately left and found this place to call my 'secret home' and nobody knows about it...except for Jade now! I brought her inside and showed her how amazing the place is. "This place is gorgeous Charles!" I grabbed her hand and said, "Just like you darling." Jade blushed and I told her to come upstairs with me. I grabbed out a box and handed it to Jade, then I told her to go to the bathroom and try it on to see if she likes it. When she walked out I was speechless, I had already seen the dress, but on Jade it was beautiful! A white and gold colored dress that slimed at the waist revealing Jade's perfect figure, along with golden shoes. I had already changed into a suit. When Jade stood in front of me I was lost for words. Eventually I told her, "That dress was worn by a princess almost as beautiful as you, you know!" Jade looked down and smiled. I held out my hand and said, "Shall we?" "We shall." Jade said as she grabbed my hand. I walked her down the stairs and turned on the music. We started dancing and nearly got lost of time. It's like we were in our own world, nobody else, this entire universe to ourselves! I leaned over and whispered, "I love you Jade Bradford." She smiled and replied, "I love you too Charles Suliman." I reached into my pocket and pulled out a case. I grabbed Jade's hand and said, "I want this Christmas to be one you'll never forget. So I got you this..." I opened the mini velvet box and revealed a diamond bracelet with little sapphire jewels on it. Jade nearly started crying until I said, "May I?" She nodded her head and I put the bracelet on her wrist. Jade asked, "When did you have time for this?" I laughed a little and answered, "Would you like to hear another story..."