
I’m Bitten

In a world where supernaturals roam freely-ish, humans are just food and/or targets for the supernatural species. That was until Daniel found Jade. Or was it his brother? Who knew it would all start by a life or death ritual...

thrilling_romance · Fantasy
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66 Chs

Chapter 27: Just Shut Up

Jade's POV: Charles and I have been looking back and fourth at these two maps to find any places at all. We've yet to find anything. Charles has been circling any possibilities of where it could be, but they're not very reliable right now. I asked Charles if he had ever seen that comb before, surprisingly he said yes, I told him that I might be able to perform a locator spell if he just describes the comb to me. It's a long shot but worth a try at least...

Charles' POV: I'm almost a thousand percent sure Jade is crazy. I have never seen a witch do a locator spell on something or someone with no personal attachments or ideas. I'm putting my faith in her however because I believe that even though no witch in the history of witches has ever done that Jade might succeed. She's strong, it might be possible if she uses enough magic. Jade asked, "You think I'm crazy don't you?" "What about? The spell, or just everything in general?" I replied. Jade leaned her head on my shoulder and said softly, "Because I think I can take down your brother with some stupid hair comb that probably doesn't even exist. Or maybe that I think I'm some all powerful witch when I'm not." I turn Jade in front of me, looked into her eyes, grabbed her hands and said, "Jade, you are the most powerful woman I've ever met in my life! You can do anything if you really set your mind to it. You snapped Nathaniels neck with a single look, imagine what you can do with even more. And as far as the hair comb...it's hope. Hope for my family. If Nathaniel is dead then I'll be able to let my family live in peace, every member. So it's up to you how much power you use, you're stronger than you think Jade!" Jade dropped her hands from mine, gave me a confused, sort of angry look and said, "Wait! Did you just say 'every member' as in more than what's living right now?" I took a breath and held it for a moment, I honestly didn't know what to say, except, "I think there's something you should know..."

Jade's POV: No! No way. That's impossible, isn't it? How can there be another one and all this time I haven't known it? "You've all been keeping this from me for the past three months. You never once thought I should at least know you have another sibling that's been sleeping for 2,900 years!" I tried staying calm when I said that. Charles answered, "Daniel and I wanted to tell you but Elizabeth wouldn't let us. She said we couldn't fully trust you yet, obviously me and Daniel objected, but Elizabeth is patient and stubborn, she wouldn't give in. So eventually Daniel and I did. But you have to know how sorry I am that I never told you sooner-" I cut in, "No. Just stop. I don't want to hear it!" Charles had a desperate look on his face and said, "Jade please, don't do that!" I shook my head and said, "Not happening. You lied to me and have been lying for so long. We've spent all this time together and you never even brought it up! This whole thing is about your siblings and you never thought that I should know you have another one stored in a box somewhere!" "I'm sorry Jade. But Elizabeth would kill me if I told you. I couldn't betray my sister." I rolled my eyes and turned away to get some air when Charles grabbed my arm and started saying sorry again. This time I had no patience. I yanked my arm back and yelled, "JUST SHUT UP!" Charles' mouth sealed closed, like skin just magically grew over his mouth making him unable to speak. I recognized this spell, 'запечатан' which meant sealed. Technically you can use this spell on almost anything to seal it, but in this case I was thinking about how I wanted Charles to seal his lips, and when I yelled for him to shut up that spell must've activated. I was confused. I didn't know I could just do that, just thinking of something and some random spell happens. I've done it before, except I had to rehearse the spell in my head for it to work. I guess Charles was right, maybe I am more powerful than I thought. Anyway, I'm definantly taking advantage of his lips being sealed. I walked right past him and grabbed a knife. I cut a small slit into the palm of my hand, my blood will draw a connection to the comb and maybe I'll be able to find it. I held my hand over the map while my blood dripped over it. After a small amount of blood piled on the map I started the locator spell. Within seconds I actually found a location, some place off to the West side of town near a forest. I unsealed Charles's lips and we left. I didn't even want to talk to him on the way, so I didn't. I ignored him completely until we got there and I only said, "I'll search over here, you search down there and let me know if you find anything okay!" Charles nodded and said, "Okay." We went our separate ways and searched for any magical looking hair comb, either in the open or somewhere it might be hidden...

Charles' POV: I wasn't angry at Jade for the spell she casted on me, I know I deserved it, but I need to make it up to her, and I'll do that once we get back to the hotel. I vamp ran all around the property until I came across an old abandoned cabin. I shouted to Jade that I found something and she immediately showed up. We both went inside the cabin and saw rats, bats, bugs, snakes, pretty much everything. Then we saw a safe, it was metal and silver. I picked it up and tried to open it but it wouldn't budge which is weird since I have enhanced strength. I asked Jade if the safe was just hard to open or if it was spelled shut, she said that in order to keep it safe and hidden her ancestor from the early 1900's must've spelled it shut so nobody could ever open it! Jade's a smart girl however and said, "Wait! What if I try to like

de-spell it. I mean think about it, I'm blood related to the woman that put the spell on this box. If anyone would be able to de-spell it it would be me right?" I nodded my head and replied, "Then we should probably get this thing back to the hotel..."