
I’m Bitten

In a world where supernaturals roam freely-ish, humans are just food and/or targets for the supernatural species. That was until Daniel found Jade. Or was it his brother? Who knew it would all start by a life or death ritual...

thrilling_romance · Fantasy
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66 Chs

Chapter 23: The Spell

Jade's POV: My heart started beating like crazy as soon as those words left Elizabeth's mouth. Nathan reaches into his jacket and pulled out a tube of blood, from his siblings I presume. He dumped one by one each of his four siblings and then Elizabeth said some sort of spell which I noticed boiled the blood, or binded it or something. Nathan held up the bowl and drank it within seconds. He held out his hand gesturing me to take it, I didn't want to seem moody or suspicious so I took his hand and he pulled me closer to him. He stroked the side of my face and said, "Don't worry sweetheart. I'll make it fast and painless." As his hand touched my cheek I whispered, "обвържи живота си с природата и живота, върни духа ми, когато умра." Nathan asked what I had said so I replied, "I asked if we can just get on with this already!" He nodded his head and walked behind me. Nathan wrapped his arms around me, titled my head to the side, and bit into my neck. He wasn't lying about the painless part, I hardly felt anything. After a moment I started feeling faint, I would've passed out if it wasn't for him holding me up. Everything started to blur and then the light went out...

Charles' POV: I watched Nathaniel drain the life out of Jade. It pained me to see, but if I tried to stop it then he'd only get angry and possibly rip her head off or something unfixable. After a few seconds Jade's eyes rolled to the back of her head and her body became lifeless. Nathaniel went to drop her but I was already one step ahead of him. I ran up and caught Jade just in time before she hit the ground. Daniel shortly followed. Nathaniel said that he felt a strange amount of power flow through his body, I told Nathaniel that we were all going back home. Audrey said she'd stay because she was riding with Nathaniel, but me, Daniel, and Elizabeth arrived home with Jade's body. We waited nearly and hour, but no movement or heartbeat, nothing. I started to panic! Elizabeth said that some people need more than an hour to resurrect, that it can take awhile sometimes. I didn't have awhile, I asked, "Elizabeth, is there anything that could've gone wrong with this?" She looked at me with wide eyes and answered, "Actually, something might've gone wrong. The spell Jade used binded her soul to nature and life, when she died her soul stayed there and nobody was able to reinsert her soul once she died. Jade's dead!" Panic overflowed my body and my voice changed to a more concerned and angered tone as I said, "Do something then! Resurrect her. I don't care if you have to suffer a minor headache in order to tap into dark magic and bring her back! Just do it. NOW!" Elizabeth ran back over to Jade's body, she put her hands over Jade's head and started a spell. I sat next to her, holding Jade's hand even though she couldn't feel it. A tear nearly drained my face as I watched Jade still not coming to life. I held it back however because no matter what happens, I can't be sad or angry. It's how life is and I can't change that. After nearly 20 minutes of Elizabeth chanting I felt Jade's hand twitch a little bit. She was alive!

Jade's POV: I felt like I'd been dragged to the deepest depth of hell! I could sense that my body was coming back to life, I know my spell failed, I felt it as I died, but that meant Elizabeth didn't! She resurrected me and in no better timing. I gasped for air for a few seconds and then I calmed down and looked around me. I said, "Thank you Elizabeth. I knew you wouldn't fail." Everyone furrowed their eyebrows when I said that so I continued with a sassy tone, "Is something wrong!" Before to long of everyone staring at me I realized, the dark magic I used for the spell was still inside of me. I'm still filled of it, dying didn't change that! Nathan walked in with Audrey trailing behind him and they both looked shocked and Nathan said, "How the hell is she alive? Elizabeth...what did you do?" I answered instead, "She resurrected me since my body preserving spell didn't quite work. Now you have what you want and I have what I want. You have your power and I have my life." Charles said, "Nathaniel, just let it go. Don't react so vile against this, you got what you wanted now leave it be!" I tilted my head and gave a sassy smile towards Nathan. He walked towards me until we were inches away from each other and he said, "I should kill you right now!" I glared and replied, "I'd love to see you try!" And I thought of a spell I'd seen yesterday which allows me to boil someone's blood. Only I didn't have to say anything for it to work, I just thought of it and...poof! I was staring at Nathan as he started to sweat, he asked what I was doing so I responded, "I'm making your blood boil. 200 degrees...400 degrees...500 degrees. Notice how hot your temperature is getting, this could kill someone you know!" Nathan started breathing heavily and replied, "I will rip your head off if you don't stop!" I smirked and slowly said, "Do it!" Sweat was dripping down his entire body, almost as if he was about to burst. I decided to stop and give him a break. I turned around and started to walk away, I knew Nathan was right behind me about to rip my head off when he stopped in his tracks. I turned around and said, "Do you feel that. It's your heart, trying to beat out of your chest. That will kill you! Little tip...don't threaten me!" Without any movement I simply snapped his neck with my mind! It's amazing how powerful one can be with dark magic on their side!

Daniel's POV: I looked over at Elizabeth who looked frightened, I've never seen her scared before, not even of Nathaniel. I whispered to her, "What's wrong?" Her shaky toned voice scared me when she said, "Jade's stronger than me!" My eyes bulged out of my head. Jade turned around to the both of us and said, "Of course I'm stronger than you! What did you expect, I'm not weak! And I certainly won't take shit from vampires anymore! Now if you'll excuse me I need to go home and see my sister." Jade walked right out of the house, opening and closing the door simply with one movement of her hand. I looked at Charles who had a smile on his face so I asked, "Why the hell are you smiling right now?" He answered, "Come on. That was totally badass! Plus, Nathaniel sort of deserved it. I like that Jade is showing her strong side, I always knew she had it in her. It's not the dark magic giving her this power, it's herself! Everything she's been hiding, she knows who she is and isn't afraid to show her bravery! I have to admire that!" I rolled my eyes and replied, "We have to fix her, as soon as possible. She can't live like this!" Charles looked confused and said, "Wait wait wait! Hold on. You want to change her? Personally I think she's great, dark magic or not, I like her either way brother!" Then he walked out of the house off to who knows where! I've had enough of this, I told Elizabeth that we can deal with this tomorrow. Until then, I'm going to bed...

Charles' POV: I left not knowing where I was going to go. That was, until I got an idea. I rang the doorbell and when the door opened I ran inside!

Jade's POV: Charles ran inside and picked me up, he spun me around and kissed me so I said, "How did I do? Did they believe me?" He smiled so big and replied, "They bought it!"