
I’m Bitten

In a world where supernaturals roam freely-ish, humans are just food and/or targets for the supernatural species. That was until Daniel found Jade. Or was it his brother? Who knew it would all start by a life or death ritual...

thrilling_romance · Fantasy
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66 Chs

Chapter 24: The Hair Comb

Jade's POV: As you know, I've recently died and came back to life! And when I say recently I mean extremely recently...a week ago to be exact! But allow me to explain what happened when I got home from that mind boggling night...

I got home shortly after I dramatically left the Suliman house. I got to say, it felt really good to snap Nathan's neck that night. He killed me so I guess I was just getting even with him. Anyway, not very long after I got home Charles showed up, right before the ritual he said that he'd come by after I was resurrected. We had this entire plan to ourselves, I pretend to be 'possessed' by dark magic and Charles tells his siblings that he's leaving town for a few weeks in order to blow off some steam with all the Nathan drama. But in reality, he's been staying at my house for the past week. Back to the story...Charles arrived at my house and the reason he ran up and kissed me was because before the ritual happened I told him that Incase I didn't make it that I chose him! And since I lived to see another day he kissed me. After that we went upstairs and set up my bedroom for a movie night, right before we started, Talia came home with my mom. Charles and I went downstairs and I asked my mom if he could stay for awhile since his family is being 'abusive' 'again' and she took pity and let him stay for as long as he needed. Once my mom went to bed I explained to Talia what happened, but I didn't tell her about me and Charles' plan, it can only be between me and him. I told her that sometimes I might act weird but I'll be myself most of the time because the dark magic is possessing me. She bought it and explained how happy she was that I survived. After that me and Charles went upstairs and had a movie night until we fell asleep. A few days past, me and Charles have been working on a plan, a plan that we are still working on right now, this is how we'll destroy Nathan forever...

Elizabeth's POV: I've been looking through spell books trying to figure out what sort of dark magic Jade was consuming that made her stronger than an original, especially Nate! Nobody should be stronger than him now that he has all his extra power unleashed. He's been out of the house ever since he woke up from Jade snapping his neck. Every few days he comes back and says that he just takes a 'road trip' to a different town to feed without suspicion. I call bullshit on that, but I can't really worry about it right now, especially when I have Jade to worry about. Audrey, being the faithful and loyal sibling, went with Nate on the road, and Charles also went out of town, he says it's to blow off the steam from Nates wrath, but I think it's really a cover because now we've pretty much lost Jade and she never gave either of my brothers an answer. Speaking of my brothers, since they all abandoned me I only have Daniel at the house with me. He's been working on spells with me and researching books on how we can fix Jade. It's important we do it as soon as possible because if she has dark magic within her, soon enough she'll either self-destruct or kill herself. Either way, it won't end well for her...

Charles' POV: Jade and I have this strong, sort of...connection. She's able to take magic from me, since I'm a vampire, and use it to draw extra power from without consuming dark magic, that way we can take down Nathaniel. I have to confess however, Nathaniel is my brother and I used to adore him as one, but with recent events and his up-session with breaking that curse he's gone mad. He kills recklessly, his emotions are turned off and have been off for some time now, I think it's been almost a century, unless they were on for a short period of time while I was asleep. That's besides the point, what matters now is destroying him. Me and Jade have found a way to do that! But she will have to use some sort of dark magic...

Jade's POV: In order for me to take down Nathan I'll have to use a special object that holds a great amount of dark magic. It's a glass hair comb. Used by my families entire legacy of practicing witches. Every witch that practiced magic throughout my family has put magic into that one hair comb, they believed it was sacred enough and unsuspicious for any human to suspect anything of it. They mainly shoved all their dark magic that they've ever used into the hair comb before they died so that they would not have a burden of dark magic keeping them from finding peace when they passed. I suppose there's a lot of dark magic inside it because, according to Charles, my family has a history throughout the generations of using so much dark magic that it nearly kills them! So the first witch to put dark magic into the comb casted a spell on it which created a barrier so that nobody could break it. However, it would running low on its indestructibility! So if I use this object to kill Nathan then I could possibly end up breaking the comb and either killing myself or actually being possessed by dark magic...