
Hunter x Hunter : Marcus x Challenge

Reborn into Huge clan in Hunter x Hunter world, Marcus set himself on a challenge to become a Hunter and explore this world.

Cute_Melon · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Wrong test

16 Wrong test

While Marcus was preparing his sushi...


Menchi threw out the strange looking dish in front of her.

"What the hell with this strange looking dish. Is this even edible? Sushi shape is important." Menchi shouted to the Leorio who served him the dish.

Hearing Menchi words, the participants went on shaping their sushi.

"My turn." Gon stepped forward and presented his 'sushi'.

Seeing a riceball with a whole fish inside, Menchi threw it out.

"No different from #403."

Σ(°△°|||)_!! Gon was shocked.



"Can you tried a bit better?"

Menchi kept on throwing plates, one after another.

"Oh, this one looks more like a sushi." When a plate was presented in front of her, the series of 'NO' stopped.

She raised up and looked towards a baldy who was standing in front of her confidently.

She took the sushi from the plate and bit it.

"Nope. This doesn't taste good. Fail." Menchi gave her judgement.

"What? How can? Sushi is....." The baldy kept on rattling how sushi was supposed to be made.

".... and why that was a fail?" He finished his explanation and asked.

"Of course that was sushi." The surrounding participants whispered as if they knew how to make it.

"Why that's a fail? Are you kidding me? It's said to make a good sushi, it takes more than 10 years of training. Your was too amateur. Too lacking. It didn't taste good at all." Menchi shouted in front of him.

"Then why are you asking us amateurs to make it?" The baldy asked.

"Shut up or I'll kill you! Anyways you fail. Next." Menchi ignored the question and asked for the next participants.

Buhara who stood behind her frowned as he saw Menchi's attitude.

"Tch, so much for exploring new domain." Hearing the shouts from far, Marcus twitched as he was making the sushi.

"It tastes bad. Fail!"

"The rice is still raw. Fail!"

"Why is there blood in this sushi? No!"

"Overcooked rice. Fail!"





After being spoiled by a baldy, everyone 'knew' what sushi should be. However, as they present it for Menchi, she immediately failed them after spitting the small bite that she take for tasting.

Then another plate came in front of her.

"Hmm. This one looks different." She raised up her head to look towards the contestant who presented it.

Marcus stood calmly while waiting for her evaluation.

"It's you." Menchi spoke.

"Yeah, it's me. Please evaluate fast. There are a lot of people in the queue." Marcus answered and urges her to evaluate.

"Tch. I want to see what made you so confident." Menchi reach out for the sushi with her chopsticks and put it into her mouth.

Menchi : (⊙ˍ⊙)

As soon as she eat it, she can feel the fresh taste if a fish alongside with the combination of rice and a paste in the middle of it.

What made her felt amazing was the paste in the middle of the sushi. It was made to have its own taste without reducing the fragrant of the rice or the great taste of the fish itself. Not only that, it was made to combine all the ingredient to have a unique taste for the sushi itself.

"It.... tastes good. No, it's amazing. Pass!" Menchi passed Marcus as her hand move towards the remaining sushi on the plate.

Before the chopsticks able to grab on the sushi, Marcus had pull the plate out of her range.

"This is not for you." Marcus said as he walked away from Menchi.

He walked pass her and extended his the plate towards Buhara. "For you."

Without taking Menchi's feelings about it, Buhara immediately threw it into his mouth.

Seeing Buhara happy face, Menchi twitched as she continued with her next evaluation. The series of "Fail!" continued.

A few minutes later.

"The second phase is over."

Menchi decided to end her test after evaluate everyone.

As soon as she made a decision, a phone call was ringing.

Looking at the caller, she picked up the phone call.

"What? No!"


The calm Menchi became an unruly girl as soon as the conversation started. She was told to take back her decision about failing almost all the contestants.

"No way! I won't back on my words." Menchi crashed the phone with her feet.

She looked towards the crowds and said, "I'll announce the results of second phase. The number of contestants who pass this second phase is only one."


"Seriously, it just ends like that?"

"No way!"

The crowds were full of exclamation.

"Screw this!" A man slammed his fist on the table and destroyed it.

Then he exclaimed that he was coming to be a blacklist hunter not a gourmet.

"You are out of luck then. Try again next year." Menchi dismissed him without care.

Feeling insulted, the man was unable to contain his anger and attacked her.

Buhara stepped forward and slam him away.

"Busybody!" Menchi commented on Buhara.

"But Menchi, he would be dead body if I let you deal with him." Buhara commented.

"Tch." Menchi stood up from her couch and explained what it was to be a gourmet hunter and the challenges that they had to face during their quest.

All in all, she was just saying that any hunter must have fighting strength to become either Gourmet Hunter or Blacklist Hunter.

"That why said it was ridiculous test." A voice chided from the side.

"If a gourmet hunter task was to hunt ingredients on unknown terrain, you should test us about that. Why bother to ask us to cook. Taking challenges in unknown domains? What cooking challenge would have anything to do with being a hunter. I almost mistook this exam for the Chef license instead of Hunter." Marcus who was sitting at one side threw some comments.

"Shut up! Or I'll disqualified you from the test." Menchi turned towards Marcus.

"Heehh.. Who was just now exclaiming that she wouldn't take back her words. You had already passed me a while ago. Taking back that decision?" Marcus sitting on the chair as if he didn't bother with whatever her decision was going to be.

Menchi's body shook as she looked towards Marcus with knives in her hands.

"That is a nice argument." A voice came from the sky.