
I’m Bitten

In a world where supernaturals roam freely-ish, humans are just food and/or targets for the supernatural species. That was until Daniel found Jade. Or was it his brother? Who knew it would all start by a life or death ritual...

thrilling_romance · Fantasy
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66 Chs

Chapter 25: Ever Flown First Class?

Jade's POV: Charles and I have been searching Talias spell book to find out where the hair comb was at. It's only been about 2 hours since we even found out about this special glass comb. For all we know it could even be a fake, the story was just a story and probably doesn't even exist. However, I've had Charles compel my mother to let us go to Europe to have a chat with that hot professor that Talia got the spell book from. We leave tomorrow morning...

Daniel's POV: Elizabeth and I may have found a way to rid Jade of her darkness. If Elizabeth spells Jade with enough natural magic it will flush out the dark magic. Problem is, we don't exactly know where Jade is. She could be at her house, or she could've ditched town by now. We need this to work perfectly, and I've been invited inside her house so I can get in and grab her to take her outside where Elizabeth will spell her. We both got in the car and drove to Jade's house...

Charles' POV: I heard someone outside. The voices were of Elizabeth and Daniel, I whispered to Jade that they were here so she told me to stay up here while she gets the door. I just layed on her bed hoping my siblings don't do anything stupid...

Jade's POV: I took some extra magic from Charles before going downstairs, just to be safe. I waited for them to knock but they never did. I felt strong arms grab me, it was Daniel! He threw open the door and no shock that I saw Elizabeth. She whispered something, she was about to perform a spell. I tried to fight off Daniel but he was to strong, and Charles couldn't come downstairs or we'd be screwed. So I just glared and said, "What exactly are you planning to do? It's not like you'll kill me!" Daniel whispered, "We may not kill you, but make one move and I'll break your arm!" I felt a wave of natural magic flow through my body. I felt faint...

I woke up with Elizabeth and Daniel still in the same places as when I probably passed out. I stood up smiled nicely to make them think they succeeded, but before they left I said, "I'm back!" Daniel and Elizabeth exhaled gratefully, then I continued, "Can we talk outside, I don't want my mom to hear us?" Elizabeth nodded her head and we walked outside. I closed the door behind me as Daniel and Elizabeth were in front of me. I turned around and said, "Bad move." Before they could question me or run at all I screamed. I screamed so loud that all of Boston probably heard it...better yet, New York probably heard it! But it wasn't just any scream, I was blasting them with magic, 'dark magic' actually. It was what I had gotten from Charles before going downstairs. Daniel and Elizabeth flew to the ground bashing their heads on the concrete. I slowly walked over to them while they were still exhausted and I said, "Don't try to fix me! I don't need to be fixed. If you don't like me this way then maybe you all should just stay out of my life!" I quickly turned around and headed back inside...

Charles' POV: I saw Jade walk in, she looked out the window and saw that Daniel and Elizabeth were gone. I smiled and said, "That was badass Jade!" She laughed and replied, "I didn't think I could pull it off." I laughed along with her and said, "Yeah well I've never seen a witch let out 'anger' like that! Usually they keep their magic silent, you however, you made it incredibly loud! I like this, the 'new' you! You seem braver and more confident in yourself." Jade tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and answered, "Thank you Charles. But what really needs to happen is us packing! We won't catch our flight tomorrow if we don't start." I rolled my eyes playfully and said sarcastically, "Awe you're no fun!" Jade threw a pillow at me and said, "I can be fun. You just haven't earned 'fun' yet. Now let's start packing!" I started going through her drawers and held up a set of black lace lingerie so I turned around, smirked, and said, "Definantly put this in the 'yes' pile." Jade's eyes looked like she had seen a ghost. Then she snapped out of it and replied, "Give me that!" She snatched it out of my hands and continued packing. I figured if she was being serious about packing then I should to. I grabbed a bag and threw some clothes into it. After a few minutes I was done, Jade however...not so much. We're staying in Europe for 4 days so she was packing a lot! About an hour passed until she was ready. I told her to come get some sleep with me. Jade jumped into bed and I said, "Ever flown first class?" Jade smiled and raised her eyebrows. Soon after that we finally drifted off to sleep...