
Hunter x Hunter : Marcus x Challenge

Reborn into Huge clan in Hunter x Hunter world, Marcus set himself on a challenge to become a Hunter and explore this world.

Cute_Melon · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Yorbian Continent

09 Yorbian Continent

'Beep.' - 6 unit

'Beep.' - 95 unit

'Beep.' - 23 unit

'Beep.' - 56 unit

'Beep.' - 87 unit

'Beep.' - 88 unit

'Beep.' -12 unit

After activating all his reiryoku cards, Marcus received a total of 367 unit reiatsu into his body.

As it was a sudden addition of reiryoku, Marcus felt the energies in his body were in chaotic state as he constantly released reiatsu carelesly. He immediately open Uruhara notes and practice the way to control them.

"Luckily, I don't throw it away." Marcus mumble as he was calming down the reiryoku in his body.

After some period of controlling his reiatsu, Marcus saw another thing that he never noticed before. As his reiryoku were only at 21 unit, the energies were never much felt by him. But now, when they were over 100 unit, Marcus finally saw that the reiryoku flowed on differently from his nen.

They were like two strings of energy which were moving toward the same flow but on the different passage. After practicing controlling his reiatsu, he found a way to merge them together on the same road when he released his reiatsu.

However, Marcus felt that he needed more training to control the merged energy as it always went out of control and separated after short periods.


After some training sessions, he went for a walk around the ship and finally returned to his room.

Five days later, Marcus arrived at Yorbian airport. Stepping on Yorbian Continent land, Marcus once again head a familiar sound.

Ignoring the challenge notifications, he walked out of the airport and went for a walk into the city.

A week later, Marcus felt that he had seen enough of the city. He reopen the notification and did some challenges. From farming, fishing, racing, fighting and others, Marcus enjoyed all his challenge that he had done. In short two months, Marcus manage to reek out 37 point before he decided to stop.

This was because, on his last day of the month, a new challenge had come to Marcus which caught his attention.


{A new challenge has been issued.}

{Swim to Dolle Harbor}

{Prize : 30 point}

Seeing the huge prize point, Marcus was tempted by the challenge. This challenge's prize was almost as same as challenge that he had done in this two months. Not only that, the harbor was one of the place that hold the registration to enter Hunter exam in half year time.

Yes, Marcus was in the year of 1998. He didn't know if it was his fate, but the reason of his missing the last hunter exam was quite absurd. Imagine, the whole island's people were forgetting about the exam including him. Until now, Marcus didn't understand how it had happened. Eventually he had to take the 187th exam in the same MC in this world story, Gon Freecss.

To be taking the same exam as main character, Marcus was wondering it he was fated to meet Gon in that way. To be honest, Marcus didn't want to get involved with Gon's hunt of his father and his other stuff. He was more interested to explore this HxH world and find a way to get back on his uncle for what he had done to his father.

Packing his stuff, Marcus sent all his important item to storage and left with small bag to be brought with him. Sitting in the train, Marcus decided to start a new lucky draw.

[LUCKY] click to start a lucky draw (49/40)

[SPECIAL] clicked to start a consecutive 40 lucky draw and win 1 special prize

Clicking on [Special], he started the lucky draw.


[Prizes had been received]

* Capsule Gravity Chamber (Special Prize)

* Solar Charger - 1set

* Capsule Battery - 3

* Skill Card - 3

* Reiryoku Card - 18

* Special Muggy Ball - 6

* Upgrade card - 9

Seeing his prizes, Marcus ignore the prizes that he already know and looked at the new one.

*Gravity Chamber

- A spaceship and training room from Capsule Corp.

- Multiply the weight inside chamber.

- Every weight will be double when the number was increased.

- 100x gravity is the current limit.

- Upgradable (200 upgrade card)

*Solar Charger

- A portable super charger

- Capsule Technology products

*Capsule Battery

- Contain High amount of energy

- Capsule Technology products

- Rechargeable

- Upgradable (2 upgrade card)

*Nunchaku Skill (Guy)

- Weapon skill mastered by Might Guy

*Medical Skill (Trafalgar)

- Medical Knowledge

- A skill of Pirate Surgeon

- Mastered by Trafalgar D Water Law

*Akatsuka Martial Art (Seigi)

- Akatsuka style ofJiujutsu

- Learnt and Used by Akatsuka Seigi

Seeing none of his new prizes related to his new challenge, Marcus close the inventory after taking out two upgrade card.

Marcus upgraded his storage slots and tossed his bag and all his stuffs into his storage.Then he went to sea shore and jumped into sea.


A few days later, Marcus returned to the shore.

"Restock. I need to restock. Huhh hhh hhh... Dammit, What am I thinking. It is a 30 point challenge. For sure it wasn't that easy to reach the next harbor. I'll die of hunger before I reached that harbor without enough supplies." Marcus left the seashore and walked toward town.

Not far from him, a oldman who was fishing looked towards Marcus while mumbling, "Isn't that was the guy who jump into sea a few days ago? He is alive? Kids nowadays... They really have strange hobbies."

The next day, Marcus returned to the shore after using two more upgrade card on his wristband. On his process of restocking, Marcus found that the slot only allowed 99 stack of a same items. So he after putting 99 box of fresh water and food rations, he discarded the rest to nearby alleyways.

As he already knew in the past when putting Muggy balls into his storage, Marcus found that cannot put unopen box and opened box in same slot. So he decided to upgrade four more space in his wristband so he can put his unfinished food aside from the unopen rations that he had.

Having all his preparation completed, he went again to the same seashore and jumped into the sea again.

"Here he go again." The old man said before yawning and continue fishing.