
Hunter x Hunter : Marcus x Challenge

Reborn into Huge clan in Hunter x Hunter world, Marcus set himself on a challenge to become a Hunter and explore this world.

Cute_Melon · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

08 Special prize

08 Special Prize

After winning the tournament, two notification bell at the same time. It turn out, not only Marcus complete the money challenge, he also become one of the famous master chef in the Union as the competition was broadcast to the whole Union.

Marcus never thought that he can become famous master through cooking. The truth was, he never had time to do a study about what kind of master exist on the island as he was too focus on money challenge. Not to say, the tournament was taking a long time and many rounds to reach the final match.

So the completion of Master challenge was totally unexpected.

Either way, Marcus parted away with Alice after receiving his prize money.

Opening his stats , Marcus looked straight at the Lucky box.

[LUCKY] click to start a lucky draw (32)

[SPECIAL] clicked to start a consecutive 20 lucky draw and win 1 special prize.(32/20)

Without a doubt, Marcus immediately click on the [SPECIAL] box.


[Prizes had been received]

* Space Wristband {Special Prize}

* Special Muggy Balls (Box) - 9

* Upgrade card - 3

* Skill card - 1

* Reiryoku card - 7

* Baretta 92

(A/N : 1box=10 Special Muggy Balls)

Marcus took out storage tools description to see its uses.

*Space wristband

- 10 slot of storage space.

- Store and retrieve item.

- Upgradable

Seeing the uses of the wristband, Marcus glad that he finally have separate space to store his items. His system Inventory cannot restore the items after they were materialised which means, he need to carry out any item he took out from the system.

In his bag, the Muggy balls occupied 1/5 of the space that he had. Receiving items from the system was great, but to store them and brought them with him every time was burdensome.

While the storage had only ten slot, at least it is better than putting them all in his bag. After clicking on the storage tools, it materialised in front of him in a shape of wristband.

When Marcus wore the wristband on his left hand, it shone brightly. When it fade, he saw the wristband was gone and left with a tattoo look like a wristband. Staring at the tattoo, Marcus can feel the connection and saw the 10 slot space within his arm.

He pick up a Muggy ball box and put it on the tattoo and command for it to be stored. Them after it e box disappeared and Marcus can see that it was stored. He picked another box and store it again. This time he kept some distance from the box and tried to understand how much the range it need to store the item. And the answer come out as the item need to be at most one feet from the tattoo to be store.

Another thing was, Marcus saw that only a small number was shown next to Muggy balls when he store the second one. Marcus understood that the same item can be stacked at the same space. He took out all his Muggy Balls and store them.

After storing the Muggy balls, Marcus got another idea. He put down his bag and tried store it into the space. Unfortunately, the storage somehow rejected this idea and separate the item and then rejected the remaining item after it was filled.

Seeing the effect, Marcus took the bag out again and store the remaining item into the bag including the separated items in his storage.


Finished with the storage, Marcus looked back on his remaining prizes and their description.

*Skill Card [Shunpo]

- Advance Fast Movement (Hoho) skill.

- Learnt and used by Kuchiki Byakuya.

*Upgrade card

- Upgrade an Item

*Reiryoku Card

- Increase the amount of Reiryoku

- Each card provide random amount of Reiryoku between 1 to 100 to host.

*Baretta 92

- Made in Italy


Marcus open his stats

[Rox D Marcus]

*Talent : Hatake Kakashi


- Nen : 1,810 unit

- Reiryoku : 21 unit


- Cooking

- Martial Art

- Flicking

- Shundo

*Item (Inventory)

- Skill card (Shunpo)

- Upgrade card - 3

- Reiryoku card - 7

- Baretta 92

[LUCKY] click to start a lucky draw (12)

[SPECIAL] clicked to start a consecutive 40 lucky draw and win 1 special prize.(12/40)

* *

With his low amount of Reiryoku, Marcus once wanted to just forget it and throw it away from his practice. Even with his new cards, Marcus felt that they didn't have any useful effect for him as he didn't have any skill to utilise it. He didn't have Zanpakuto nor Kido spell to be used. Once again, Reiryoku was set aside by him

Marcus took out the upgrade card and tried it on Muggy Ball.

"Um? I can't just upgrade anything? Or it can't upgrade the item that given by system?" Marcus said as he took out an item from his inventory.

Marcus put the card on top of the Baretta 92F and the card beeped.

(Upgrade the Item? Yes/No) a note appeared on the card after the beep.

"So the Muggy Ball is just a non upgradable item." Marcus pressed 'No' and put down the pistol.

Then he took out a kitchen knife and tried the card again. It turned out that the knife was also upgradable item. Marcus was happy knowing that he can upgrade the item that were not coming from the system. He went on and tried it on different item to confirm his thoughts.

"Hmmm, I still didn't understand how the card judge whether the item is upgradable or not. Whatever, I'll just use it on something I can. I don't need to know everything which not that important. If it can be upgraded then I'll upgrade. If it's not, then I won't. For now let's tried it on the storage slot.

After using the upgrade card, the storage slots increased by 2. Deciding to save up the upgrade card. He didn't take them out of his inventory.

Keeping the pistol in the storage, he took out the last prize that he had. Marcus activated the skill card and learned Shunpo.

After some practice, Marcus instantly understood how it work as he already practice a set of movement skill.

"It's better than my Shundo. Using reiatsu as amplifier, my speed was increased greatly. This Shunpo was more like extension of my Shundo. And finally, my reiatsu can be some use." Practicing Shunpo, Marcus analysed his new skill.

Seeing his Shunpo need reiatsu to be used, Marcus changed his mind and immediately took out his reiryoku cards.

No Zanpakuto will exist in this story.

Cute_Meloncreators' thoughts