
I’m Bitten

In a world where supernaturals roam freely-ish, humans are just food and/or targets for the supernatural species. That was until Daniel found Jade. Or was it his brother? Who knew it would all start by a life or death ritual...

thrilling_romance · Fantasy
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66 Chs

Chapter 28: I Feel Betrayed

Jade's POV: Charles and I took the safe back to the hotel without saying a word. Once we got inside I immediately grabbed my spell book out of my suitcase and opened it. I searched nearly the entire book in order to find the spell I was looking for, but I had yet to find it. There wasn't anything even close to a de-spelling spell. Even though I was still angry with Charles I asked, "Isn't there a spell for this? Shouldn't it be in here?" He raised his eyebrows and said, "You didn't seriously think you could find a way to de-spell this, did you? Your ancestors were more powerful and experienced than you are right now. Maybe one day you'll be able to do something like what they did, but not now." I took a deep breath and replied, "How did she do the spell that closed the safe shut?" Charles but his lip nervously and answered, "Well, your ancestors name was Shania Eddington. She was very famous in the city of Seattle. Everyone knew she was a witch, or they just thought she was crazy, and truth be told she was. The spell that you're looking for doesn't exist in any spell books Jade! Shania created her own spell and never wrote it in a spell book because she never wanted anyone to be able to open the safe again!" My mouth was wide open in surprise. I suppose the knowledge was nice to know about my crazy ancestor, I asked Charles, "How the hell do you know all of this?" He looked at me confused and said, "I've already told you, my sister Elizabeth never knew the pain of being put to sleep, so she kept track of everything about everything, her most important topic was the Eddington witch bloodline. Elizabeth is aware of whenever a powerful witch does magic, and since your family was very powerful she was aware of every witch in your family. And since me and Daniel were in love with Amelia, Elizabeth kept track of her heritage whenever we were asleep. She'd tell us stories whenever we'd wake up, so it was like we were never really gone. That's how I know." All I could manage to say was, "Oh." Because honestly I couldn't really comprehend that Shania created her own spell to seal the safe. I then asked Charles, "How powerful does one need to be in order to create their own spell?" Then, before he answered I spelled him saying, "Можете да ми отговорите само истина" so now he can only answer me truthfully. He replied, "You are powerful enough Jade, you're even more powerful than Elizabeth which nobody has ever been." I was confused and asked, "Then why do you keep saying that I'm not strong enough?" Charles looked deep into my eyes and replied, "Because I don't want you to find what's in the safe." "But the comb is in the safe. Don't you want it to destroy Nathaniel?" I asked. Charles answered, "I want Nathaniel dead, but not if it means releasing what else is in the safe." "Well, what else is in the safe?" I demanded. Charles said, "There's something dangerous in there...it's-" right before I got an answer from him he snapped out of my spell, he fought it off before he told me. "What the hell was that!" I said angrily. Charles grabbed both of my hands and said, "I fancy you very much Jade, but I have to draw the line with this one thing. It's family business and I don't want you to have any part in what is held in that safe." I scoffed and replied, "I'm already involved, your so called 'family business' is already conflicted because of me. I'm working on finding a way to kill your brother, this is my only hope at it." "Only hope for what? What do you think is going to happen when you open that safe?" Charles asked. I replied, "Well, honestly I'm not exactly sure what'll be in there, I know that the comb is possibly in there, which will ensure that I'll have my vengeance with your brother. And I'm hoping to find out what the hell you're hiding from me! That is, unless you want to tell me."

Charles' POV: I didn't want to involve Jade in what I'm about to tell her, but before I do I have to know something. I asked her, "First answer this. How do feel about us right now?" Jade fake smiled and said, "I think we're good. I feel the same way about you as I did when we started this trip!" I knew she was lying to me, I couldn't tell her what I know until I know how she truly feels about it just me, but about everything. I compelled Jade to tell me how she felt and she said, "Since you lied to me multiple times just on this trip I feel like I can't trust you to be able to share things with me. Whatever it is that we have going on, it's all shattering apart because you're keeping secrets from me that I need to know. Even though you think I'll be safer if I'm left out of it, in the end I'll just be getting hurt even more than if you would tell me the truth. I feel like I'm not being taken seriously and that one day I'll end up dead because I'm with you and involving myself in your family. But it's my choice whether or not I want to be apart of your life, and I'm choosing to be with you. This trip however, makes me feel betrayed by you, like you don't feel the way I feel." I then asked, "Well, how do you feel about me?" Jade smiled and said, "I'm in love with you Charles..."