
Hunter x Hunter : Marcus x Challenge

Reborn into Huge clan in Hunter x Hunter world, Marcus set himself on a challenge to become a Hunter and explore this world.

Cute_Melon · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs


15 Ridiculous

Marcus reached the end point of Phase 1 using his En to search for the path. After Satotz announced the end of the first phase, he left Phase 1 of the exam had left up with less than 100 people.

Marcus didn't know if the butterfly effect of his existence had caused this, as he was quite sure it should be more than 100.

The examinees were left hanging out for hours before Menchi and her partner Buhara arrived at lunch time.

"We are the judge for the second phase." Sitting on a couch, Menchi announced who they were.

"The theme of this phase is cooking." Menchi said with a smile.

"Cooking?" Some of the contestants were surprised with the new theme, while some didn't even care.

"We are gourmet hunters. Make something that satisfies us. Buhara you go first." Menchi told them how the second phase would be.

Buhara stepped forward and said. "First round. For me it would be roast pork. The food I like the most. I don't care what kind of pork. As long as you found it in Biske Woods."

Hearing the menu, the contestants immediately run to find pork to be cooked. It didn't take much before they found the only pigs that lived in the Biske Wood and their weakness.

Nonetheless, Buhara ate any kind of roast pork they threw to him without caring about their taste. The first round of the second phase had reduced only a small amount of contestants that failed to catch the pig.

Announcing the end of the first round, Menchi stood up from the couch and told them her request for the second round.

"Sushi" Menchi said her choice of menu and told them the same rule as Buhara to find them only in Biske Wood.

Hearing the word {Sushi}, Marcus's eyes squinted. People around him also seemed to be bothered by Menchi's choice of food.

Seeing they were bothered, Mechi gave them some clues about sushi and provided them with a huge set of kitchens for the task.

Even after having the clue, they still didn't know to do as they never make sushi before. It was after Leorio spoiled the main ingredient for the sushi, they immediately ran to find fish.

Marcus ignored everyone's movements leaving him standing on the same spot as he kept on staring towards Menchi.

Noticing the single person who was not moving and staring at her, Menchi turned to Marcus and asked, "You are not going?"

"I just want to ask a question." Marcus said calmly.

"Oh, what was that?" Menchi asked again.

"Is this phase the last before we can have the hunter license?" Marcus asked.

Menchi was confused by the question.

"No. There should be more phases after this. Why would you ask that?" She asked back as soon as she answered.

"Nothing much. I just felt that this task was very ridiculous. Especially when it was conducted by you for the Hunter exam."

"Owh really? Why would you say that?" Menchi asked seriously.

"Two reasons. First, unlike the Great Stump Pig, there should be varieties of fish in this wood. While the hardship to hunt those aggressive pigs could be the true test for the first round, this second round had no value if we could use any kind of fish in this wood." Marcus spoke his thoughts.

"And the second reason is?"

"The second reason is the main reason I said this round was very ridiculous.

You limit us to find fish on the woods while sushi usually made of saltwater fish. Asking for freshwater fish which are not suitable for sushi will require a very delicate and high level technique to pull it off especially the scents and the bacteria.

Not to say, most of them didn't even know what sushi was. Even if you provided them with the saltwater fish, I highly doubt any amateur cook will satisfy your pallets as a gourmet. It is as if you don't want anyone to pass this phase and end the exam." Marcus explanations made Menchi stunted.

Seeing Menchi didn't speak a word, Marcus turned and left her and Buhara.

"Well good for me though. I might be the only person who passes this round." Marcus spoke his thoughts as he left.


A few minutes later, the contestants returned with their own fish to make sushi.

Standing in front of the utensils that were provided by Menchi, Marcus made his preparation for making sushi. After taking out the fish guts, cleaning off the inner part of the fish and peeling off the skin, Marcus cut up the portion that he needed for the sushi.

Holding the portion of the fish, Marcus channeled his nen into the fish and used his nen to chill fish to deactivate the bacteria and clean them off internally afterwards.

Having the skill of a great cook somehow made Marcus against the idea of serving contaminated food even though he could guess that a hunter, especially gourmet hunter like Menchi would have a stronger body to resist them. Without he realised it, the process took him a few minutes, to take out the bacteria.

On the other side, Menchi had started to evaluate the sushi that was served to her.

Realising that he had taken too much time on cleaning process, Marcus immediately started making the sushi for his presentation.

(A/N : change of paraphrase.)

Examiner -> Judge

Examinees -> Contestants