
Hunter x Hunter : Marcus x Challenge

Reborn into Huge clan in Hunter x Hunter world, Marcus set himself on a challenge to become a Hunter and explore this world.

Cute_Melon · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs


10 Waiting

It has been a month since Marcus started his challenge.

Sitting on an ice platform in the middle of the sea, he looked at his compass.

"Wew.. I guess this is also a good training while doing a challenge. Swimming against the currents is really a challenging thing to be done. Too bad the currents change only at night and those darn creatures are really cunning in the dark." Marcus mumble as he watched the sunrise.

Marcus remembered one of the night on his early days of swimming, he was suddenly attacked and swallowed by a huge fish in the middle of the night. To make it worse, the fish was eaten by another sea creature and he was taken deep into the sea floor in the belly of the belly of the sea creature.

It tooks a lot troubles from him to escape them. The creature had some resistance toward cold temperatures and also having a hard body to be cut down.

Not only that, even after escaping them, Marcus was almost died by the sudden pressure of the sea floor. Thanked to his quick reaction to frosted his surrounding water, the pressure was able to be alleviated and he quickly run to the surface.

Having a few more attacks after that night, Marcus finally decided to only swim only during days to have more vision of his surrounding.

After sun had rised, Marcus had his breakfast and jumped into the sea again. He swam towards Kukan'yu Kingdom direction.

One more month had passed.

After 2 month period of swimming, Marcus finally came across a ship. The ship captain was surprised by Marcus sudden appearance in the middle of the sea.

He wondered if Marcus was drifted away from a shipwreck. However, a shock came to him after seeing Marcus's action after he told him that they were a week away from Dolle Harbor.

The young man in front of him laughed happily after hearing his answered. He jumped back into sea and swam towards Dolle Harbor.

Seeing Marcus swam happily, the captain was baffled and no words came from his mouth.

Ten days later, Marcus arrived at the Dolle Harbor. The sailors around the harbor was shocked seeing him swimming from the middle of the sea.

The first person who found him was a sailor who was doing his usual job to guard a ship and checked the sea and its surrounding.

Seeing a person was swimming to his direction from the middle of the sea shocked him as he immediately report to his captain.

After an hour of waiting, Marcus arrived at the harbor and lay sleeping on the port without a care. The captain and his crewman was wondering where this young man coming from.

After Marcus woke up, he heard that his challenge was completed. Not only that, he also had to face a series of questions from the captain. After he explained that he was swimming from Yorbian Continent, his words had caused an uproar to the people at the harbor.

To Marcus's surprise, there was no challenge was issued when he reach the harbor. While he wasn't sure why it happened, Marcus didn't bother by it. For him, his current state had been more that he originally asked for. As a man who had been given strength that he asked for, he was always grateful of what he already had. Of course, he won't shy away if he received more.

After thanking the captain and his crewmen, Marcus left the harbor.


Marcus pressed the capsule and threw it. After the smoke fade away, a Capsule Corp spaceship appeared in front of him.

Entering the spaceship, Marcus found that it had a small room and some utility equipment and a large training room inside of it.

There was a computer to control the training room and a small instruction book on how to used it. Reading the instruction, Marcus tried to change the gravity to '2'.

Confirming his change, Marcus felt the weight of his body was increased. Feeling the effects, Marcus closed the function and walked from the room.He checked other equipment and estimated that the chamber can be used to its fully functional at three months per full battery that he had. Not only that, the battery only need two weeks of charging period to its full capacity.

After he was done with the calculation, Marcus exit the spaceship and turn it back into a capsule bottle.

Then, Marcus walked out from the woods and went into the city. He rent himself a huge hall for six months and set up the training chamber there.

Marcus stared his daily training again and waited for the Hunter exam to come.



(A/N : G is the Gravity's unit)

Sitting in the gravity chamber, Marcus opened his stats.

[Rox D Marcus]

*Talent : Hatake Kakashi (hide)


- Nen : 9,370 unit

- Reiryoku : 1,266 unit


- Cooking

- Martial Art

- Flicking

- Shunpo

- Shundo

- Nunchaku

*Item (Inventory)

- Skill card (Medic)

- Skill card (Akatsuka Martial art)

- Upgrade card - 8

- Baretta 92 - 1

- Special Muggy Ball - 6

[LUCKY] click to start a lucky draw - 49

[SPECIAL] clicked to start a consecutive 60 lucky draw and win 1 special prize (49/60)

"As expected. No matter how much I had tried, my reiryoku won't increase unless I use reiryoku card. There should be a specific techniques to train it but I fail to find it. Or it just me who just can't learn it.

The exam is going to be around next half month. I should go and retrieve my weapon." Marcus said as he stood up and close the gravity function.

Closing all the function in the spaceship, Marcus turned it back into capsule bottle and sent it into storage. As big as capsule was, It had occupied two of space slots and was directly counted as 99 in both slots.

Marcus walked out of the hall and walk into the city. Walking into an alleyways, he enter a blacksmith store.

"Yo big bro. You are here." a 12 years old boy greeted Marcus as soon as he entered the store.

"It's you again, Booby. Where's your father?" Marcus asked as he took out an apple and tossed it to Bobby.

Bobby smiled as he caught the apple. After taking a bite, he answered Marcus. "Father had gone out for a meeting. He had left your order to me. Wait, I'll get them for you."

Bobby left Marcus and entered the door behind him. Not long after that, he returned with a box on its hand.

"Father kept on complaining as he making this items. He was always mumbling why would you need those holes for. He said it's hard to maintain their weight while creating those holes."

Bobby put the box on the table and opened it. A pair of rods were seen inside it. Both of them were filled with some small and bigger holes.