
Husband For Hire

Is it possible to hire a husband? Well yes. Olivia is the adopted daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Smith, the owners of Aermia, the top perfume producing company in the country. She has passion for everything else in the world except getting married and falling in love. But after seeing Jason, her long-time wish will finally come true, getting a fake husband. Jason and Olivia meet for the first time at a bar she visits often. Olivia overhears Jason’s conversation with a friend about his desperate need for a job. She introduces herself to him with a contract marriage proposal which he eventually accepts after thinking it through. "Hi, I'm Olivia." Olivia introduced herself as she waved her hand under his face. "What do you want from me?" Jason asked with a blank expression, still staring at his phone. "You need a job, don't you?" Olivia answered back with a question. "Were you listening to my conversation?" Jason finally looked at her as he arched his brow. "I didn't mean to but , yes." Olivia was trying her best to be polite and not ruin her plans. "Yes, I need a job. So, what is it you want?" Jason asked, sounding calm and irritated at the same time. "I have a nice offer you won't be able to resist," Olivia said looking more serious than ever. "And what could that be?" Jason asked, sounding more interested in the topic. "Marry me." There was no hint of un-seriousness in her voice. To find out what happens next, join in this journey of romance and passion. Note: The cover is not mine, all credit goes to the creative owner. This work is original and also fictional, feel free to tell me what you think about it. Instagram page: Colourful_ercy

colourful_ercy · Urban
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37 Chs


~The next morning ~

Few minutes after 7am in the morning, Jason and Olivia were still in bed, sleeping. Olivia is obviously still in a deep slumber but not Jason. After a short while, Olivia subconsciously rolled her body to the left side of the bed, forgetting that she was only to maintain the right side of the bed and that someone else was with her on the bed.

She was not used to sharing her bed with someone, she had always enjoyed sleeping alone on her enormous bed. Even when she had lots of sleepovers with Chloe, they would end up sleeping on the floor with sleeping bags.

After subconsciously rolling back and forth on the bed, one of her hands suddenly landed on something or rather someone, wrapping her hand around it, she tightened her grip as if wanting to snuggle whatever her hand came across. Like a child snuggling her favorite teddy bear, she hugged the object in her possession with both her hand and leg, trapping it between her body and the bed.

In Olivia's head, she was probably hugging the giant pillow on her bed but in reality, she was hugging Jason, her new room partner. Jason on the other hand didn't even realize any of what was happening at the moment on the bed, he was so deep in his thoughts that he didn't feel Olivia's arm and leg straddling him.

Minutes later, Olivia's eyelashes fluttered a little as she opened her eyes slowly. Upon opening her eyes, the first thing or rather first face she saw was that of Jason's. Her eyes widened at the sight of his face being so close to hers. After blinking multiple times and trying to regain her senses, she took a few deep breaths, still straddling him.

Slowly, she traced her gaze all through his face, starting from his closed eyes to his perfectly shaped nose and then to his slim, well -sculpted lips.

Suddenly, Jason's eyes flew open, causing Olivia to stiffen for a moment before pulling away from him swiftly.

"Ahem…..Good morning." She cleared her throat lightly before speaking.

"Morning." He replied, still staring at her

Olivia immediately switched from her lying position to sitting on the bed with her legs on the ground and her hands fixed by on the bed.

*Knock * Knock*

"Come in." She said, referring to the person behind the door.

"Good morning, Miss ….. to you too, Mister." The female worker greeted after entering the room, with a little bow of respect.

This particular female worker has been working in the Smith's mansion for quite a while and even because like Olivia's personal maid amongst other workers. She is always the one to clean up Olivia's room and help her with little things that are important.

Entering the room, she could not help but smile secretly, she was not used to seeing a man with Olivia in the room.

"You didn't go for your morning run today, so, I came to check if everything was okay." The worker said as she moved closer to the bed.

"Nothing is wrong, Sara . . . . I think I overslept or something." She replied, rubbing her forehead with her palm.

"Ohh…miss, that's so unusual of you, you never miss your routines." Sara commented, a bit surprised by what Olivia said.

"Yeah, I know." She said as she tucked some of her hair behind her ear.

"Never mind, I think I understand." Sara blurted out in a low voice but Olivia clearly heard what she said and so did Jason.

"Understand what?" Olivia asked her with a confusing but questioning look on her face .

"It's nothing, Miss." Sara immediately replied, shaking her head.

" . . ."Olivia said nothing but continued to stare at Sara, still giving her a questioning look.

"I'll come back to clean your room, please . . . excuse me." Sara informed me before leaving the room.

Jason clearly understood what was probably going on in Sara's head, anyone would think the same. Spending the night with your supposing boyfriend, on the same bed, behind closed doors and then waking up after missing your usual routine, with a tired look on your face. This made him wonder what Olivia must have done all through the night to look so exhausted in the morning.

"How naughty." Olivia said in a low voice as she realized what Sara must have thought of.

Jason remained on the bed, unmoved. He had a small smirk across his lips, not because he felt excited about thinking of what could have been going on in Sara's head but because of Olivia's late realization. After what seemed to be about three minutes, Olivia got off the bed and headed straight to the dressing room and later to the bathroom with a towel around her body, this time a longer towel. In no time, both Jason and Olivia had taken their baths and were fully dressed for the day. Later on, they were informed that it was time for breakfast and they went downstairs to join both Henry and Evelyn.

. . .

"Oh my, the new Mister sure is handsome." A voice said almost in a whisper.

"I know, look at him, he is such a hottie. Miss sure is lucky, I will kill just to have such a man in my life." Another voice said, it was obvious that whoever said that was definitely drooling for Jason at the moment.

The two young female workers kept on talking and daydreaming about Jason for a far distance, when another familiar voice interrupted their conversation.

"Have you two no shame, don't you know that's Miss Olivia's boyfriend?" The person said in a scolding manner.

"Well, I heard that Sir is not in support of their relationship, so …." The female worker could not finish her sentence because another voice interrupted.

"Enough with the gossip and get back to work." A masculine voice echoed in the background.

"Okay, Chef." The two girls said after giggling sheepishly.

Meanwhile, at the dining table….

The atmosphere at the table was very quiet, the only thing that could be heard was the sound of the cutlery when they had contact with the plate of food. In due time, both Henry and Jason were done with their breakfast, neither of them seemed to want to waste time on it.

"Since you are done eating, come with me to my study, I have something to give to you." Henry said as he stood from his chair, dropping his used napkin on the table.

"Okay." He replied shortly as he also stood from his chair.

Olivia took a quick glance at him and he did the same, but he was a bit quicker. She stared at the two of them as they made their way out of the dinning area, wondering what Henry would possibly want to give Jason.

"Relax, your dad is only taking him for a little while. Don't tell me you already miss him so soon?" Evelyn said teasingly.

"Mom!" Olivia said a little louder as her eyes widened in surprise.

"What, I'm not wrong, you kept on staring at him." Evelyn reminded, as she held in her laughter.

"I was staring at the two of them, not only Jason." She replied.

"Don't be so dramatic, it's not wrong to miss him, he is your husband after all." Evelyn continued to tease her daughter excitingly.

"Ahh…. the things you say." Olivia said as she went back to eating.

"What, I thought young people of these days had no shame when it comes to these things. Stop being so old already, it's normal to feel that way." Evelyn was definitely having fun teasing Olivia like that, she couldn't stop giggling and smiling.

"Mom, are you calling me old?" Olivia asked as she dropped her cutleries on the plate.

"Maybe, I don't know." Evelyn answered.

"When did mom become this cheeky, where is this even coming from?" She asked herself inwardly as she stared at Evelyn in disbelief.